Deus Ex is the week before Legion.
Gonna have to speed run that game.
Just play it while the servers are down
Deus Ex is the week before Legion.
Gonna have to speed run that game.
I've mained a Hunter since launch and I'm really unhappy with the changes. It may actually be fine for someone who doesn't play the class, but Hunters as a whole are really, really unhappy with MM/BM. BM Hunters were also the king of soloing and I think they made pet tanking pretty much impossible at this point. Pets are squishy, spirit bond is gone and mend pet is a on CD.
Wtf are you serious? That's why I keep my hunter around; soloing.
How do you submit feedback on the beta for things like this?
I personally find the much slower playstyle in Legion much better than the system we have on live servers now. Had a chance to play on the PTR after finally being able to transfer my paladin over. I really love how powerful the big srikes feel now and you can really feel the "oomph-factor" when you cast Judge and start to weave the Hammers and Divine Storms. That being said I don't like it that you can't change your talents in dungeons.Ret Paladins feel a little too slow right now. I get they're trying to go with much bigger hits at a slower pace. It's nice not to have to button mash my keyboard but it feels a bit off.
In its current state (PTR) I agree. I'm running into some moments where I have gaps of ~2 seconds where I can't really press anything which makes it feel really clunky. That being said my only melee DPS in WoD was a Frost DK which I could beat on my keyboard mindlessly and still output pretty good damage, so my rotation is probably flawed when using ret.Ret Paladins feel a little too slow right now. I get they're trying to go with much bigger hits at a slower pace. It's nice not to have to button mash my keyboard but it feels a bit off.
That being said I don't like it that you can't change your talents in dungeons.
I actually think this was the right choice. There needs to be some semblance of permanence with your spec/talent decisions now that dual spec has effectively been replaced by tri-spec and the vast majority of gear slots are interchangeable between specs. Being locked into your talents while in a dungeon/raid is one of the only reasonable ways to accomplish that.
Ret Paladins hit substantially harder than anything else on the PTR as far as I'm aware, even putting stuff like Arms to shame. If they feel a little slow try to keep that in mind. Haste is also a statistic that saw less emphasis in WoD, but is being tracked as a priority for a number of classes in Legion.
For people upset about Hunter pets, survivability has been reduced across the board for all classes. I personally consider this to be a needed change as things had gotten to be somewhat out of control.
I have wound up putting substantially more time into the PTR than I had ever expected to. There are way more specs that I want to put time into in a way I never felt with WoD. Frost DK is the only spec I thought I would connect with more that feels like a dud. Feels like the vanilla ice cream of melee specs. Too plain, but I did not fully experiment with the talent tree. Also sort of bummed out by how bad the Arms numbers are outside of AoE. Never seen so many useless talents on a tree like PTR Arms has right now.
are these dialogue screens a addon or did they add this and I missed it (to be fair I havent plkayed in ages)
Great add on called Storylineare these dialogue screens a addon or did they add this and I missed it (to be fair I havent plkayed in ages)
I totally get what you are saying. Now that I have done more testing.I actually think this was the right choice. There needs to be some semblance of permanence with your spec/talent decisions now that dual spec has effectively been replaced by tri-spec and the vast majority of gear slots are interchangeable between specs. Being locked into your talents while in a dungeon/raid is one of the only reasonable ways to accomplish that.
Also, opening 100+ salvage crates was fun as I've been piling them up since couple months ago and when the patch hits live, I can open them again!
Just think of it like opening loot boxes in Overwatch. It's almost the same... Almost.I have about 1k crates per character beeing stockpiled right now.
Once 7.0 hits, I'll spend 3 nights opening them![]()
Do you need an active account to participate in the PTR?
Note: World of Warcraft PTR realms are only available to players who have a World of Warcraft account with active game time.
Oh and I saw this reddit... xplay preview of WoW (2003):
Probably slapped together pretty quickly. I remember them using PC logos during the Extended Play days.Why was there a PlayStation logo on that?
I don't think you used to need an active sub to play the PTR, but looks like you do now.
My subscription is lapsed and I was able to download the PTR client and play.I don't think you used to need an active sub to play the PTR, but looks like you do now.
So when character copies went active on the beta first thing I did was check and see if Blizzard had any modified dialogue from the Rogue class hall introduction based on past character actions since you're interacting with characters you've come across before. Glad to see they didn't disappointment me, I really enjoy small details like this.
Different dialogue for Taoshi, not sure the exact requirements for it but it's probably for doing the 5.2 storyline.
There is also one foras well which is great,Vanessa.I assume the trigger is if you've cleared heroic Deadmines or not
The best part is they are doing tons more voice acting in Legion compared to past expansions (like to the point where even a bunch of normal quest mobs are fully voiced) so all that is voiced for both versions of the text.
Got to 85 and moved onto Pandaria. I've been enjoying the storylines structured quest lines but I can see how it would get old leveling multiple characters.
It's weird going back to not having flying mounts.
As a destro lock do I want mastery or haste? I presume crit is most important. Is destro a lot better than affliction still?
Got to 85 and moved onto Pandaria. I've been enjoying the storylines structured quest lines but I can see how it would get old leveling multiple characters.
It's weird going back to not having flying mounts.
As a destro lock do I want mastery or haste? I presume crit is most important. Is destro a lot better than affliction still?
I hope Mylra-senpai notices me
No. It'll be unlocked sometime between the release of patch 7.0 (the pre-expansion patch) and the release of Legion proper.On the purchase page for Legion, it says that if i pre-purchase now, it will grant me early acces to the Demon Hunter class. Does this mean if I pre-purchased, that I would be able to play that class now?
No. It'll be unlocked sometime between the release of patch 7.0 (the pre-expansion patch) and the release of Legion proper.
I highly dig Druids on PTR - all the specs. I thought that Guardian was going to be dull without Lacerate, but it's actually much more complete, engaging and interesting than it is on live because of the new spenders and being able to use Moonfire. The new Balance ST rotation is excellent.. it still has a strong burst opener but feels much cleaner afterwards. The new Feral animations are beautiful, though the gameplay doesn't break any new ground.. it's just how it was in Pandaria. At any rate, it looks like I'll be maining Druid for the fourth expansion in a row.
finally going through the quests in legion...this xpac is fucking fun. I've done more memorable (in a good way) quests in a day levelling than I have in the last 3 expansions combined I bet.
finally going through the quests in legion...this xpac is fucking fun. I've done more memorable (in a good way) quests in a day levelling than I have in the last 3 expansions combined I bet.
For real? Since no one is ever talking about the leveling experience I feared it was bland or something
finally going through the quests in legion...this xpac is fucking fun. I've done more memorable (in a good way) quests in a day levelling than I have in the last 3 expansions combined I bet.
Lets you customize DHs on PTR for some reason:
I wouldn't be surprised if they enable DH creation with the patch. Not that I expect them to.