I started playing again. They allow me to play a class to level 20 for free. In playing a warrior, and I'm level 10. Arms vs Fury for leveling?
If you are only going to level 20 then it doesn't matter.
I started playing again. They allow me to play a class to level 20 for free. In playing a warrior, and I'm level 10. Arms vs Fury for leveling?
I've been more excited about playing my Warrior on the PTR than I have been about the class in a long, long time, but I'm guessing that's a DPS vs. tanking thing.Hopefully any new build actually makes Warriors fun to play.
I've been more excited about playing my Warrior on the PTR than I have been about the class in a long, long time, but I'm guessing that's a DPS vs. tanking thing.
Right but FF11 is held back by the ps2, by the time they cut that out of the picture they weren't working on the game regardless really. Counterpoint: EQ1 pre-dated FF11, FF11 was even highly based on it, and they upgraded shit every expansion.
Farmed 4k Timewarped Badges since Wednesday, leaving just 2.7k more to get so I can buy both the TBC & Wrath mounts before the Timewalking hiatus in Legion. Also pretty much guarantees 300 before the expansion lands.
Happy days.
How many runs to get to 4000 badges??
How many runs to get to 4000 badges??
You get like 30-35 per run so... a lot?
I'm not arguing why FFXI didn't update requirements.
You said I would "sure as shit be bitching" if the graphics weren't updated for WoW. I'm using FFXI and my continued time with it to prove that I wouldn't be complaining about it at all because graphics don't mean anything to me.
And so to me, losing performance for graphical fidelity is not worth it. For me. To me. I understand everyone here disagrees. I erroneously made the statement that I wish they would stop upping the requirements and that many also do not care for the graphics over performance. I apologize.
I have a hard time assessing Arms on the PTR. It's growing on me in ways, but the CS window just doesn't feel very rewarding. A good deal of the artifact tree seems like it would help work against that, but it's hard to assess if that will be enough. I think the talent tree is an absolute mess. Instead of pursuing a coherent vision the Arms talent tree feels like a pile up of unneeded compromises for past iterations of the spec. Instead of finding a good half way point to increase activity on the spec we get Focused Rage, which makes Arms feel even more spammy and APM intensive than Gladiator at its worst. Part of the problem is the interaction between Deadly Calm/Anger Management, which feel like they need to be taken together and asking players to spam Hamstring on top of mashing every other button they can reach on the keyboard.Probably. Are you enjoying fury or arms the most? Fury feels decent, but arms... I just don't get it. So, so dull.
Has anyone tried Windwalker or any of the rogue specs in the beta? Outlaw sounds really fun
Legion has me excited to start playing again and I believe those were my only level 100 characters I had and not sure which character to start playing first.
Windwalker is less bloated in a good way, I enjoy assassination and outlaw both, but roll the bones is irritating from a min/max perspective.
Legion comes with a 100 boost so in theory you can play anything, and you get to try all the sepcs out now before committing to a boost (coming in 7.0).
Just randomly decided to listen to Trust Company's "War is Over".... got damn dem memories..... Laintime Korean Undead Warrior PVP Video from vanilla![]()
So did any other hardcore Warcraft fans think when the UK voted to leave the EU "Damn...they just pulled a Gilneas".
Next thing you know we're gonna find out there are werewolves among them!
Subbed. Not sure why. I have a swift spectral tiger in my inventory I am too afraid to redeem. Are these still like 1m gold?
How are all the caster classes coming along in Legion?
Mage seems the sameish.
I don't like the changes to Lock at all.
Ele, Balance, Shadow?
3 million in EU.
Subbed. Not sure why. I have a swift spectral tiger in my inventory I am too afraid to redeem. Are these still like 1m gold?
I agree that raising the floor beyond a certain point could be a mistake. There's never any harm in raising the ceiling of graphics, it just allows people with more power to make better use of it. I'm glad in that respect they continue to refine the graphics engine. But you don't want people to lose the ability to play well on their existing setups. They need to put good effort into when they put in things like the increased draw range, not making people feel like they have to crank that up. Make it real clear where the old distance was (as default) and let people move it up as they choose. But they should add as a few mandatory graphics improvements as possible at this point. The engine was showing its age ten years ago and it really struggles now.
That time is over. Blizzard fixed the duping exploit.Seriously? I bought one for 300k in the US during WoD
If they really sell for that high you may want to wait until after 7.0 to sell it, since you can then carry and list auctions for up to 9,999,999g 99s 99c
That time is over. Blizzard fixed the duping exploit.
Now they're close to gold cap
Well I was able to hand in the weekly quest twice (I guess because I did one before and one after the reset). The other 3k? About 40-45 runs. I only do them when the tank CTA is up, which is a free 50 badges (75-80 per dungeon).
Already close to the 5k mark for this event.
Reminds me how fucking dumb people can be, though.
/who stormwind
Me & a lvl 60.
Wtf. Man i hate my server and it would cost hundreds to move all my characters.![]()
/who stormwind
Me & a lvl 60.
Wtf. Man i hate my server and it would cost hundreds to move all my characters.![]()
I moved two of my mains (DK, Hunter, + started new druid) to Sargeras. Stormwind is PACKED!
It really does make the game feel good when there are a ton of other players around.
I moved two of my mains (DK, Hunter, + started new druid) to Sargeras. Stormwind is PACKED!
It really does make the game feel good when there are a ton of other players around.
I moved two of my mains (DK, Hunter, + started new druid) to Sargeras. Stormwind is PACKED!
It really does make the game feel good when there are a ton of other players around.
I moved two of my mains (DK, Hunter, + started new druid) to Sargeras. Stormwind is PACKED!
It really does make the game feel good when there are a ton of other players around.
Mobs in Legion are multi-tag within the same faction. Sarg is Alliance heavy so you shouldn't run into any issues with making mobs to kill.I'm actually thinking of transferring OFF Sarg just to level, then back after, but it's hard to justify $50 for server transfers -_-. This will be my first time leveling on *such* a high pop realm. At most before I was on Lightbringer and lower pop servers than that for expansion launches. Just from playing the beta Sarg feels like it's going to be a shitshow with 50 people on top of me wherever I move. Especially with the flexible leveling zones.
Mobs in Legion are multi-tag within the same faction. Sarg is Alliance heavy so you shouldn't run into any issues with making mobs to kill.
How many runs to get to 4000 badges??
Roughly 114 Timewalking dungeon runs of fun if you earn an average 35 TW badges per run. I don't know if that's the legitimate average, I just grabbed that number from Anoregon so...fuzzy math?
I don't even care about the badge stuff myself, I just want that fucking rng drop mount. I've wanted an infinite dragon mount since BC, and even though this one looks a bit different it is still super cool.
Man, I am getting the itch again...should I just jump back? Seems Proudmoore is still active.
Nice breh, my alliance main is on Sargeras also. Awesome server.I moved two of my mains (DK, Hunter, + started new druid) to Sargeras. Stormwind is PACKED!
It really does make the game feel good when there are a ton of other players around.
I have only come across one Troll Warlock in-game.Here's the real important question:
Should I race change my Warlock? He's been troll since Cata let you make troll Warlocks, but I want to spread the racial love out a bit. When it comes to level 100 characters I have an immediate interest in playing in Legion, I have two orcs (shaman and DK) and one other troll (Hunter). I have an undead rogue, troll druid, and Tauren pally all between 80-100 as well.
I'm thinking it might be time to change the lock to Undead. I've always liked Undead as casters, even moreso with the model revamp in WoD, and there are still a good amount of helms that don't really look right on troll heads (no, I will not be one of you heathens that plays with helms turned off because there are so many cool looking options.)
I have only come across one Troll Warlock in-game.
I have. Only saw one Troll warlock. Lots of Undead, Orc, and Blood Elf warlocks.You must have not played in MOP at all