Should probably post this on the wow support forums. Probably a bug related to the patch or an oversight to not allow changing that bit individually
I probably should've rolled a Goblin Hunter and gone engi instead of Troll/LW, at least then the Goblin racial and engineer tinkers could've filled the mobility void when Aspect of the Cheetah is on CD.
So dumb cool Holiday cosmetic items and things like Vile Fumigator's Mask which I guess is actually Holiday also aren't able to be used in wardrobe...makes no sense.
So dumb cool Holiday cosmetic items and things like Vile Fumigator's Mask which I guess is actually Holiday also aren't able to be used in wardrobe...makes no sense.
epidemic if you spec into it (I did for now), death and decay, soul reaper?
No fun allowed! Can't mog the fish, or cookie's rod, or any of the holiday dresses either. I'm hoping they give in eventually but for now they are clinging to that. The level requirements are stupid too, would it matter that much for a bank alt to be in tier gear?
I figured you would have made a gnome hunter. I'm still trying to decide on gnome or goblin. Leaning towards gnome since most of the mechanical pets fit them thematically.
Thank you for the feedback.
I was using Serenity before, but I'm not really sure I like how it works with our new mastery and hit combo. I was considering Whirling Dragon Punch instead.
I need to get a parser and really play around with this some more.
Unholy seems super bloated at first look, seems fun tho
May change things slightly when I get the artifact though, since that adds in another ability too. Will see.
do we know all the artifact abilities?
I still prefer WDP even with the artifact ability. The artifact ability cooldown isn't that long but it's long enough that your core rotation doesn't really feel all that different with it. That's not to say there is no impact (the biggest difference off the top of my head is there are points where RSK and the artifact ability are coming off cooldown at the same time so you have to have 4 chi ready to go which is not something you will experience right now) but it doesn't make WDP feel like overkill. At least imo.
I really hate chi orbit and serenity though, so I might be biased.
btw illidari felstalker mount is too small for male dogs
it should scale in size
Naw nothing is bloated about unholy I love it.
Dat abom doe huehuehue
Seriously please update the Abombination model
These guys are handing out pamphlets. There seem to be a number to collect, if you wait a while after getting one you can get another different one.
I haven't been on beta in a while (and haven't actually tested my monk since the last character wipe) so I couldn't remember how well the artifact ability was incorporated into the rotation, but what you say does sound right to me.
And yeah I really hate chi orbit. It may actually be an ok ability but the constantly orbiting chi orbs just bothers me at the very least. So I'm quite happy with WDP.
If I ever made a macro, it would probably be making the Gnome /lol while using Harpoon. Probably not practical but it would make me laugh.
what level do DHs start at, and do you get to 100 with just their special zone?
Start at 98, finish intro at 100. DH have to do zero non-Legion content.
Almost all my WoW time over the past couple of months has been on beta running dungeons as windwalker, I've gotten pretty accustomed to it already. It actually feels really weird on live not having strike of the windlord, muscle memory already wants to hit it.
As for chi orbit, yeah the animation is annoying as fuck. But on top of that it's passive and the way the new mastery works it feels good having another couple of buttons to hit since helps you cut out down time.
This master looter shit is stupid. I swear to god Ion is one of the biggest fucking problems with this game, and the constant need to take away options is really, REALLY getting fucking old.
I will finish my lock for sure, we'll see wht I do about the noobie hunter or rogue (15 and 20 respectively), I cant see myself do any other class, even tho as I say that, I really enjoyed what I saw of unholy when I did the quick spec (he's 92), so I really didnt need another class tht would take long to get to 100.
That's funny. I was in Discord with a buddy of mine who lives in Texas, and he literally said the same thing about WoW and Rise.
It's not you, is it Cole?
Unholy seems super bloated at first look, seems fun tho
These guys are handing out pamphlets. There seem to be a number to collect, if you wait a while after getting one you can get another different one.
Master loot for non-guild (IE, random/pug) runs is a garbage idea 99% of the time anyway due to how superior personal is in almost every way. This seems like another run of the mill forumite over-reaction.
While I would agree ML in PuGs morphed into something toxic enough for there to be a not-insignificant problem, I don't think this is the solution.
It eliminates the possibility for several, positive types of groups to exist, such as a regular raid group formed on OpenRaid.
The problem is always in the people, and despite the changes to personal loot, it will still be inferior to the control you can get from ML.
It's not the most elegant fix, let's say.
I'd elaborate more, but still out of town and just on phone.
Yeah, my DH was a little under halfway to 101 after doing the starter zone a few days ago.If you make a DH on beta or after Legion launch on live, the starter area actually takes you to about halfway to 101 IIRC.
I feel like the new change to personal loot that allows it to be tradeable to raid members if it is not a strict ilvl upgrade for you makes the scenarios in which master loot would be preferable for a pug (or even a non-guild organized group) very, very small.
Master loot for non-guild (IE, random/pug) runs is a garbage idea 99% of the time anyway due to how superior personal is in almost every way. This seems like another run of the mill forumite over-reaction.
Blizz ruined gaem. I sadd ruin gaem blkzzzzz