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World of Warcraft |OT7| Feel the hatred of 10,000 Murlocs


Yeah we were looking at your guys council pulls to try and figure out wtf was going on since we didn't test the boss and had no idea that you basically had to exploit it. Then it was like 'wait,why the fuck are we taking 7 times as much Mark damage' and it died a pull or two later.

Funny about Kormrok since that's definitely a boss that the mod isn't needed for, just handy from a raid leader perspective in terms of ease of use. Idk why imgur shrunk it, but this was all I did for our first kill, took like 2 pulls just to verify that it was static and then just assigned the spots based on the marks we were using.

Edit: fuck you imgur, it showed super tiny thumbnail size only on my end, until I posted it here -_-

I've always been one to just MSpaint diagrams though, way back to like naxx 40.

When we first hit the boss he wasn't hot fixed yet (korm) and the pools were fucked, he was nerfed into the dirt after that, only 1 guild killed him pre nerf by spamming immunities and heavy raid CDs basically

I don't have the screenshot anymore but the pools were clumped together instead of spread out, so it was a wave of shit almost covering the platform and left you with no way to avoid it really that's what made that shit dumb

I think they changed how the mechanic behaved twice actually gradually spreading them out more

The whole night was spent bullshitting around basically, we were very much a 5 day guild (7days first week like most others) and always stick to our hours, everyone just kept saying they could stay so why not keep going and it became a half drunken mess of 5% wipes

Probably would have kept going if someone didn't have work in like 20 minutes after calling it


semen stains the mountaintops
"Do you play zoomed out more than the default UI controls allow on live?"


That's a lot of people, Blizz.
Blizz has a nearly complete hands off approach when it comes to customization and add-ons, as long as they do not allow cheating or botting. I don't know why this is the issue that becomes a big thing?


"Do you play zoomed out more than the default UI controls allow on live?"


That's a lot of people, Blizz.

Blizz knows exactly how many people do and don't do it, they don't need a survey. They can probably press one button and get the precise answer.

Blizz has a nearly complete hands off approach when it comes to customization and add-ons, as long as they do not allow cheating or botting. I don't know why this is the issue that becomes a big thing?

Because for one, it never made any sense. Either it should be a simple part of the basic UI, or not work at all. Personally I think just adding a checkbox in graphics options to expand zoom value would have been better, but it could be they want to design some encounters based on the zoom restriction, and to do that it has to be standard for everyone.


I'm sure I'm not the only one who isn't frustrated as much by their actions as I am by the lame, stupidly shallow justifications for them.


Guys have they lowered exp requirements for leveling in WoD, like they did with previous expansions?

Not directly, but they allowed heirlooms and 300% bonus exp elixirs to scale up to level 100, effectively nerfing it.

It's still possible they lower the experience requirements, but with heirlooms and smart used of the elixir you can do 90-100 in 2-3 hours pretty easily so I'm not sure I'd expect a nerf beyond that very soon.

"Do you play zoomed out more than the default UI controls allow on live?"


That's a lot of people, Blizz.[/QUOTE]

Keep in mind that's a totally unscientific online poll and people who want to skew the numbers can easily do so.

I still think the decision is out of touch and not a good move, but I don't think that poll is the evidence to use.

[quote="dimb, post: 208406590"]Pretty sure Blizzard's internal metrics know better than a poll.[/QUOTE]

Yes, they *should* have the exact numbers of how many people use it overall, and how many raiders, and how many mythic raiders, etc.

Ion seemed to recognize that this would be an unpopular change, but one they wanted to make anyway so I'm not sure they will be swayed by feedback.


if they want accurate numbers on the poll they should do one at the login screen.

there's probably 60% who doesnt know what MMOchampion is.
I swear half the reason I like Goblins and Gnomes as much as I do is because those are the only races where the impacted consonants the random name generation spits out could be viable for. I wish Blizzard would either come up with some sort of surname system like Wildstars or free up the names of characters for people who haven't logged in for 5 or more years.

This has to be the best bullet point about medium/low pop servers, it's easier to name your characters. Trying to keep my toons on this server in one faction but I was able to name an Orc Shaman what I wanted without issue.
I swear half the reason I like Goblins and Gnomes as much as I do is because those are the only races where the impacted consonants the random name generation spits out could be viable for. I wish Blizzard would either come up with some sort of surname system like Wildstars or free up the names of characters for people who haven't logged in for 5 or more years.

This has to be the best bullet point about medium/low pop servers, it's easier to name your characters. Trying to keep my toons on this server in one faction but I was able to name an Orc Shaman what I wanted without issue.

Yeah, freeing up names after so much time of inactivity would be nice but I don't really have any issues with the names the generator puts out. As long as I can pronounce it then I'm good.


semen stains the mountaintops
I'm not saying the pool is representative of everyone that plays WoW or that the percentage is representative of what it would be if everyone single person got polled. However, that poll shows you that at least 37k people actually use this setting, that's a lot of people to fuck over.


"Do you play zoomed out more than the default UI controls allow on live?"


That's a lot of people, Blizz.

That's an incredibly tiny amount of people. It's an mmo champion poll, it's got all of 50,000 votes total. I would wager most high end raiders do, for the same reason that blizz wants to bring it in - for parity between those 'in the know' and those that just assume the game is fine the way they ship it.

The game IS fine the way they ship it, but because the option is there of course we all use it.

Yeah, freeing up names after so much time of inactivity would be nice but I don't really have any issues with the names the generator puts out. As long as I can pronounce it then I'm good.

I definitely think that would be better than the periodic purges they do.
Yeah, freeing up names after so much time of inactivity would be nice but I don't really have any issues with the names the generator puts out. As long as I can pronounce it then I'm good.

If gnomes could be Shamans, this wouldn't be an issue. They even have a model in-game they could use for wolf form...


Does US still have the name generator? That's not fair.

Wait, what, Europeans don't have that feature? Or used to and no longer have it? What?
It's a pretty terrible feature, it mostly spits out unpronounceable multi-syllable impacted consonants for names on faction biased, high pop servers, but I don't get why they would take a feature away for one region but leave it in another. It's not like localisation is an issue with the crap it produces.


I actually know a few people on US realms whose main toons use names from the random name generator lol. These are people who have been playing for a long time too

if they want accurate numbers on the poll they should do one at the login screen.

They can just check with dev tools to see how many players use it.

The game IS fine the way they ship it, but because the option is there of course we all use it.

I personally won't be too torn up about it either way, though I generally think less customization = bad.

I do agree with the criticism that many bosses are too big though. I would like to see more end bosses like Lich King where they are a bit bigger than players, but not obnoxiously bigger. Obviously Ragnaros and Deathwing had to be huge, but they could have at least had a "human form" phase with Deathwing. The two fights they had felt like we were fighting mechanics and adds and not an actual boss
Blood of Sargeras just sounds like Primal Spirits (the mark of how much you play) mashed up with Savage Blood (heavily used in high level crafted gear). Does that sound like a fair statement?
That sounds so much better than WoD's multiple currency gates with crafting. I get that they need to provide multiple incentives to drive people to Tanaan beyond apexis/gear/reps/mounts but I won't miss trying to farm Felblight, that there will just be a more general currency because Legion's end-game is everywhere rather than just one zone.

I am so ready to leave Tanaan behind.


I'm going Fury on Manno Mythic for the first time tonight. Kinda scary as I've never really played Fury in my 400 days /played as a Warrior, but it should be fine as I know the tactics well enough from just observing as a tank.

Any tips & tricks, though? I'm letting the other fury warrior in the group take all the bladestorms with the ring up (because he has double mythic CE so will get more out of it) & all the interrupts on the doom lords. Trinkets I have a UH/DC mythic & EDH/Class trinket heroic - Going to run EDH & Class as we need to push phases more than we need add DPS (we've 2/3 hunters geared to hell & back, two prot pally tanks 740/745, and a ret pally in a top 60 in the world guild...

I don't know. I'm just hoping perhaps one of you guys can give me a magic trick to do good as DPS, haha.

Spin a lot. We have 2 fury warriors and over 40% of their damage is from bladestorm.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Darn it, the Warcraft movie did its job. It rekindled my desire to play WoW. Is now a good time to jump back in? I'll probably end up starting from scratch and trying an Alliance character for once. Any recommendations as far as starting out? I haven't played WoW in years -- also what is a good Alliance east coast server?


Tokens are still steadily trending down. Wonder if this is finally the summer effect really taking hold. Would be nice to see them back under 40k for a little while.


Darn it, the Warcraft movie did its job. It rekindled my desire to play WoW. Is now a good time to jump back in? I'll probably end up starting from scratch and trying an Alliance character for once. Any recommendations as far as starting out? I haven't played WoW in years -- also what is a good Alliance east coast server?

Well the expansion comes out 8/30, so it's up to you if you want to jump in now to get a feel for things just as they're all about to change. The new patch comes out next month though (at least that's the rumor), so that might be a better time I think. Unless you can't wait because the ITCH is too strong. I might be down to play an ally character too though, if you want company.


Darn it, the Warcraft movie did its job. It rekindled my desire to play WoW. Is now a good time to jump back in? I'll probably end up starting from scratch and trying an Alliance character for once. Any recommendations as far as starting out? I haven't played WoW in years -- also what is a good Alliance east coast server?

I've been happy with Whisperwind alliance. Been on it since launch. Not a huge server, but not dead. Always felt like the right size. It also merged with Dentarg which means both realms count as one server, including same AH, toons etc. Basically I can have twice as many toons on the same shared server.


And here I bought two spare ones at 44k or so a week ago thinking that might have been a local nadir.

Yeah, I thought the event would push prices back up but it doesn't seem to have had that effect. I'm curious what the 7.0 release is going to do, I expect it will bring a lot of players back, but it also means the end of garrison gold. If it does creep below 40k though I'll probably buy a few more.


Darn it, the Warcraft movie did its job. It rekindled my desire to play WoW. Is now a good time to jump back in? I'll probably end up starting from scratch and trying an Alliance character for once. Any recommendations as far as starting out? I haven't played WoW in years -- also what is a good Alliance east coast server?

in like 2 to 3 weeks the pre patch will hit and most classes will change, i would suggest waiting for legion or that patch to get a feel for things really.

my server sargeras is pretty solid as an east coast ally server, same for stormrage, both overly populated etc.
Buying a Blackhand mount cause it's fairly cheap and I doubt my ability to win rolls even at up to 2x chances a week. And it'll complete the "raid" mounts section on simple armory for Draenor >.>

Though CMs were probably the better value out of the two, for fairly expensive things this expac.


Bought an assload of agility flasks and potions for dirt cheap. Bring on the prepatch.

I also made a bunch of Draenic Invisibility Potions for storage, because they will still work in future xpacs and you'll never know when they might be useful!
It's not JUST garrisons that made money so inflated, though it helped push numbers from hundreds of thousands into millions easily, it's just the scaling. At every stage of the game gold increases just due to inflation and necessity to make new players/returning players not be at a complete loss to catch up.

For example, in vanilla 1,000 gold was a lot (this is what an epic mount used to cost). Many players didn't even have epic mounts because of it. hyper Rich players might've had ~10,000 gold after 2 years of farming and buying/selling smartly on the ah. TBC gold inflates, now your average player probably had 10-20,000 gold after the expansion (Again, 2 years of farming and playing), and hyper rich players probably had in the hundreds. It just goes on like this, if the gold didn't increase exponentially with each expansion we'd still have new and returning players feeling like farming 1000 gold was a huge feat, but we'd have gold barons with like a million + gold even in vanilla terms.

The result for someone like you is that as you hit each new level cap from previous expansions and move on to new ones, your gold gains are just going to keep skyrocketing. By the time you hit max level you'll easily have 20-30,000 gold just from questing. With a new expansion coming around the corner if you want to keep playing it's an excellent time to make money just by gathering and selling shit or what have you in Legion (assuming you catch up before the rush is over). Once you ahve gold, it starts to feel easy to keep earning it honestly, that's how so many people that post here or otherwise are 'hardcore' about the game manage to pay their subs with tokens, which sit like 45k each right now. There's an initial hump of learning to earn, but it doesn't actually take much playtime to do so once you know how. If you ever start raiding, you're set for life - people pay wayway too much to get carried through raids. One month of sales will pay for a year of gametime easily.

Oh, and regarding mounts: The easiest weird looking one you can get is probably like a Hearthsteed, just win 3 games of hearthstone or something. Otherwise just keep levelling and try to figure out what you want.

Thanks for that Yanger, I'm not too fussed about gold anyway, was just shocked at how expensive mounts were. I'm actually okay with the horse now as I'm a Paladin it kind of fits together :)


Thanks for that Yanger, I'm not too fussed about gold anyway, was just shocked at how expensive mounts were. I'm actually okay with the horse now as I'm a Paladin it kind of fits together :)

Don't worry, there are a lot of mounts you can earn with play rather than gold. I'm about to buy a giant glowing green birdie mount in Tanaan that I earned with crystals from doing...stuff.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
I remember being so jealous of folks with epic flyers in TBC, never did afford it. Slowly trundling on up to Tempest Keep on my regular flyer.


For some reason they've never been transmoggable, which basically makes them completely pointless. I was hoping they'd have added them with the new system but I guess not.

It ticked me off a year ago when I got my first piece. Because they are white items with no stats, they aren't in the transmog system. :/


The movie made me an itch to return after a few years of absence.
Started a Fury Warrior and really enjoying it, that is how they should done them at the start.
I wanted to know what UI addons is recommended?

For now i am mainly leveling threw questing.



The movie made me an itch to return after a few years of absence.
Started a Fury Warrior and really enjoying it, that is how they should done them at the start.
I wanted to know what UI addons is recommended?

For now i am mainly leveling threw questing.


Questing is the best way to do it especially if you haven't played in a long time.

DBM, Skada, Postal, ElvUI, and depending on your class, WeakAuras to track the stuff you need to track for max deeps.


Started a drawf Shaman. Gonna level him to 60 and if he still clicks then ill boost him to 100. I wish I could pick Human or Night Elf for race though. =/


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
But Dwarf is one of the only acceptable alliance races
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