Nothing really about fixing the problems WoD has, though. I have no idea what we'll be doing when we hit 110, other than raiding.
That's more of a WoW/mmo problem than just WoD. I'll do as usual, not raid and cancel until the following patch.
Nothing really about fixing the problems WoD has, though. I have no idea what we'll be doing when we hit 110, other than raiding.
get to pvp lvl 50, and again, and again, and again, and hey COOL a new pet
No announcement of a Beta release date, which means the thought that this was deep in development and could possibly release very quickly isn't happening.
Not as disingenuous as giving as much weight to a four difficulty raid over a brand new instance.
Fine, take Maggy & maybe Gruuls out, despite the latter being a two boss raid. Still have Kara ZA SSC TK MH BT & SWP (+3 bosses) in TBC, and Naxx Ulduar Trial & ICC (+3 bosses) in WotLK.
Vanilla had 49 raid bosses
BC had 43 raid bosses
WOTLK had 54 raid bosses
Cata had 31 raid bosses
Mists had 43 raid bosses
WoD had 30 raid bosses
As raids got smaller so did sub numbers
Mists had the same as BC but Siege lasted a stupid fucking long time
Not as disingenuous as giving as much weight to a four difficulty raid over a brand new instance.
Fine, take Maggy & maybe Gruuls out, despite the latter being a two boss raid. Still have Kara ZA SSC TK MH BT & SWP (+3 bosses) in TBC, and Naxx Ulduar Trial & ICC (+3 bosses) in WotLK.
Vanilla had 49 raid bosses
BC had 43 raid bosses
WOTLK had 54 raid bosses
Cata had 31 raid bosses
Mists had 43 raid bosses
WoD had 30 raid bosses
As raids got smaller so did sub numbers
Mists had the same as BC but Siege lasted a stupid fucking long time
Man, the reactions are all over the place. It makes me really uncomfortable.
Seeing the guys up the on stage talking about the next step and people don't care.
Sometimes I don't even know why you play this game if you hate it.
Just unsub if you don't have anything to do.
Don't get me wrong, I'm totally hyped for the things shown.
Just worried about the things not mentioned. Hopefully Sunday for that.
Naxxramas was a 15-boss piss easy raid lifted straight out of vanilla and 'retuned', as in nerfed to infinity. Using it to prove anything is disingenuous.
Naxxramas was a 15-boss piss easy raid lifted straight out of vanilla and 'retuned', as in nerfed to infinity. Using it to prove anything is disingenuous.
They said the Beta would be this year.
It'd be disingenuous if players had seen that content before. To over literally 99% of players it was new content.
The person you were replying to was responding to the implication that 3 raids was fine and a 1 patch expansion was fine.
Story stuff seems on the right track, like it's actually going to pick up where we left off in MoP instead of random AU crap that felt more like a movie tie-in than anything else. Really excited for all the new questing and stuff but the lack of endgame talk does leave a lot to be desired. Still a lot for them to talk about obviously though so I'm not hitting any panic buttons or anything yet.
I'm actually insanely excited about the location they picked for the expansion. Them shoving all the middle of the ocean landmasses into 1 xpac has been my biggest fear for a long time. Very happy about what happened here.
So, everyone gets an artifact? No raiding required? It powers up from quests or what?
Quick total up...
Halls of Valor
Black Rook Hold
Vault of the Wardens
Eye of Azshara
Darkheart Thicket
Neltharion's Lair
Suramar City
Violet Hold
The Emerald Nightmare (7 bosses)
Suramar Palace (10 bosses)
The way your comment came off was that the raids were bad. They weren't. So that's what I was responding to.![]()
What are you guys gonna name your Demon Hunters?
It's a continuation of the burning legion story line, which is basically draenor. Mop didnt have anything to do with burning legion
Well:I may be wrong but didn't Xavius died in the Stormrage novel?
However, it is unlikely for an eternal to be completely destroyed, they may regenerate or continue on in non-corporeal form. After the sundering of the world, the eternal satyr Lord Xavius sought to build his dark army without attracting Elune's attention.Night elves still fear that he may yet be waiting to take his final revenge upon the Kaldorei.
Sounds like someone didn't do the legendary quest chain in MoP. Literally the entire thing was about preparing our world for a Burning Legion invasion. They are mentioned by name on multiple occasions by Wrathion and there is even a quest where the world gets engulfed by a green fire. This is the expansion that should have came after MoP but they let us down instead.
My Blood Elf Demon Hunter will be named Illithas.What are you guys gonna name your Demon Hunters?
So with the son growing oh so fast how long does the king have to live.
One, two more expansions tops?
Wrathion made WoD happen to prepare us for the legion. Funny thing is, he's reponsible for their return too.
Shame they didn't make him appear in WoD (especially since we know he's there with us), would have been interesting, like everything that has been cut
Is DH really only available for NE and BE? That is a major disappointment.
Is DH really only available for NE and BE? That is a major disappointment.
Is DH really only available for NE and BE? That is a major disappointment.
Is DH really only available for NE and BE? That is a major disappointment.
Is DH really only available for NE and BE? That is a major disappointment.
That will change eventually. Blizzard does restrictions like this at first but opens them up later.
Imagine, one day you will be a flying tattooed wing dwarf.