Locks better get something rad this expansion in compensation for DH stealing all our cool shit.
Id say maybe Rogues too, but no one cares about Rogues.
Now you know how shamans felt with the advent of death knights.
Locks better get something rad this expansion in compensation for DH stealing all our cool shit.
Id say maybe Rogues too, but no one cares about Rogues.
Are you tripping out on some drug? You're a former Illidari, i.e. You were a part of the previous black temple crew in bc. Maiev threw you and Illidan's body away with the keywait a second
why the FUCK do demon hunters have horns
that was caused by the skull of gul'dan on illidan
Are you tripping out on some drug? You're a former Illidari, i.e. You were a part of the previous black temple crew in bc. Maiev threw you and Illidan's body away with the key
Nothing says they can't unlock it for other races as time goes on. Same deal as letting humans be hunters, etc
Or the undead.
Forsaken Hunters?!
That was so freaky to see happen in Cata.
Sounds like someone didn't do the legendary quest chain in MoP. Literally the entire thing was about preparing our world for a Burning Legion invasion. They are mentioned by name on multiple occasions by Wrathion and there is even a quest where the world gets engulfed by a green fire. This is the expansion that should have came after MoP but they let us down instead.
Undead demon hunters would be really cool.
Was expecting a few more class/race combos, especially to make up for only elves being able to be DH.
I like that some of them got "intros" of sorts before, like meeting troll druids during the Echo Isles war. But then some didn't, like fuck it, gnomes can be priests now.
Guys, using math and mspaint skills, I shrunk the actual map of crystalsong forest down to fit onto the northrend map, then I scaled the new amp so that that Dalaran picture fit EXACTLY onto the crystalsong dalaran, and I discovered something even more shocking
its not exactly surprising that the islands are small. i fully expected that to be the case. you can't have a huge continent in the space of that ocean there.
emerald nightmare is in a different dimension and the planet where demon hunters start on isnt even on the map, plus theyre adding all of those extra class order areas.
if they're doing the yearly expansion thing they're gonna have to be smaller in general anyway.
I'm....not being serious. I'm pointing out how silly it is to try and base scale off of that shit. There's absolutely 0 chance the entire expansion is the size of Storm Peaks.
Holy shit, new technology let me scale the map based off of the picture of Dalaran on the wrath map screen, I've now overlayed it to scale based on THOSE images.
Blizzard redeemed
enter the dragon punch you're trying a bit hard to shit on everything
I wish I could fucking turn off shoulders, and belts.
Just gotta ruin all my transmogs, and look dumb as hell.
Well, hopefully with Legion's improved mog system we'll get invisible shoulders to transmog, or a display option ala cloaks and helms.
I bitch because I care and still love this game. Not much of this is sitting well with me, but I'm sure it's just a reverse honeymoon effect. I'll warm up to it... Probably.
I wish shoulders sat a bit closer to the model
There is a new mog system?
There is a new mog system?
That was obvious but just chill, I'm pretty negative now about the whole thing but you're really trying to pick apart things which aren't issues to be honest. The real ones are still not being addressed. (Well maybe PvP will get drastically better if this is done right but I doubt it)
Yes, the official site mentions it and the devs have mentioned wanting to sort out transmog for a while. No real details on it yet, but I think most of us are expecting a D3-style system where you unlock 'skins' you can then use at will.There is a new mog system?
its just a customization for the artifact weapons. they didnt detail any new or existing systems getting updated or added for transmog
Yes, the official site mentions it and the devs have mentioned wanting to sort out transmog for a while. No real details on it yet, but I think most of us are expecting a D3-style system where you unlock 'skins' you can then use at will.
After WoD anyone not approaching this with extreme caution needs to check theyselves.
WoD looked amazing, everyone was hyped as hell for it, and then...
Hopefully there's nothing silly in this expac, hopefully it isn't as big of a letdown.
What are people expecting from these artifact weapons as they put me off a fair bit.
1) Your entire weapon for the expansion, continually upgraded with grind outside of raid/progress in it and used throughout
2) Same as 1 but rather no stats but just the traits you unlock matter and you'll still get weapons as normal in raids and can choose to use the artifacts skin?
2 seems okay to me, 1 seems shit. Guess it could easily be neither but feel like 1 is what it is
EDIT: Also seems like its going to be a massive pain in the fucking arse with alts just like the legendary ring (which I can't even be arsed to do on my main at this stage)
. We’re improving the transmogrification system, allowing you to collect item appearances and save your favorite outfits without sacrificing precious bag space.
What are people expecting from these artifact weapons as they put me off a fair bit.
1) Your entire weapon for the expansion, continually upgraded with grind outside of raid/progress in it and used throughout
2) Same as 1 but rather no stats but just the traits you unlock matter and you'll still get weapons as normal in raids and can choose to use the artifacts skin?
2 seems okay to me, 1 seems shit. Guess it could easily be neither but feel like 1 is what it is
EDIT: Also seems like its going to be a massive pain in the fucking arse with alts just like the legendary ring (which I can't even be arsed to do on my main at this stage)
It's the cloak/ring but for each spec.
And I'll believe that when I see it. That seems like something they're definitely going to cut down to one per class or one per role per class.
On the legion website it says:
1, with progression locked behind patches, dailies, and weekly raid lockouts. Woo...
its definitely 1. its definitely a grind, and i'm assuming its going to kind of be like Shadowmourne -- kill a bunch of mobs every now and then, quests here and there, and then talent trees to choose your progression with some sort of cap in the talent points.
if it wasn't 1, there would be no point to having the system.
Bets on Shaman not getting Doomhammer as their Artifact? Taking all bets.
Or we can just bet on them not getting an artifact at all.
I mean yeah if you want to keep mogging that more power to you
but if they had Orc DH they would be EVERYWHERE ALL. THE. TIME. YANGER!
as for the upgraded mog system in general, give me fucking cloth gear looks on plate. I want a badass hood to go with my plate armor that doesn't also contain a facemask
the funniest part about the artifact stuff is that everyones gonna be running around with doombringers and doomhammers and iconic legendaries that there should only be 1 of
the funniest part about the artifact stuff is that everyones gonna be running around with doombringers and doomhammers and iconic legendaries that there should only be 1 of
the funniest part about the artifact stuff is that everyones gonna be running around with doombringers and doomhammers and iconic legendaries that there should only be 1 of
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