Someone using Bartender4 here? I used Dominos before and in bartender I can't move my casting bar, or and there's no setting in the menu for it.
So it's in the middle of my other bars.
The spec has some cool thematic elements, but it's weak as shit and clunky as fuck to play at end-game.
Are we talking a substantial noticable weakness to Demo, or is it a classic case of "this spec is 5% lower at dps in perfect conditions, it sucks" that we see so much of?
Wow, the Mac client is extremely unstable
Hangs, crashes, framerate on Metal is worse than OpenGL
(MBP 13" 2015)
The entire flow of Demo sounds great on paper, in practice it's horrible.
This isn't a 5% scenario. I'll be amazed if Demo and Survival don't see massive changes in the 3 months post launch.
survival too? goddamn it >_>
man bm hunters suck now we have like 4 skills to use and our main attack/filler cobra shot is awful lol..... survival is fun though
warlocks are just yeesh..... my two favorite classes are just pretty wacked out right now
disc priests have (at least at level 42) one heal and a shield. Disc priests healing scenarios are pretty much
shield tank, shadowmend tank, dps losing health too bad, shield tank, shadowmend tank, dps dead
rest druids don't feel that much different
PvP is so meh right now in the Pre patch. Even as a mage I can't kill anything, especially in frost, fire is a bit better. It's basically all melee everywhere, lol. I know PvP isn't tuned for 100, so once Legion hits and we level to 110 and get our artifact it should feel better.
I don't even feel like pvping because of how outta whack it feels right now.
I killed a couple of DKs, Mages, and a Lock as Disc. It's kind of crazy!
I think ignore pain is bugged in timewalking because I just had a warrior tank basically solo slave pens in one pull doing about 4 times more healing than me
Sure wish I could check out the changes, too bad my ISP is having issues connecting to Battlenet and are blaming Blizzard while Blizzard says it is on my ISP's end... (Which is probably is, thanks a lot Rise Broadband)
Are we talking a substantial noticable weakness to Demo, or is it a classic case of "this spec is 5% lower at dps in perfect conditions, it sucks" that we see so much of?
Malick[AI];210691353 said:I would love to see a sub ilvl700 run Mythic dungeons now. Had two 710+ tanks die to the Magma Lord pull in Mythic Mines yesterday. Bosses now seem to take 30-40 seconds longer and my Lock got 2 shotted by a rock spike. I now find myself popping the DPS Ring on big pulls and not just boss fights.
For reference I ran this on Sunday with the same group and we face rolled through it.
You might have action-cam enabled somehow?
Try with a fresh Interface and WTF folder and see if it still happens.
So uh, anyone else seeing crazy performance issues? I build a high-end PC less than a month ago. Not sure if the game is clashing with drivers, or something else.
I'm running the game at 3440x1440 with an 6700k at 4.4, 32gb ram and a GTX 1080. I'm experiencing downwards of 40 FPS in Fjord with all of the settings maximized (render is at 100% - this is the first thing I reduced). Even reducing the settings down to the "ultra" preset before pre-patch dropped is still showing lower than expected performance (I was getting 120-130 FPS avg in this instance).
Any solutions? Would love to hear some advice even.
I named Survival because Demo and Survival both have some fundamental issues, not the same ones, but enough to make them stand out.
Luckily MM rocks, eh?
WoW Token prices are skyrocketing. Looks like the demand being created by people wanting to come back in and reactivate is far exceeding any demand for buying gold. I'd expect it will be the same when Legion hits as well. We've probably seen the last of 40k tokens in the US.
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Same shit is happening to me. used to average about 120 fps, now i'm down in the 40-60 range. In my garrison it's in the 20s. Cities it hits low 20s. WTF.
im still debating which comes out better lone wolf or careful aim? how does everyone like sidewinders over arcane/multi?
Does equipping a new piece of gear override your current transmog set like before? I was hoping a could level a new character and keep the same outfit for multiple levels at a time.
Does equipping a new piece of gear override your current transmog set like before? I was hoping a could level a new character and keep the same outfit for multiple levels at a time.
Praying for an Auctioneer update. It's hard to clear inventory without that add on. So much clutter in my bags![]()
Blood DK feels thin and simple without the new artifact weapon abilities.
Why is the game now asking if I am sure I want to loot primal spirit (or anything above common quality)? Really want to know how to turn that off.
Blood DK feels thin and simple without the new artifact weapon abilities.
Shit. Don't tell me that. That's my main.Yeah I tanked a timewalking run last night and enjoyed it less than I was expecting. Certainly wasn't bad, but I was just expecting a bit more out of it.
Shit. Don't tell me that. That's my main.