135 pulls on Mythic Archimonde, got him to 8% and the guild calls it quit till Legion
FML, I'll never kill him before the xpac now
135 pulls on Mythic Archimonde, got him to 8% and the guild calls it quit till Legion
FML, I'll never kill him before the xpac now
Having resubbed and getting ready for Legion, I've been thinking of what class to main. Haven't really been following all the big changes to classes so I have no idea. Mained a feral in WoD, but the rotation was pretty hard and easy to mess up, so has there been any changes in that alley? Been thinking of rogue since I played it on wotlk. What's the stance on rogues now?
I play Rogue and Assassin and Outlaw are the two I'm looking forward to. Assassin has crazy strong ST dmg, while Outlaw has way better AoE, but if you can get your RNG Roll the bones skill to proc the right buffs your pretty much a god for a short period of time.
A lot of people don't like the RNG of Roll the Bones because it's well random all the time, but if you're a gambling person you'll enjoy it, I know I will. And you're a FUCKING Pirate!![]()
The only problem with RtB is that it has a total dud option in the health regen. You should never be able to get something that isn't some sort of damage boost.
How is Shaman in the Legion beta? I'm considering rolling from a level 1 - max for fun but want to be sure it's worth it at the end.
I get 100 fps (capped) on live but only 40-60 for Legion.
I wish they would stop increasing the requirements on this thing. Not many people care about how it looks and having to upgrade just for WoW, a game over a decade old, isn't the greatest feeling.
The only problem with RtB is that it has a total dud option in the health regen. You should never be able to get something that isn't some sort of damage boost.
u w0tNot many people care about how it looks and having to upgrade just for WoW, a game over a decade old, isn't the greatest feeling.
Damn, really?I get 100 fps (capped) on live but only 40-60 for Legion.
I wish they would stop increasing the requirements on this thing. Not many people care about how it looks and having to upgrade just for WoW, a game over a decade old, isn't the greatest feeling.
Yeah this is the only thing I dislike about RtB. Rolling and getting just health regen just feels terrible. Doesn't seem to happen that much when it does it really gets in the way of things.
So let's just keep it compatible with Windows 98 with 128MB of RAM & 32MB of VRAM?
Bollocks to that. Visuals have to improve.
Damn, really?
Been thinking of upgrading my comp this year, will definitely do that around Legion's launch I think.
So while there's definitely a drop in performance (I would guess the thing that affects it most is the increased view distance), it's probably not as big as I am experiencing.
Other MMORPGs don't do spec upgrades and it's fine. I personally don't see a need for it. I know that's not a popular opinion on an enthusiast forum where graphics mean everything to the majority of people though.
I don't think that's a fair complaint. That's a setting you can disable.
You *should* be able to pick settings that give almost identical performance to live. If you want the game to look as good as possible, yea they've made tweaks that cost more processing power, but they are mostly (if not entirely) optional.
Jeez. Sorry.
I'll keep my graphics vs performance opinions to myself from now on.
I do get a performance drop on beta with similar settings, but that's mostly in Dalaran. WotLK players will remember what Dalaran used to do to machines, and it doesn't seem any different now.
135 pulls on Mythic Archimonde, got him to 8% and the guild calls it quit till Legion
FML, I'll never kill him before the xpac now
Archaeology was tweaked to give you feedback when you are standing on top of the item. No more surveying with green many times, just run around near your current location.
There are less random projects per race in Legion. If you just want to do all of the solves, it will be much faster than it has been in the past.
There will be an archaeology quest line that rewards the new rare solves rather than endless grinding.
I'm not complaining about that. I'm just giving my results of having the same-ish settings I do on live and the performance drop I get from it. Because someone asked.
I know if I lower my settings I can get the same performance. But that wasn't the question.
Then I made an aside comment (obviously a mistake) that I personally don't really care for the increase in graphical fidelity and I believe most people don't. I may be wrong but I believe most people don't because I only ever hear people talking about it for the first couple weeks then no one cares anymore. And besides enthusiast forums like here, I haven't seen a single person praise WoW for it's graphics. All anecdotal of course, so obviously not to be taken as fact.
A lot of these bullet points in the first section sound like making gathering less appealing to me. Or at the very least, making people who go double-crafter not cry so much they don't have a gatherer.
Double crafters that don't have enough Blood of Sargeras are a concern, so the team is adding more sources.
Crafters might get world quests that reward some more Blood.
Some gatherer world quests had Blood of Sargeras removed to help even out the balance between crafters and gatherers.
The team doesn't think that you should have to have a gatherer.
Archaeology was tweaked to give you feedback when you are standing on top of the item. No more surveying with green many times, just run around near your current location.
There are less random projects per race in Legion. If you just want to do all of the solves, it will be much faster than it has been in the past.
There will be an archaeology quest line that rewards the new rare solves rather than endless grinding.
Sorry, I might be freaking out a bit. I'm not used to having so many people quote me and comment on my posts.
I still play FFXI and that hadn't had a spec increase since release. It's older than WoW. It only just increased a month or two ago when PS2 support was ended. And it wasn't for graphical improvements.
I have never complained about how it looked.
But you gals/guys have made it obvious to me that I'm in the minority. At least here on NeoGAF. So there's probably nothing more for me to say about it.
Sorry, I might be freaking out a bit. I'm not used to having so many people quote me and comment on my posts.
Legion changes a lot of variables. Most changes seem related to shaders, lighting and draw distance. I'm experiencing much worse performance on the PTR than on retail servers, especially in crowded scenes.PTR seems to run far worse for me than Live does, even at equivalent graphics settings (7 on PTR vs Ultra). Is this a common thing? Want to believe it's simply an issue of optimization but this close to release has me worried that Legion is just going to dick over my FPS.
There should be a cost/penalty for being a double crafter beyond the obvious gold cost. There should be incentives for people to have the natural gathering profession associated with their crafting profession.
It's nice that Legion is adding a relatively cheap crafted bag for the first time in a few expansions. It's only 24 slots, but that's still better than the old standby 16 slot netherweave.
Guys if I boost a character to 100, how will my garrison look like? I ask as I would like to get on that gold collecting wagon before they shut it down with Legion. So will I have followers and such needed for missions?
There should be a cost/penalty for being a double crafter beyond the obvious gold cost. There should be incentives for people to have the natural gathering profession associated with their crafting profession.
You mean you have actually done archaeology before max level?
I'm interested in the flavor texts when they put effort in them.
How are all the caster classes coming along in Legion?
Mage seems the sameish.
I don't like the changes to Lock at all.
Ele, Balance, Shadow?