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World of Warcraft |OT7| Feel the hatred of 10,000 Murlocs


The hell?


Test of the pre-patch event which is a open world demon wave thing.
Imagine if the prepatch is in August.
Plis no :(


Imagine if the prepatch is in August.

I'm surprised any of you think it wouldn't be. They already said the prepatch would be released similar to the last two, which would make it either a month before launch or a week before launch, both being in August.


19th was long the rumor but the 26th always seemed more likely. That's on par with previous patches and apparently the pre-event has five phases so one phase per week.


Modesty becomes a woman
3 more weeks of WoD.

Off to a great start already. What's gonna be the point of having the Demon Hunters released "early" when it'll only be a week anyway? It's sold as an incentive to us, when really it's a bonus for them not having so many people clog up an area at once.
I've got a Monk to 100 and a Priest to 98, I could probably get one more toon to 100 before Legion drops, a far cry from where I want to be for Legion. Think I'll focus on a Shaman, the Paladin and Druid can wait. 3 weeks to a Gnome Hunter, oh my.


3 more weeks of WoD.

Off to a great start already. What's gonna be the point of having the Demon Hunters released "early" when it'll only be a week anyway? It's sold as an incentive to us, when really it's a bonus for them not having so many people clog up an area at once.

You had to know early for something like that was going to be a week or two at most. It's not like the class is meant to be played at 100.


Survival Hunter seems to have an alright base, but it needs a bit of work.

I really doubt Blizzard will fix the class before Legion drops, or even with in the year, but hopefully by the time the next expansion drops they can iron out some of the issues and it will be a pretty great spec.


Getting really tired of toxic randoms. Had the same tank kicked out of two different groups I ended up in. On one of the wipes I called out a warlock for battle-rezing 3 stupid DPS who stood in the fire, so that when the tank died, I was on a 30 second timer and then 3 minutes before another one could be available. He waited until we finished the instance, then whispered, "And I'll res whoever the fuck I want, faggot."

Just not worth keeping chat open at this point.
So, fresh back from a year off I remembered to get started on the Brawler's Guild yesterday and finished it about two and a half hours later. I worked my way through it back in Pandaria and even with semi-decent armour it was pretty difficult, one fight in particular had me stumped for about a week.

This time I blitzed it in awful armour (650-675 gear mostly). I only really struggled on Ahoo'ru, and only because it took me a while to figure out how best to go about that fight as a BM hunter (park pet on boss, misdirect and distracting shot the adds to it while spamming mend pet). A bit disappointing but still enjoyed it, looking forward to seeing what the big changes are for Legion.
Aside from the fact that you need all 4 armor types of crafted bracers to advance your order hall campaign, leatherworking/blacksmithing/tailoring are looking a little underwhelming right now. I stockpiled some leather today on live cause I was thinking I wanted to be a leatherworker on my Demon Hunter, but after playing more on beta I'm not sure that'll be the most profitable/useful.


Anyone know if the mythic dungeon heirloom trinkets are going away once 7.0 is live?

While I never saw a confirmation of this, it's highly likely that they'll be removed soon (either 7.0 or Legion, no idea) since they are basically the WoD version of Garrosh heirlooms.


No One Remembers
19th was long the rumor but the 26th always seemed more likely. That's on par with previous patches and apparently the pre-event has five phases so one phase per week.

Yeah, it sucks it's not the 19th. If it was, they would've had to give the 2 week notice for the end of the PvP season yesterday.


Yeah, it sucks it's not the 19th. If it was, they would've had to give the 2 week notice for the end of the PvP season yesterday.

Could still be today. Praying it's not the 19th as much as I'd like to get the pre-patch, I have alot invested in cashing out right away.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
So I made the mistake of posting in a certain mmochamp thread, and I thought I'd ask you guys:

Just anecdotally, did you or anyone you actually know (RL or b.net friends/guildies) end up unsubscribing from WoD due entirely or predominantly to not being able to fly? I find it utterly impossible to believe that the "noflynobuy" crowd is anything other than an incredibly vocal, but incredibly small minority. Out of all of the people I have played WoW with, I know literally zero who played WoD and even mentioned flying as a reason for unsubbing at any point since its launch. With all of the actual, content-related problems WoD had, I just can't believe that any meaningful amount of people decided "man this expansion is pretty shitty in almost every regard, but it would totally be worth playing if I was able to afk floating over my garrison than being on the ground." And I doubly can't believe that any meaningful amount of people can be intrigued and interested in Legion but decide not to buy it because of not being able to fly immediately.

I'm convinced that it's confirmation bias and echo-chamber nonsense. Now please confirm my bias by agreeing with me in this echo chamber.


So I made the mistake of posting in a certain mmochamp thread, and I thought I'd ask you guys:

Just anecdotally, did you or anyone you actually know (RL or b.net friends/guildies) end up unsubscribing from WoD due entirely or predominantly to not being able to fly?

I'm convinced that it's confirmation bias and echo-chamber nonsense. Now please confirm my bias by agreeing with me in this echo chamber.

Anecdotally, I believe you are on point. I had several friends who resubbed from our vanilla 40 man raiding guild that had long since quit. Most of us stopped playing seriously after wrath, several just quit wow outright. I saw quite a few of these guys come back for WoD, most of them thought (based on pre-expansion hype) that WoD would be TBC 2.0.

Almost all of them stopped playing within 2 months of the expansion being out. Most cited that they hated the garrison system (annoying, confusing, 'a separate game'). Many of them felt betrayed as they thought the garrison system was going to be player housing that was hinted at for a decade. I don't know a single person that quit because of the lack of flying. All of the people I know that quit, did so before flying was even announced and I don't remember anyone complaining about it.

To be fair, a lot of these guys put a lot of time into vanilla wow so flying is probably a luxury to them rather than the expected mode of transportation.

My wife who really hates ground travel was quite annoyed that blizzard caved, but was then even more annoyed that they made it a grindy, time gated achievement unlock designed to squeeze a couple of extra months of subscription money out of an already dead expansion. Then they never added any real content after adding it.

PS - personally I was annoyed not having it, mostly because I had several flying mounts that I really liked and couldn't use them. I liked the idea of having to go through the zones 'old school' and not avoiding content, so I guess I was conflicted. The thing I really disliked about the whole thing is, it's standard Blizzard MO: Make something a foundation, take it away from people, then give it back later (by making people jump through hoops) and act like you're doing them a favor. That shit is obnoxious, and they do it often.


So I made the mistake of posting in a certain mmochamp thread, and I thought I'd ask you guys:

Just anecdotally, did you or anyone you actually know (RL or b.net friends/guildies) end up unsubscribing from WoD due entirely or predominantly to not being able to fly? I find it utterly impossible to believe that the "noflynobuy" crowd is anything other than an incredibly vocal, but incredibly small minority. Out of all of the people I have played WoW with, I know literally zero who played WoD and even mentioned flying as a reason for unsubbing at any point since its launch. With all of the actual, content-related problems WoD had, I just can't believe that any meaningful amount of people decided "man this expansion is pretty shitty in almost every regard, but it would totally be worth playing if I was able to afk floating over my garrison than being on the ground." And I doubly can't believe that any meaningful amount of people can be intrigued and interested in Legion but decide not to buy it because of not being able to fly immediately.

I'm convinced that it's confirmation bias and echo-chamber nonsense. Now please confirm my bias by agreeing with me in this echo chamber.

Both me and everyone I know that's been playing and quit permanently (at least until Legion) did it because they found it boring in general and had nothing to do with flying or not at all. If anything most enjoy the ground aspect more.

Really flying have just made travel "autorun and afk for 5 minutes" instead of exploring and meeting other players and PvPing on your way to X area. It was a lot of fun before flying became a big thing.


No One Remembers
So that tweet from last night...

The Burning Legion is heading our way and to help thin the number of demons already in the lands of Azeroth, we’ve teamed up with various community members to set a bounty on their heads.

We’ve gathered some of our finest generals from the community to lead the onslaught. You’ll want to follow them closely and be ready to jump into the fray to take on the demon they issue a bounty on. Once the demon is targeted, you’ll be asked to head into Azeroth, Outland, or Draenor, to screenshot any demon of that specific type (dead or alive), and tweet it using the associated hashtag.

Your efforts could result in netting you a key to the Legion beta test and joining the thousands who have already been testing the upcoming expansion.

Follow these community members at the times listed below to take your shot:

Time - Twitter - Demons - Hashtag

8:00 a.m. PT - Towelliee - Dreadlords - #Towellieebounty

10:00 a.m. PT - Venruki - Shivarra - #Venrukibounty

12:00 p.m. PT - Bajheera - Wrath Guards - #Bajheerabounty

2:00 p.m. PT - Swifty - Felguards - #Swiftybounty

4:00 p.m. PT - Sloot - Eredar - #Slootbounty

6:00 P.M. PT - Sparty - Infernals - #Spartybounty


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I've enjoyed WoW since the vanilla beta but man I have just never been able to enjoy watching twitch streamers for it.


I've enjoyed WoW since the vanilla beta but man I have just never been able to enjoy watching twitch streamers for it.

The only streamer I watched was TotalBiscuit but then he quit and I never found another one.

His Cataclysm beta videos was such a blast to watch.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Part of the related issue to no flying was that both herbs and ore was available to farm in-garrison without any real effort.

Cloth/Leather was harder, but you didn't ever have to really leave the garrison outside of going to raids for the first two mats.

Unless I'm missing something, that'll be a fairly big change-up in Legion.

Honestly, no flying at all (without even being able to work towards it) is a bummer for me, but not necessarily un-subscribe worthy. I'll give it some time, at least.

Blizz still needs to make the flight paths less 'touristy' though, or at least have an option to just go as the crow flies.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Honestly, no flying at all (without even being able to work towards it) is a bummer for me, but not necessarily un-subscribe worthy. I'll give it some time, at least.

That's not the case for Legion. There is going to be a meta achievement like the one added in WoD, it just won't be able to be completed in 7.0.


It's funny when you think about it, Cataclysm and WoD share a lot of things.

Revamped old zones (kinda), uninteresting villains, botched plot, parts seem unfinished and obvious cut content, clusterfuck ending making no sense, zones don't feel cohesive....I'll be wary of another brown/red expansion next time!

The extension after Legion is going to be be shit isn't it
The only strong opinion I have about flying is that it shouldn't be available during the initial leveling. Being grounded makes exploring/questing in those zones a lot more engaging. After max level though? Not too bothered either way. Having it immediately at max has been nice in the past, but getting it later is fine too. In Legion it'll really depend on how "fun" the Diablo bounty style stuff is. If it's great, I won't mind being grounded, but if it's annoying busywork I'll be aching for flying to get it over with asap.


People called Romanes they go the house?
That's not the case for Legion. There is going to be a meta achievement like the one added in WoD, it just won't be able to be completed in 7.0.

That's what I meant, yah. Unless I've missed something, we haven't gotten any specifics on whether parts of said meta will be available to complete at launch, or even if we'll know what they are.

It matters more (to me, at least), incidentally, due to actually going out into the world and such. If I have to sit through the wyvern lazily trailing around another mountain pass......



The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
That's what I meant, yah. Unless I've missed something, we haven't gotten any specifics on whether parts of said meta will be available to complete at launch, or even if we'll know what they are.

It matters more (to me, at least), incidentally, due to actually going out into the world and such. If I have to sit through the wyvern lazily trailing around another mountain pass......


Well we know it will definitely contain the individual zone and quest achievements for the Broken Isle zones. Beyond that though yeah, not sure. Probably revered with a bunch of reps, maybe finishing the class hall campaign stuff available at launch.


Glad we don't have to watch the streams. I'm doing the pics for shits n giggles. Doubt i'll win, but everything helps i guess.


I've enjoyed WoW since the vanilla beta but man I have just never been able to enjoy watching twitch streamers for it.

I like watching youtube videos of speedruns in CMs sometimes, but yea not really into the streams.

I think twitchplayspokemon was the only stream I got hooked on
This contest has not been going over well on reddit.

Not surprised. Has Blizzard always had a hard-on for using streamers for promoting the game?

All this promotion in particular though seem to do is benefit a 3rd party, the streamers. I wasn't paying much attention to this "Demon bounty" crap before as I know how underwhelming they usually turn out to be (and I don't want a Beta key), but this seems to be a way that the select few who have been chosen to promote the game can increase their viewer numbers. Why do paying customers have to pay attention to something that's nothing to do with the game? Just make it a normal competition, don't have to integrate any streamers into it at all.

Oh, and Twitter. Blizz love them some Twitter.


Have a link? I don't use reddit.


Jeez This event kind of sucks. I was watching Towelliee for this event and he was a bit confused about what a dreadlord even was. Why do we have to do this through streamers?


Part 1 of Broken Isles Pathfinder is thus:

Fully explore all zones in Broken Isles
Complete the Broken Isles zone questlines
Complete your Order Hall questline
Complete 100 World Quests
Earn Revered with the six Broken Isles factions

All this can be done in 7.0 and doing so will award faster mount speed in the Broken Isles.


Lol I got put in queue when I tried to connect just now.....wtf. surely it's just a bug and isn't because of this contest...right?
Part 1 of Broken Isles Pathfinder is thus:

Fully explore all zones in Broken Isles
Complete the Broken Isles zone questlines
Complete your Order Hall questline
Complete 100 World Quests
Earn Revered with the six Broken Isles factions

All this can be done in 7.0 and doing so will award faster mount speed in the Broken Isles.

The only thing in this list that may require some more serious effort/time is completing the Order Hall questline. At least from what I can tell. The rest is pretty easy and you'll be doing it naturally for other reasons.
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