I don't really understand grinding towards flying and then un-subbing. I mean I get that it's a goal of yours but it's usually a goal to enable faster leveling for alts because they have flying.
I don't really understand grinding towards flying and then un-subbing. I mean I get that it's a goal of yours but it's usually a goal to enable faster leveling for alts because they have flying.
If a mission has a 90% chance or greater, boats will not be destroyed.Do boats even have a chance to sink anymore on mission failure? Hasn't happened to me in a long time. Good riddance
Do boats even have a chance to sink anymore on mission failure? Hasn't happened to me in a long time. Good riddance
Has Blizzard commented on leveling a second artifact if you change specs? Like, how easy or hard it might be to do another one? I'm wondering if it would be better to just make a whole new character in a case like that, depending on what powering up a second one will be like.
Killed Mythic Gorefiend tonight!
I am basically being carried by a group of people that are 13/13M on their alts and stuff
They said there is a catch up mechanic for your other specs, but not implemented yet and not talked about. Most think it'll be like you get a percentage of the power that you get on your main spec given to your off spec artifact.
grats... our guild has been stuck on that asshole for 2 months
Finally get some time to progress my hunters legendary ring quest. Queue for Auchindon and get to the part with the Teron'gor cutscene, since it's my first time in there I watch the cut scene.
Get booted from the dungeon for watching the cut scene.
Now I've got to wait a day to requeue for that dungeon, I hate pugs...
Why are you trying to watch a cutscene in a heroic dungeon run for your ring quest at this point in the expansion? Everyone is just doing speedruns for inn quests/dailies and valor.
Having cutscenes in dungeons is such a terrible idea.
Worgen get a cat form update before a worgen form update. =p
Worgen get a cat form update before a worgen form update. =p
I still don't understand how they also don't get "wolf form" instead of cat form, with the abilities just slightly renamed.
It's a human that turns into a wolf that turns into a cat. That's silly.
Thing is, I can kinda see why cutscenes in dungeons can be cool, but when you design content to eventually be trivalized and run at speed, it just completely clashes with that. It's like when I did Praetorium in FFXIV and if I didn't instantly skip the gazillion story heavy cutscenes I'd be left behind or kicked. I could watch the cutscenes later, sure, but it just made the dungeon very confusing.
Frozendekay's planning to farm Garrosh for 13-14 hours straight, having just started five minutes ago. EU Horde is where you'll find our tusk farming group!
Having cutscenes in dungeons is such a terrible idea.
Says right there that it's his/her first time in the dungeon. Don't blame him/her at all for wanting to watch it.
You'd hate FF14. Every dungeon has at least one cutscene and while they are skipable, a group is barred from moving forward or removing someone who chooses to hold up the group watching.
Isles of Giants is more crowded now than it ever was. This is silly. It's one zone that really doesn't need CRZ.
I missed most of must, why are people there now? Mount?
Crazier than a cow turning into a cat?
Super easy to grind for the 9999 bones now for the white raptor, yeah.
Ah OK. That's what I figured. People are just bored I would guess, trying to find anything to do for the next few months
Yep. Can't blame them, I'm doing the same. But what I can blame is overuse of CRZ.![]()
Thanks for the reminder...something else I need to farm. Add me to the issue!
It's a heroic dungeon pug this late in the expansion, people doing heroic speed runs aren't going to have much patience for anything.
I haven't watched a single cutscene in any dungeon in WoD yet and probably won't until I solo them because I came to that part of the game late. I like lore, I want to watch them but I know that I can't in a pug. I know that people will be impatient assholes and kick you if you drag your feet or don't perform well enough. You're not a guildmate, you're probably not from the same server, you're just some random dps they can kick and replace in seconds.
Sadly all true, my own fault really for expecting a little consideration from 4 other people in game. I should have realized it wasn't going to happen and rushed through excusing any bad behavior as "expected since I'm getting in the way of others"
my guilds not very active anymore so I might just pack it in until legion, play that new content until I get bored then unsub again.
Ugh, I'm the recruitment officer for my guild and we're struggling big time with recruitment. We're a heroic guild that only raids once a week but we do pretty well with that (have only done heroic 3 nights and we've been 6/13 the last two times). So many players want to do mythic, even if they don't have the item level for it.
Is anyone else in a heroic-only guild or are y'all just mythic? How do you go about recruiting people?
My server is sparce on people capable to raid at a high level so we're always struggling to find raiders. We're basically running a skeleton crew, and as there are already 3 guilds on the server that kill mythic archimonde, we would be the 4th when he actually dies, the pool of players is sometimes disappointing. We get a few severely undergeared players or some with no experience applying but we just can't take them. Even going off server it's been hard. The guild leader does offer server transfers for people if they find anyone off server. It's rough but we're hoping that the archimonde kill will bring more recruits.
Are you Horde on Proudmoore?
People being complete mutes or dicks in pugs has pretty much been the norm for normal and heroic Draenor dungeons in my experience. I don't want to pug for Mythic dungeons based off of my experience with Heroics in WoD and the idea of LFR kinda scares me. Leveling has the occasional toxic group but for the most part people have been friendlier, more likely to chat and more likely to re-group on a dungeon clear in leveling versus WoD. I'm always thankful for those pleasant groups. WoD dungeon groups have been one and done affairs across the board.
I imagine everyone would grow to loathe playing in dungeons or pugging because of that. Who wants to watch the same cutscene ten, twenty, fifty times over?
Since we're both on Dalaran, if you're looking for someone to do those things with I'd be happy to join you. I haven't done any current dungeons or raids so it's all new to me but it's something I'd like to start doing.
Not really and that's the beauty. If there are four people in group (side note, a standard dungeon party in FF14 is four people) and one wants to watch, that's fine. I press escape and skip the cutscene. The party spawns inside a barrier that no one can cross until everyone is out of the cutscene and loaded into the formal dungeon. While that one person is watching (they are never more than a few seconds long with only a few exceptions), we can chat for a moment, list out instructions and get buffs up.