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World of Warcraft |OT7| Feel the hatred of 10,000 Murlocs


Getting used to some of the new interface changes. Love the new transmog and animations.

But the one thing I'm still completely baffled by is the new scrolling combat text. It's completely worthless now. It's so bad I'm almost wondering if it's bugged for me or something or if they're putting in a hotfix for it because it's hard to imagine how Blizz thought it'd be useful in this state.


Killed manno after 2 attempts, second attempt I hearthed out with a doomcaller lol
Hearthed to garrison and was stuck there so I couldn't do archi but they wiped 3 times to archi because of an invisible dance then killed it

Rest was easy

more raid glitches


At least it seems like the silence feature is already working great.

So, was talking in trade chat when I'm suddenly disconnected from the game and log back in to find that I hav a full chat ban. If I try to talk it tells me my privilages have been revoked and I am "pending investgation". In other words, I have been automatically banned by the system for being reported. And I have been banned for an undiscolsed amount of time untill they finally get to my report and do an investigation. Also I cannot even talk with /s which if I understand correctly, is not one of the restrictions we were told would be implemented. When I first heard of the silence system I thought it was ok. You say something bad, enough people report, you get flagged, blizz investigates and if they concider it to be a serious offence you are penalised. But no, if you say something someone doesn't like, you get reported, the system automatically penalises you while Blizz takes it's sweet time getting to your report, and investigating what happened. I no longer support this system, I think it is horrible and will ruin the quite fun community we have. I am extremely frustrated and disapointed.

Blue response
Fuzzpuff, you were actually silenced for participating in Anal [link] spam which is considered inappropriate for the game and a violation of our in-game chat policies.

I do see that you have an appeal submitted. Keep that ticket open, and the Game Master who responds can provide you with specific lines of chat that were attached to this report. As the Customer Support Forums aren't really an avenue of appeals, I'm locking this thread up. Thanks!


They need a fresh code base, there are just so many weird knock-ons with the changes they've implemented in this patch.
I was actually already starting to "feel" Survival in combat. It's fun to be tossing out traps, and even if the playstyle is not the same the element of explosives reminds me of one of my favorite Rift classes: the Saboteur. I kind of wish they leaned into that stuff more heavily for the themeing, because the split between lance stuff, pet stuff, and explosive stuff leaves the spec feeling too thinly spread on its identity. Core abilities are good, but Survival's low mobility is just not okay for a melee class. Aspect of the Cheetah's 3 minute cooldown is insane when it should be the basic mobility option, and the defensive cooldowns leave something to be desired when you see the two minute cooldown on Exhilaration. Just compares extremely unfavorably to other melee, who can heal for 30% every 30 seconds, or get stuff like Sprint on a minute cooldown.

Could not agree more with the bolded. Leveling a Survival Hunter right now and it feels like the CD for Aspect of the Cheetah should be significantly lower. The 3 minute cooldown and extremely short duration make it borderline useless. Low-level Survival is a Warrior without Charge, it's just so slow and kludgy. The spec starts to get a bit better once you get some range talents and abilities, but I'm taking the axe toss over the two damage talents (Mok'Nathal or pet boost) that look like they're the better choices because I lack mobility and range. Hatchet Toss feel like it should be a baseline ability for the Spec at 10. It does no damage and it's just for pulling trash. Reading a bit it seems like there's an artifact trait to reduce the CD of your aspects down by 20% but that seems too little and too late. Like I get removing the persistence and mini-stun on Aspect of the Cheetah, that would sort of be hell-ish on Survival with the mini-stun and ridiculous if it persisted without any sort of penalty/drawback, but the CD is just too high.

Also is growl just baked into your starter pets attack now? There used to be a button that appeared once you chose a spec that you could use to toggle growl off and on but that's absent now and my raptor is still applying growl when attacking. Maybe it was a bug, because I don't have any add-ons. I should log-in and check.
Hey all. Returning to WoW after a year or so break and currently in the need of a guild.

I'm on EU. I use to belong to a fairly large guild but prefer a small guild so I can get to know everyone and have a sense of a community like the old days.

Thanks :)


They said they made them glyphs which you can use to change the pet's look.

Except they made the Wrathguard glyph exclusive with the "carry a weapon" glyph, so not more dual wielding wrathguards. And as far as I can tell none of the "change pet" glyphs are even in game yet.


New Destro is poopy:

Aoe options? 2 talents and Rain of Fire, which is still so shitty it's almost not worth casting. Cataclysm is still not baseline, resulting in Destro aoe being shit.

Mana costs: hope you like Lifetap. What am I saying, nobody likes Lifetap, but Blizzard have decided to make it mandatory unless you take a talent which stops you having Cataclysm. Thanks Blizzard. Not a single Warlock spec has decent aoe. Not one.

Bah, I've played this class for years and the changes are pretty good IMO. Maybe a little less AoE dmg but hardly enough to delete your characters over


so mythic manoroth and archimonde last night.

what a shitshow.

we got mythic manny after like 15-20 wipes. it was like progression all over again.

archimonde seemed easier but we only had like 5 pulls on him since there were so many random problems for people with FPS issues/logging in issues/changing talents.

The exorcist raid tools radar is fucked though and it looked like a rave lightshow.

I really dislike the ret paladin changes.

So much for it being one button EZ mode


Bah, I've played this class for years and the changes are pretty good IMO. Maybe a little less AoE dmg but hardly enough to delete your characters over

I'm just curious how many expansions it's going to take for them to make Rain of Fire not comically bad.

The numbers aren't that hard. Hell, I'll chip in and buy them a calculator.


Any other ideas?

Short of trying another mouse I dunno : / best of luck figuring it out

For the class that reinvented tanking to make Active Mitigation the standard across the board, there's a startling dearth of activity for mitigation.

Blood DK is the biggest tanking casualty of Legion. Death Strike is just a lil piece of the kit now rather than the core. Bums me out a lot

Brewmaster was shat on pretty hard, but they've made it decent with a few of the later beta updates.

Can't believe Protection Warrior went live like this... Even after all the time on beta/PTR, I expected them to change it.

u sad bro?

Over half the rage coming from damage taken is pretty meh

At least it seems like the silence feature is already working great.

Blue response



LOL what a dumbass. ANAL [x] got old like 5 minutes after I first saw it.


So with the new tmog system once you pick an item up it goes into your collection and you can get sell that piece to free a slot up?


Okay, what? Does Blizzard want to make everyone hate Hunters more? Growl used to have a hotkey in the mini-action bar by default and now it's no longer there. You have to go into your Spellbook, look under your pet tab and assign it a hotkey now. I switched to Beastmaster, still had no Growl on/off, looked in the spellbook and found it there in the pet tab. Just weird. A new player isn't going to know to look there, hell most players forget to turn that shit off in instances and it used to be in your pet's action bar by default.

Survival starts to get fun once you have Harpoon. Every 20 seconds in a fight or leading into a fight you have a burst of mobility, and when Harpoon is on CD you have Hatchet to pull. Survival feels like Warrior but with a pet. The pieces are there for the spec but it feels like those pieces are falling into place at the wrong time.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The spec starts to get a bit better once you get some range talents and abilities, but I'm taking the axe toss over the two damage talents (Mok'Nathal or pet boost) that look like they're the better choices because I lack mobility and range. Hatchet Toss feel like it should be a baseline ability for the Spec at 10. It does no damage and it's just for pulling trash. Reading a bit it seems like there's an artifact trait to reduce the CD of your aspects down by 20% but that seems too little and too late. Like I get removing the persistence and mini-stun on Aspect of the Cheetah, that would sort of be hell-ish on Survival with the mini-stun and ridiculous if it persisted without any sort of penalty/drawback, but the CD is just too high.
Throwing Axes is the recommended choice for single target. It's pretty even with Way of the Mok'Nathal. Pet boost talent is not desirable at all, and unlike stuff like Roll the Bones where they took away the RNG utility procs you can still roll move speed with it. Even if it does proc right neither of the stats that it gives are priority.

If the spec had a better talent for mobility it'd be fine, but none of the three provide good reliable movement. Harpoon itself is pretty unreliable, and can eat the cooldown without going off with LoS gets complex.
Short of trying another mouse I dunno : / best of luck figuring it out

Just so happens I own a second mouse. Just tried it and the problem persists. This is bizarre and I'm not finding much online as others with somewhat similar issues either had it with Windows 8 and Microsoft had a patch for that (and it sounds like the problem was a bit different) or the solution is to remove the Cache, WTF, and Interface folders, which I've now done three or four times and it's still happening.

I haven't played for over a year as Warlords was terrible, in my opinion, and Legion didn't have a lot to interest me but I thought I'd check it out with the pre-patch changes but maybe this is a sign that I should just move on. Too bad I wasted $15 to find out, heh.

Edit: Just for kicks I made sure to turn off Actioncam and then turn it on to full. Problem continues with both so it seems unrelated to that. And I just started up Guild Wars 2 to make sure it's not some mouse problem that'll affect other games and no problems at all. Something about WoW isn't working.

Edit: And fixed.
Yeah whoever said that all specs feel like they're missing a button was right, because so far my dk, hunter, and monk feel a little thin in terms of rotation. They definitely balanced around the extra button you get from artifacts.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
finished Shadowmoon at 95. Either they nerfed the xp needed since vanilla WoD, or those upgraded heirlooms make a world of difference (and I wasnt even using them through most of 90 to 91)

anyway im really liking Demo lock, but im a filthy casual whos been away for a year and half and my raiding days are long gone, im mostly in for the flavor these days.

Still, some imediate changes spring to mind, that I feel would help:

- Demonic Empowerment needs to be instant. If you want us to use a pet buff spell every 10 seconds, with multiple pet spells already having cast times, make it fucking instant then

- Doom needs to be a dot now that you took corruption away. Even better, a dot that has a chance to proc a wild imp with each tic

- Felreavers should last 15 seconds (the cooldown) but thats a minor quibble.

I actually think Demo is in a fun spot. Im using shadowflame for the dot and extra soul shard source from tier 1, so if I only have 1 shard I usually go shadowbolt / shadowflame/ doom which gives 4 shards if you have both shadowflame charges, shadowbolt for the 5 soul shards for max hand of guldan, demonic empower for imps/felguard then shadowbolt, by now one of the charges of flame is back, do that and summon puppies, then demonic empower again. Rinse and repeat.

I use the imps riding the puppies talent, and on the grimoire tier im using the second pet cooldown, it hits like a truck and its on a relatively short cd (its great for questing elites), but im sure the 40% dmg buff chance is the obvious choice.

I will probably use demonbolt or whatever at 100 since im building for max pets, but i want to try the new summon also, cooldown seems short enough.

sorry for being so casul Gaf ^_^


Yeah, I ran a bunch of TW with my Blood DK last night and the rotation feels so simple. There's no decision making.

Plus I feel like my play has zero effect on whether I stay alive or not. If shit hit the fan previously I would have a few different CD options to try and stabilize things. Now it's hit Vamp Blood and pray.

Bleh, good thing I'm a DPS player first.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
- Demonic Empowerment needs to be instant. If you want us to use a pet buff spell every 10 seconds, with multiple pet spells already having cast times, make it fucking instant then

- Doom needs to be a dot now that you took corruption away. Even better, a dot that has a chance to proc a wild imp with each tic

- Felreavers should last 15 seconds (the cooldown) but thats a minor quibble.

All of these are correct. Instant DE would make the spec feel significantly less onerous, a real DoT would be great too.


sorry for being so casul Gaf ^_^

meh fun is the priority. be casual if it's fun for you

Yeah, I ran a bunch of TW with my Blood DK last night and the rotation feels so simple. There's no decision making.

Plus I feel like my play has zero effect on whether I stay alive or not. If shit hit the fan previously I would have a few different CD options to try and stabilize things. Now it's hit Vamp Blood and pray.

Bleh, good thing I'm a DPS player first.

Yeah sounds like Frost and Unholy are pretty cool, I'll never understand why they ruined Blood.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Loaded up my 20 Rogue, dat Outlaw pistol shot :D

Loaded up my 92 Unholy DK and it said "your abilities now require a specific weapon so here have a 2h sword"

wtf was I using before then? >_>

edit: I have some 1h swords in the mail so I think its refering to that?

edit: oh shit you can have 2 ghouls (well a ghoul and a skelly) at the same time now? and you can have a abom instead of a ghoul now? this is neat
Just so happens I own a second mouse. Just tried it and the problem persists. This is bizarre and I'm not finding much online as others with somewhat similar issues either had it with Windows 8 and Microsoft had a patch for that (and it sounds like the problem was a bit different) or the solution is to remove the Cache, WTF, and Interface folders, which I've now done three or four times and it's still happening.

I haven't played for over a year as Warlords was terrible, in my opinion, and Legion didn't have a lot to interest me but I thought I'd check it out with the pre-patch changes but maybe this is a sign that I should just move on. Too bad I wasted $15 to find out, heh.

Edit: Just for kicks I made sure to turn off Actioncam and then turn it on to full. Problem continues with both so it seems unrelated to that. And I just started up Guild Wars 2 to make sure it's not some mouse problem that'll affect other games and no problems at all. Something about WoW isn't working.

Edit: And fixed.

I finally found a solution on YouTube of all places. Apparently the fix is to go into full screen mode (I was in Windowed Full Screen). That somehow fixed the mouse problems. To get an idea what was happening it's shown at around 30 seconds into this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4D8H2JISees
Throwing Axes is the recommended choice for single target. It's pretty even with Way of the Mok'Nathal. Pet boost talent is not desirable at all, and unlike stuff like Roll the Bones where they took away the RNG utility procs you can still roll move speed with it. Even if it does proc right neither of the stats that it gives are priority.

If the spec had a better talent for mobility it'd be fine, but none of the three provide good reliable movement. Harpoon itself is pretty unreliable, and can eat the cooldown without going off with LoS gets complex.

I wasn't too keen on the pet buff at 15 but I want to see how the Mok'Nathal damage buff works with Mongoose Bite/Fury. Although it's good to know that Throwing Axes isn't just a viable PVE talent.

I imagine the deflection of any complaints about mobility now would be "wait for the Artifact" but a 20% reduction of Aspect that buff will provide is only 36 seconds. Having that on CD for roughly two and a half minutes on what should be a core mobility tool is still too much. There will be hotfixes, it will be interesting to see if they do anything to address this sooner. The potential is there though, it seems like it could be a really fun spec if they sort this wrinkle out.

I probably should've rolled a Goblin Hunter and gone engi instead of Troll/LW, at least then the Goblin racial and engineer tinkers could've filled the mobility void when Aspect of the Cheetah is on CD.
I don't understand how I am supposed to as an Aff Lock keep Unstable Affliction up on more than two targets with it talented. It takes almost as much time to cast it + GCD as the DoT takes to expire.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Unholy seems super bloated at first look, seems fun tho


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
We've made a few more tweaks to abilities that were unaffected by Demoralized (e.g. Wrought/Focused Chaos) because they were "friendly-fire" damage. Those hotfixes should now be live, and will be documented in hotfix notes later today.

Raid Finder should also now be receiving a weaker form of the Demoralized debuff (many of the changes that the Normal/Heroic/Mythic version is offsetting involve things like high-end raid trinkets that aren't as commonly present in Raid Finder).

That said, having seen how Normal, Heroic, and Mythic have played out over the course of the first day of the patch, raiding has been easier in some ways (many combat times are a bit faster, even if on-pull burst is slower), but harder in others (healer throughput is more stressed, old methods of handling some mechanics are no longer reproducible, etc.). That's not the intent - were definitely aiming for "slightly easier" across the board. We'll be increasing the magnitude of the Demoralized debuff later today, and will continue to keep an eye on content.

We're also looking at introducing a form of the debuff to Warlords dungeons (Mythic especially)

I haven't checked out any Mythic dungeons yesterday, have any of you guys? I still want 1-2 more trinkets before Legion comes out, I'll be bothered if they are significantly more difficult due to current specs not being optimal for level 100 content.

Unholy seems super bloated at first look, seems fun tho

How so? It's about a 4-5 button spec just like everything else. Disease Dot, Festering strike, Scourge Strike, death coil, and ghoul Transformation are the only core rotational abilities afaik.


So what are people using for the raid frames when they're healing? I can't find a good add on that is not either fucking ugly or unable to do what I want it to do.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
How so? It's about a 4-5 button spec just like everything else. Disease Dot, Festering strike, Scourge Strike, death coil, and ghoul Transformation are the only core rotational abilities afaik.

epidemic if you spec into it (I did for now), death and decay, soul reaper?


Looking for some GAF help with a text rendering issue I'm having since the pre-Legion patch yesterday.

So post-patch, I'm getting blurry/garbled text on names at a distance. PC, NPC, mobs, doesn't matter. The culprit seems to be the new Render Scale slider. Cranking it up to the max of 200% so far is the only way I've found to clear this problem up, and that's definitely giving me some framerate issues.

Here's some screenshots of what I'm talking about. They were taken in the main hall of my Garrison, standing in front of the fireplace facing the dais. Settings were at 1920x1080, at the new default settings of 7.


This is at the default of 100% Render Scale. Text on the front NPCs is readable, but as you go farther back you start to lose fidelity. The three NPCs on the dais have mostly unreadable names.


Up to 150% Render Scale. Names are now mostly readable before the dais, dais NPCs now have names that you can understand, but still with rendering issues.


200% Render Scale. Dais NPCs now have mostly readable names.

So far I've turned off all addons (only using Atlas, DejaCharacterStats and Quartz right now anyways, but still disabled), switched through fullscreen, windowed and fullscreen (windowed), messed with every AA setting, fiddled with the UI Scale, nothing changes the text issues except for Render Scale.

Driving me crazy here.


So far I've turned off all addons (only using Atlas, DejaCharacterStats and Quartz right now anyways, but still disabled), switched through fullscreen, windowed and fullscreen (windowed), messed with every AA setting, fiddled with the UI Scale, nothing changes the text issues except for Render Scale.

Driving me crazy here.

Should probably post this on the wow support forums. Probably a bug related to the patch or an oversight to not allow changing that bit individually


Looking for some GAF help with a text rendering issue I'm having since the pre-Legion patch yesterday.

So post-patch, I'm getting blurry/garbled text on names at a distance. PC, NPC, mobs, doesn't matter. The culprit seems to be the new Render Scale slider. Cranking it up to the max of 200% so far is the only way I've found to clear this problem up, and that's definitely giving me some framerate issues.

Here's some screenshots of what I'm talking about. They were taken in the main hall of my Garrison, standing in front of the fireplace facing the dais. Settings were at 1920x1080, at the new default settings of 7.


This is at the default of 100% Render Scale. Text on the front NPCs is readable, but as you go farther back you start to lose fidelity. The three NPCs on the dais have mostly unreadable names.


Up to 150% Render Scale. Names are now mostly readable before the dais, dais NPCs now have names that you can understand, but still with rendering issues.


200% Render Scale. Dais NPCs now have mostly readable names.

So far I've turned off all addons (only using Atlas, DejaCharacterStats and Quartz right now anyways, but still disabled), switched through fullscreen, windowed and fullscreen (windowed), messed with every AA setting, fiddled with the UI Scale, nothing changes the text issues except for Render Scale.

Driving me crazy here.
I have this issue also. Hopefully there's a fix eventually.


Literally spent hours sorting out my transmog items. Got a bucket list of things to do before Legion, chief of which is get a Water Strider.

Glad to see the insane FPS issues I was having on PTR haven't carried over to Live. On setting 7 it seems to run similar or maybe even slightly better than it did pre-patch. The Horde garrison in particular runs hugely better.

And ventured briefly into Val'sharah on Beta, though I don't want to spoil myself too much before release given I will go straight for Loremaster. Gives me Ashenvale vibes which is super great for me, will definitely be the first zone I go for on release.
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