So, crossbows, basically?
crossbows will be called "open barreled spearguns"
So, crossbows, basically?
I think it's a big problem if they are actually world drops (which was mentioned at Blizzcon). That would mean that to increase my character's power when raiding I need to be out killing boars all the time
Yeah that's my worry too. Some of them are a bit of game changers. If they were flavourful or added minor increases (then again, you know how min-maxers are...) that'd be fine.
That Spirit Raptor glyph in Legion kinda makes me want to make a Troll Shaman.
Quivers for hunters again!!
I don't know. Looks like a special event drop to me. A la Core Hound.It certainly seems cool enough to be a mythic drop, which means I will never have it.
So basically Beastmaster is getting a quiver in Legion? And leveling hunters too I guess, which is cool. I'd gladly swap a cloak for a quiver on my hunter. It would be nice if back item changed based on the ranged weapon being used. I guess a quiver would work for crossbows as well but it would be cool to have a bandolier, gunpowder horn or ammo satchel for rifles.
Look at all these items that become toys in Legion.
I've thrown most of those away over the years, annoyingly.
Look at all these items that become toys in Legion.
I've thrown most of those away over the years, annoyingly.
I don't know. Looks like a special event drop to me. A la Core Hound.
I would think Marksman is getting a quiver. All the BM weapons are guns and I imagine the quiver will be tied to the artifact if I had to guess.
today (?) is going to be interesting. this is the first quarterly report where we don't get wow sub numbers.
Not sure if it's been discussed already but any one know what type of armor the demon hunters will use? Cloth, mail, leather, or plate?
they have been saying summer for a long time now, this should not be a surprise
I have been trying to do the Celestial Tournament for weeks and I got to the four Celestial pets and how do you beat these guys??? Looking for any tips, I have a massive amount of lvl 25 pets including most of the good ones like Anubisath Idol, Chrominius, Unborn Val'kyr, Darkmoon Tonk etc
And is there any way to heal up your pets through some exploit? Even with an army of lvl 25s its still real annoying.
Look at all the free time we'll have for activities!
Corrupted Dreadwing
WoD flying
1 Horde garrison making bank
Level a hunter
Level a warlock
1 Alliance garrison making bank
Finish WotLK Loremaster
Cata Loremaster
MoP Loremaster - Ding title
Maybe start raiding and get my Moose
Legion's out!
Random aside, Overwatch is going to be such a legitimately toxic game if it's six vs six.
Managed to snag an Armored Razorback and a Medallion of the Legion from a single Doomroller kill on my recently leveled Mage. Feels good.
Congrats! No alpha for me. Blizzard must be upset with me after I ignored the last few beta tests they sent me. :|A friend just got Alpha access a couple of hours ago, so I guess a new wave went out.
Edit: Mine is this right now, I don't remember WoW5 before. Is that Alpha?
Edit2: Couldn't wait to get home and check, so installed the bnet launcher on my work PC. Kinda naughty, BUT!
I'm very stupid and have done most of that. I only have one level 100 but I have like 16,000 achievement points. I'm close to getting Ahead of the Curve HFC but I recently got all exalted forthe four Steamwheedle Cartel groups for Insane in the Membrane
Don't cry for me, I'm already dead
Edit2: Couldn't wait to get home and check, so installed the bnet launcher on my work PC. Kinda naughty, BUT!
A friend just got Alpha access a couple of hours ago, so I guess a new wave went out.
Edit: Mine is this right now, I don't remember WoW5 before. Is that Alpha?
Edit2: Couldn't wait to get home and check, so installed the bnet launcher on my work PC. Kinda naughty, BUT!
No Overwatch and no Legion Alpha.