light feather
fish oil
soul shards
teleportation runes
portal runes
what else am i missing
Flash powder.
light feather
fish oil
soul shards
teleportation runes
portal runes
what else am i missing
Or rumble in the jungle + a very short time with a decent group farming cats.You only need Revered for Tanaan Diplomat, for some reason I got it into my head that I needed Exalted with Order of the Awakened, Vol'Jin's Headhunters and the Saberstalkers. I have Revered with Order and Vol'Jin's, and I'm just 5040 rep points away from Revered with the Saberstalkers. So that's one weekly and three Medallions (trade post boost) away from Draenor Flying?
light feather
fish oil
soul shards
teleportation runes
portal runes
what else am i missing
didnt infernals and doomguard also need special ruens
didnt infernals and doomguard also need special ruens
Infernal Stones for Infernals.
I forget what doomguards required, besides the death of a party member (or the warlock)
Ah yes, the old Demonic Figurine
I remember summoning the Doomguard had a chance to kill the Warlock thus leaving the Doomguard to attack the Warlock's party.
I remember leveling my first main toon, Shaman, as Enhance in BC and when I hit 40 and got Shamanistic Rage... oh man I didn't have to drink in between pulls as much anymore! It would proc mana restore or something silly lol, but at the time it was amazing. That shit would be bullshit if the game came out today, but it was fun as hell back then
Remember how you could do various professions that branched off? Leather making had three sorts of armors you could end up making but you could only do one of them. Other professions had such decisions too.
I look back at those times and think of how much time was invested but you know what? I loved it. It was fun. It was different. It was huge and there was a world to explore. You never knew what you would see.
Ah those were the days even if nostalgia makes it seem grand.
I think part of my attachment to my Shaman is the bullshit I went through to level him. I see warriors complaining, but I leveled a warrior too and warrior wasn't near as bad.
Prior to level 30 my 'rotation' was
refresh lightning shield
cast earth shock
heal if i need to
wait 6 minutes per kill
then you hit level 30 and you became odin
Not having mail for your first 30 levels was agony
Fuck people nostalgic for vanilla.
You didn't have mail for the first 40 levels.
Your saving grace was windfury at 30
Paladin was super rough for Vanilla leveling.
Stormstrike was also at level 40. Or maybe it was 30. Dual WIeld and Mail were definitley 40 because once you hit 40 you went to SM and got geared the fuck up
but yeah. no lava lash. no kind of active melee ability whatsoever for your melee character
Remember how you could do various professions that branched off? Leather making had three sorts of armors you could end up making but you could only do one of them. Other professions had such decisions too.
I look back at those times and think of how much time was invested but you know what? I loved it. It was fun. It was different. It was huge and there was a world to explore. You never knew what you would see.
Ah those were the days even if nostalgia makes it seem grand.
The only profession that sort of kept that was Alchemy with the potion/elixir/flask master stuff. But that kind of went away in MoP, I think?
The only profession that sort of kept that was Alchemy with the potion/elixir/flask master stuff. But that kind of went away in MoP, I think?
Hmm yea I guess it was Stormstrike at 40. I didn't buy my account until BC so Shamanistic Rage was a thing, but it was level 50 I guess. I remember getting it in Felwood, and I hit level 40 in STV, so that makes sense. Was amusing looking at the old calculators.
Judgment was your only active damaging ability right? lol
I remember when you had to talent to get instant corruption....
And still some people say talents were "better" because you had more "choice". Nah.
I should have the Corrupted Dreadwing in the next two days. I don't know what I'm gonna do once I have it, I've been so fixated on these two things for a few weeks now.
Legion - System Requirements
New system requirements were recently posted and we took a look at how they compare to the old ones. If you are ready to upgrade, you can take a look at our latest Setup of the Month or ask for assistance on the Computer Forums.
Mac requirements are listed on the Legion and Warlords system requirement pages. Notable increases include the minimum CPU going from a Core2 Duo to i5-750, as well as the minimum (2GB to 4GB) and recommended (4GB to 8GB) RAM being increased.
Intel CPU: Intel Core2 Duo E6600 increased to Intel Core2 Duo E8500
AMD CPU: AMD Phenom X3 8750 increased to AMD Phenom II X3 720
Drive Space: 35 GB increased to 45 GB.
Nvidia GPU: 8800 GT increased to GT 440
AMD GPU: Radeon HD 4850 increased to Radeon HD 5670
Intel GPU: HD Graphics 3000 increased to HD Graphics 5000
Operating System: Windows 7, 8, or 10 increased to Windows 10.
Intel CPU: Intel Core i5-2400 increased to Intel Core i5-3330
AMD CPU: AMD FX-4100 increased to AMD FX-6300
Nvidia GPU: GTX 470 increased to GTX 750 Ti
AMD GPU: Radeon HD 5870 increased to R7 260X
Get another 50k Apexis for the toy from the same vendor.
I'm already having issues with my 970m and 16gb ram and my i7 4720hq.. Which is above the recommended but even with draenor it lags at times and fails to hold 60fps.
A 970 is very different from a 970m.That's odd, I only have 8gb of ram, i5 4600 something CPU and a Geforce 970, and yet my FPS is pretty stable in Draenor on ultra settings. 60 FPS i think, could get in the 50s sometimes, but I don't notice any of that and I don't have a FPS counter always visible on my screen.
A 970 is very different from a 970m.
Windows 10 is going to be a requirement for Legion?
I was so happy about finally getting flying I just hopped on my Gnome Mage and did an aerial tour around Shadowmoon Valley.
That might be a thing to get after I get Exalted with all WoD factions and collect a few mounts, titles and tabbards. After looking on WoWhead by mounts I mean the Deathtusk Felboar.
So I think it's safe to assume the new abilities/specs will be in the pre-launch event since that's when the real patch hits anyways.
I wonder how many Survival Hunters raiding right now are needing on Xu'netash
Trying to get the Big Love Rocket on 10 toons each day. Talk about tedious...
Trying to get the Big Love Rocket on 10 toons each day. Talk about tedious...
Not an expert on video cards, but I'll trust you on this.I suppose the "m" means "mobile", ie : laptop's video card?