So with the new transmog system they mentioned that they will add old items that might have been deleted or removed.
What item are you most looking forward to see again?
Myself can't wait to get Soul Harvester. Need it to perfect my Warlock Mog Build.
Also, officially at 100+ Yogg kills as of today, yet to see a mount.
Fun stuff. -_-
If I finish Val'anyr at the rate of one fragment a week before getting Mim's Head I don't even.
I really hope they add the new transmog system soon. My bags are getting full!
So with the new transmog system they mentioned that they will add old items that might have been deleted or removed.
Do you have a source for that? Already mentioned, but I'd like to see the Corrupted Ashbringer. And no, the Legion skin is not exact. BlizzCon, it was announced that all eligible rewards from quests you'd previously completed would automatically be added to your Wardrobe collection. As many older quests are not spec-specific, plate wearers are at an advantage when it comes to unlocking rewards currently--perhaps this will be fixed in a future alpha patch.
Do you have a source for that? Already mentioned, but I'd like to see the Corrupted Ashbringer. And no, the Legion skin is not exact.
Hopefully they re-add Benediction & the old bow. Sucks that such iconic looking items got removed, while Quel'serrar (something I still have) got a second life in Wrath Ony.
It's really not that big of a deal to rebuy them for most people. If you're starting fresh, or somewhat new - like you are, I understand, but for most in this thread gold (and therefore resources) are not an issue.I really wish garrison building plans were account-wide. You'd still have the gold and resource cost associated with making and upgrading buildings but would have access to all of the plans. It would make the whole process a little more alt-friendly and less tedious.
Most people just have things set to auto-accept in my experience.I'm having a hell of a time pugging for blue bar quests as a a dps. I don't understand why people are being so precious about just grouping up to kill shit quickly. Think I'll re-add Resto as a secondary spec and see how much easier it is to queue as a healer.
It's like you're wishing for a speed up mechanic for garrison glory. Take some time and get at least one set up properly and I promise you these petty worries will be gone, and all subsequent garrisons will have a much, much easier time.It would make garrisons more alt friendly, but whatever.
I'm having a hell of a time pugging for blue bar quests as a a dps. I don't understand why people are being so precious about just grouping up to kill shit quickly. Think I'll re-add Resto as a secondary spec and see how much easier it is to queue as a healer.
First of all, the fishing shack and pet menagerie do nothing for income...nor do quests from the inn. Which quests are you trying to get to?I have been taking time getting this Shaman's garrison set-up, everything but the inn, fishing shack and pet menagerie (and shipyard) are level 3. I just can't speed up the inn's quests or force ones I haven't already completed to appear.
First of all, the fishing shack and pet menagerie do nothing for income...nor do quests from the inn. Which quests are you trying to get to?
You need to focus on getting Harrison Jones, a level 2 inn and 10+ treasure hunters as quickly as possible. Level up Harrison as soon as you can because he makes everyone in his party his level/ilvl.
Edit: to comment on your edit...if you have almost all 660+ followers, get your inn to level 2 and you should have an easy time making decent gold.
Rumors been going around of the next minor patch adding another 2 levels of valor upgrades.
Thoughts? Infrastructure
Client support for infrastructure changes, including some memory optimizations.
The next patch is going up on the PTR, these are the entire patch notes:
If they were gonna do it, it'd be with this patch. Or they may not even need a patch to do it.
ilvl requirements from bullshit groups in custom will go up even higher?
Rumors been going around of the next minor patch adding another 2 levels of valor upgrades.
It's crazy to think regular shutdowns are still a thing, I played some GW2 while away from WoW for a few years and their system is just so much better in every way, the servers never go down and they constantly merge whenever a cluster gets low pop so the game constantly feels alive and full. I just fancied a bit of WoW and saw the notice, luckily I managed to get my Tanaan dailies done in complete peace so I won't have to worry about them tomorrow. 4 more days!
Wasn't WoD release time pretty bad?WoW hasn't had "regular" shutdowns in like 4 years, we rarely see server maintenance anymore.
Gotcha...and yeah, forgot about that inn achievement that's needed.Completing ten quests from the inn gives you the "Stay awhile and listen" achievement which is what the level 3 inn upgrade is locked behind which unlocks treasure hunter missions. The fishing shack and pet menagerie are just things to do, I want to get every building in my garrison to 3, buy all of the plans, work on a few monuments, etc.
Already have the inn to 2 and have been steadily recruiting followers with the treasure hunter trait, leveling and gearing them up, also working on getting Harrison. I'm mostly just waiting on timegates and rng for the rest to finally fall into place.
Wasn't WoD release time pretty bad?
Rumors been going around of the next minor patch adding another 2 levels of valor upgrades.
Rumors been going around of the next minor patch adding another 2 levels of valor upgrades.
Gives be something to spend all my valor on I guess. Right now it's just accumulating.
Fully upgraded ring?
Easiest thing they could do is dump a high-cost unused mount or two on the Valor vendor. There are shitloads they could use.
I tell you what, WoD has the worst mount variety of any expansion. Lots of mounts from different sources, but they're all one of five species (several of which are just "savage" versions of what we already had).
I tell you what, WoD has the worst mount variety of any expansion. Lots of mounts from different sources, but they're all one of five species (several of which are just "savage" versions of what we already had).
I tell you what, WoD has the worst mount variety of any expansion. Lots of mounts from different sources, but they're all one of five species (several of which are just "savage" versions of what we already had).
I thought we were supposed to get dragonflies as mounts. Did I dream them or was there concept art?
I'm with you on that. Nothing moderately interesting at all except for the Blackhand/Archimonde mounts & the new achievement rewards.
I'm with you on that. Nothing moderately interesting at all except for the Blackhand/Archimonde mounts & the new achievement rewards.
I have some hope for legion mounts. The collectors edition one is sweet
The Gronnlings mounts are cool. A bit too big maybe, but it's unique.