I have. Only saw one Troll warlock. Lots of Undead, Orc, and Blood Elf warlocks.
Pretty much every mythic destro warlock on my server was Troll during MOP.
I have. Only saw one Troll warlock. Lots of Undead, Orc, and Blood Elf warlocks.
This probably isn't an interesting video for most of you since a lot are already firmly entrenched with mains and alts or have a 100 in every class, but Preach put up an interesting video on re-rolling a class for Legion...
Pretty much every mythic destro warlock on my server was Troll during MOP.
Today I learned the Felsteel Annihilator is a thing.
I want that. I can't have it.
That hurts. ; ;
Psh, just get 3 million gold and buy one!![]()
I have 100s of every healer, but I still appreciated this video. I don't actually like to focus on my alts too much, and I switched mains 5 times in WoD(shaman, then priest, then shaman again, then monk, then shaman AGAIN), but Preach made sense here and really helped me sort my thoughts on who my Legion main would be(it's shaman lol). I'm an experienced healer and dps'er who doesn't like tanking, shaman is the only class I have extensive experience with across every expansion, and all three specs feel great on the PTR.
So why can't orcs looks like this? (right)
Nice, that's where I want to be for Legion but at best I think I'll have a Monk, Priest and Paladin at cap. I get the Shaman love, I miss my Goblin Shaman from my old server, I really like Resto/Ele. It's super tempting to roll one after I finish leveling this Paladin.
Holy shit that would fix so many problems with how some armor looks. Plate helmets look awful on Orcs because of how they have to be stretched out because of their posture.
So why can't orcs looks like this? (right)
Being able to be primarily in a different body pose as male orcs and trolls would be amazing. Trolls are so damn tall when standing upright
I'll forever be sad we can't use the MoP Troll models that stand up right.
I'd actually roll a Zandalari troll if we got them instead of those hideous fucking walking broompoles called the Darkspear
Sup guys?
Today I learned the Felsteel Annihilator is a thing.
I want that. I can't have it.
That hurts. ; ;
In two expansions it will be farmable like Mimiron's Head is now.
It's so weird to see my server that used to be stuffed to the brim full of people and had long ques during popular hours to say "low" under population.
I think even when I stopped playing mid WoD it was still at medium.
I'll forever be sad we can't use the MoP Troll models that stand up right.
Here's the real important question:
Should I race change my Warlock? He's been troll since Cata let you make troll Warlocks, but I want to spread the racial love out a bit. When it comes to level 100 characters I have an immediate interest in playing in Legion, I have two orcs (shaman and DK) and one other troll (Hunter). I have an undead rogue, troll druid, and Tauren pally all between 80-100 as well.
I'm thinking it might be time to change the lock to Undead. I've always liked Undead as casters, even moreso with the model revamp in WoD, and there are still a good amount of helms that don't really look right on troll heads (no, I will not be one of you heathens that plays with helms turned off because there are so many cool looking options.)
In two expansions it will be farmable like Mimiron's Head is now.
In 7 years of playing WoW on and off I've never had more money than I have right now, at 150k. A friend of mine was blown away that I even had THAT much.
How people are rolling around in millions of gold in this game is completely beyond me.
i would trade 2 archimonde mounts for mims head
i have every raid mount in the game thats obtainable, except that damn thing with 400 yogg kills so far.
We miscalculated in wrath on how many runs we had to do, I was literally the only person in the guild that didn't get Mim's Head T_T got invincible on my birthday though that year.
we sold right after the initial kill and i stopped playing when it was decided that it was handout time -.-
I didn't even realize it was TW this week until I saw people talking about it earlier. I'll be running a bunch this weekend on my Blood DK, about 2K badges left for the TBC mount (after the 500 turn in item) so hopefully I can smash that out this weekend.
The only answer is Goblin.
Best addon for selling Transmog gear? Damn affixes.
Been working with TSM. Tradeskillmaster. It's the ultimate gold tool but it's a bitch to learn.
/r/woweconomy swears by it.
Upright troll and orc models would make the horde so much better.
Man i just did The Beach assault thing on The PTR and it was the bomb.
Some Warlock threw this guy wearing too much armor into some slime.
The Alliance cried like babies, and we just sat there wondering is the raid was on personal loot.
It feels like Blizzard is forcing some alliance members to become unhinged/and killing off others to make us even with this hordeObviously gonna be a villain "Jaina"
feels forced and lame
Jaina has been a massive bitch ever since Theramore got destroyed by a bomb like 5 years ago.
other than that, one person that dies is neutral, one person that dies is alliance, one person that dies is horde.
We lost our Warchief last expansion. What we lost was some lazy troll that didn't get shit done
We are quickly running out of options.
Soon it'll be that fat Goblin's turn.
We lost our Warchief last expansion. What we lost was some lazy troll that didn't get shit done
We are quickly running out of options.
Soon it'll be that fat Goblin's turn.