Nothing new this year at all, no. Good luck with the Rocket farm.
Edit: Well, heirloom tokens if you really want to save up that many cards.
I've never given a shit about holiday events but that love rocket some of you have been talking about looks amazing...
Now I want this and it's apparently impossible to get.
I got it on my first run today on an alt no less
Saw this on Legion alpha, made me chuckle.
Saw this on Legion alpha, made me chuckle.
Saw this on Legion alpha, made me chuckle.
It's now canon.Saw this on Legion alpha, made me chuckle.
Saw this on Legion alpha, made me chuckle.
Huh, that's pretty cool.
Can't say I've ever seen a GM, but I have got to see some of the crazy stuff they'll pull out.
Like when they were releasing S3 Arena gear on the PTR back in BC, Area 52 was lagging like crazy, so the GMs summoned Raid Bosses to kill everyone and cut down on the lag. Crazy stuff.
Haha, that's pretty good.
Can someone explain to me how this followers thing works in Legion? I'm afraid it's going to be another time consuming "Facebook" minigame like Garrisons... is it? What differs them from the Draenor followers?
It's very incomplete on alpha so I can't really test it and quell your fears. It looks like followers can give you a buff (like garrison ability) when you assign them to a zone, but it also looks like there are follower missions. I can't actually do any of them
Ok guys I've killed Deathwing like 5 times for Chromatic Champion on Ysera and Nozdormu and it isn't working. I stand on the platform and let him smack them down to half health and then kill him and its not working? Worked on Kalecgos and Alex...
i wouldnt be surprised if they are some hybrid between naval shipyards and the regular follower missions.
Huh, that's pretty cool.
Can't say I've ever seen a GM, but I have got to see some of the crazy stuff they'll pull out.
Like when they were releasing S3 Arena gear on the PTR back in BC, Area 52 was lagging like crazy, so the GMs summoned Raid Bosses to kill everyone and cut down on the lag. Crazy stuff.
Haha, that's pretty good.
dat draw distance
Oh god... mounts taking bag space. Completely forgot about that. Can't imagine that with 200+ mounts nowadays.
I swear all those people wanting classic servers back would probably regret it once they see all the little things like that coming back.
They would. People forget all the small QoL changes over a decade
Oh god... mounts taking bag space. Completely forgot about that. Can't imagine that with 200+ mounts nowadays.
I swear all those people wanting classic servers back would probably regret it once they see all the little things like that coming back.
Oh god... mounts taking bag space. Completely forgot about that. Can't imagine that with 200+ mounts nowadays.
I swear all those people wanting classic servers back would probably regret it once they see all the little things like that coming back.
Remember the time where priests had to use their wands instead of most of their spells because they were just crap?
Or how about mages always running out of mana and needing to use their free water?
Ret paladins simply autoattacking with judgment spam?
Or when flightpaths weren't connected to each other?
Or when you first mount was at lvl 40? Remember running all through STV and the Barrens ON FOOT?
They should really remove the tank and healer requirement from Crown Chemical. It's not like they even matter.
Or my 4 totems in my bags and my ankhs.
Remember when it was super hard to get the gold for your mount unless you got a lucky epic drop?
I farmed the badlands elementals so much (after lvl 40) to get my mount and also mined mithril like crazy and tried to sell that on the AH.
Kept farming and I got my first epic in either Tyrs Hand or just random in EPL (after dinging 60 no less) which I hoped to sell for crazy amounts (at least so I could get 1k for epic mounts)... problem was it was the Green Tower which was proably worth less than any other epic back then... Ahh well![]()
I remember not getting a mount until I was like level 45 or so, gold was just so hard to come by back then. I wound up crafting Phantom Blades and selling them on the AH, only to have some jerk start undercutting everyone by like 10g and killing the market.
Forgot about that lmao. Vanilla servers nao!Oh god... mounts taking bag space. Completely forgot about that. Can't imagine that with 200+ mounts nowadays.
I swear all those people wanting classic servers back would probably regret it once they see all the little things like that coming back.
light feather
fish oil
soul shards
what else am i missing
light feather
fish oil
soul shards
teleportation runes
portal runes
what else am i missing
light feather
fish oil
soul shards
teleportation runes
portal runes
what else am i missing
Lets not forget that every spell would have multiple ranks and you knew all the ranks at the same time and THEN sometimes it was better to cast lower ranks. What a mess of buttons.
light feather
fish oil
soul shards
teleportation runes
portal runes
what else am i missing