I love Pokken!

Interesting. I'm cautiously optimistic that they will deliver what they announced so far.
Interesting. I'm cautiously optimistic that they will deliver what they announced so far.
The problem with selling your account now is that it's also your Diablo, Starcraft, Hearthstone, and Overwatch account.
Also wondering if there's any chance at all for a surprise unveiling of new races at Blizzcon. Longshot at best, but that'd be sweet.
By some stuff I assume he means half of the expansion didn't make it.
Does anyone have a brief summery of what was promised in WoD that we didn't get?
Does anyone have a brief summery of what was promised in WoD that we didn't get?
Does anyone have a brief summery of what was promised in WoD that we didn't get?
Grommash as the final boss.
I wouldn't really consider that a cut feature.
Iron Docks quest hub (
Tanaan Jungle
Trial of the Gladiator
Battle Pet Breeding/Epic Pets
Multiple garrison features: the ability to put your garrison is various locations, renaming your epic followers, garrison Trophies for killing rares/elite mobs in Draenor, Building Garrison Defences
Diablo 3-style transmog system (it was being worked on as at November 2013)
PvP Spectator Mode (confirmation needed)
Fixing Stormwind
Blood Elf Models (delayed till 6.1)
Heirloom Tab (delayed till 6.1)
Found that list online. Actually it is quite a bit now that I look at it.
Karabor & Shattrath being cut still hurts the most. I was expecting atleast one more raid tier before we got the next expansion. Tanaan is massively disappointing as well, it feels empty compared to the island.
It's weird, because although Timeless Isle didn't seem to have a whole lot of content on paper, it was still a place that people liked to just hang out at and do whatever. It actually felt like a single cohesive location. Tanaan doesn't.
Yeah I am really unimpressed with Tanaan as well. It just doesn't feel like a place worth being; you are only there to get your dailies done as quickly as possible and leave. It is perhaps the most theme-park area in the whole game. The entire island is just cut up in to individual apexis quest zones, none of which feel particularly interesting or unique.
It's weird, because although Timeless Isle didn't seem to have a whole lot of content on paper, it was still a place that people liked to just hang out at and do whatever. It actually felt like a single cohesive location. Tanaan doesn't.
Remember Path of the titans?
But it's the Biggest Content Patch Ever
But it's the Biggest Content Patch Ever™
So how do you feel about the state of proffesions, apart from the garrison problems? I think they're way overdue for a substantial overhaul. For one, the interface is still precisely the same as it was in 2004 vanilla back when it was made for like 1024x768 displays. They should have done something about that long ago. The way you need to scroll all over the place, as well as shuffle around between different panels because you can't have several open at the same time (like prof windows and vendor windows) is just ridiculous.
They need to seriously rethink the way they are leveled as well. The catchup mechanics added in MoP and WoD mostly just feel like bandaid.
So how do you feel about the state of proffesions, apart from the garrison problems? I think they're way overdue for a substantial overhaul. For one, the interface is still precisely the same as it was in 2004 vanilla back when it was made for like 1024x768 displays. They should have done something about that long ago. The way you need to scroll all over the place, as well as shuffle around between different panels because you can't have several open at the same time (like prof windows and vendor windows) is just ridiculous.
They need to seriously rethink the way they are leveled as well. The catchup mechanics added in MoP and WoD mostly just feel like bandaid.
Timeless Isle there's still half a dozen things for me to acquire at least. Albeit they're mostly 1% drops on rares that take an hour+ to respawn![]()
Iron Docks quest hub (
Tanaan Jungle
Trial of the Gladiator
Battle Pet Breeding/Epic Pets
Multiple garrison features: the ability to put your garrison is various locations, renaming your epic followers, garrison Trophies for killing rares/elite mobs in Draenor, Building Garrison Defences
Diablo 3-style transmog system (it was being worked on as at November 2013)
PvP Spectator Mode (confirmation needed)
Fixing Stormwind
Blood Elf Models (delayed till 6.1)
Heirloom Tab (delayed till 6.1)
Found that list online. Actually it is quite a bit now that I look at it.
The only big thing I can remember (and "promised" is inaccurate) is the Farahlon zone.
Grommash as the final boss.
Besides design decisions and whatnot, is there a technical reason why Blizzard is so slow at keeping WoW filled with new content on even a monthly basis? Why is there so much time in between patches now? Are their tools tough to work with and/or is their engine aging badly behind the scenes?
They claim the WoW dev team is bigger than ever but I don't really see where those man hours are going.
My biggest hope for Legions is that we go back to badass armor sets for challenge modes 8)
Challenge modes were my favorite part of WoD when I played. The weapon is cool, but armor sets are even COOLER. Unless we get a super cool artifact transmog for challenge modes.
omg...give me illidan warglaives for challenge mode and i'll be happy
The team likes challenge modes and wants to try and make them more accessible. They aren't guaranteed to be added to Legion.
It really either boils down to this or their budgets have been slashed to nothing. It's the only way i can reconcile how terribly sparse wod was with content.Blizzard seems to have some severe organizational/structural issues that are seriously bogging down their content development. It is likely that there is next to no autonomy, and that every little change or addition likely requires multiple levels of approvals and evaluation. This would certainly make the actual speed at which new content can be created and iterated on extremely hamstrung.
There's really no excuse at this point. The industry is full of online games with exponentially faster rates of content releases. Blizzard really has to figure their shit out.
It really either boils down to this or their budgets have been slashed to nothing. It's the only way i can reconcile how terribly sparse wod was with content.
Survival Hunters will be a melee class with pet going forward.
Beast Mastery Hunters will fight at range with a pet.
Marksmanship Hunters will fight at range with no pet.
Demonology Warlocks will also be getting some bigger changes, focusing more on their demons.
Demonology Warlocks will be refocused on summoning and controlling demons rather than having Metamorphosis dominate. Other specs will still have access to demons.
Discipline Priests
Disc Priests are going to be a much more offensive healer after another pass on Atonement which will make it more interactive.
They will still have heals and PW:S, but they will sustain their healing through doing DPS.
Closer to 50% damage and 50% healing spec.
In the past, when Atonement was popular you would just spam Smite and Holy Fire all fight long and use the smart healing, which wasn't very interactive. This time, you may throw out some single target heals giving players a buff. Next time you Smite, people who have that buff will get your healing, and you will have to refresh the buff periodically.
These changes should fix the absorb heavy nature of Discipline Priests.
Holy Priests will still be all about healing.
I don't know much about the current state of healers in the game, since I just returned and hadn't played since Wrath, but does that mean there won't be any preventative healers in the game now?
Besides design decisions and whatnot, is there a technical reason why Blizzard is so slow at keeping WoW filled with new content on even a monthly basis? Why is there so much time in between patches now? Are their tools tough to work with and/or is their engine aging badly behind the scenes?
They claim the WoW dev team is bigger than ever but I don't really see where those man hours are going.
I don't know much about the current state of healers in the game, since I just returned and hadn't played since Wrath, but does that mean there won't be any preventative healers in the game now?
I don't know much about the current state of healers in the game, since I just returned and hadn't played since Wrath, but does that mean there won't be any preventative healers in the game now?
"I only like CMs for the rewards. Actually doing them is not that enjoyable IMO. But part of that is being in a big raiding guild and not necessarily having a tight-knit group to do them with. Also being a less desirable spec."
Learning and executing CMs was more fun than anything else for me. There was something very captivating about being gear capped and figuring out the most efficient strategy for not just each boss but each pull.
Rogues might get the Dalaran Sewers as a class hall? The fuck? Did they forget they already have a kick ass place to put a class hall for rogues?