Druids class hall should probably be Moonglade... right?
Druids class hall should probably be Moonglade... right?
And then I think about how the mage hall will be. Oh, boy, my kill team of Meryl Felstorm, Archmage Vargoth and Millhouse Manastorm. A crybaby, an lazy fuck and a duffus.
Oh, boy, can't wait.
Demon Hunters
- Chilton wishes Demon Hunters were in Vanilla and wanted them in BC. Wrath didn't make sense to add them.
- DH class focuses on mobility. Rogue is CC and stealth, Monk is self-heal hybrid, while DH is in-your-face then escape.
- Fury and rage is similar but aren't on the same acquisition rate.
- Demon Hunter intro quest area will lead directly into level 100 Legion zones.
- Newly designed dungeons will take into effect double jump to avoid shorting the instances.
Order Halls
- Garrison is your personal space, whereas Order Halls are public.
- Only likeness is a select number of followers to send on missions.
- Dalaran was changed slightly for Legion; Northrend Dal is staying the same.
- Underbelly will potentially be a PVP type area and the Rogue Order Hall.
- DH has two specs; other classes will retain their current specs. Some may be adapted and improved.
- Building distinctions between the class specs (ie: Rogue Subt is ninja, Combat is swashbuckler, Assas is poison dots).
- PVP gear & stats is gone. Diminishing returns on ilvl above a certain ilvl (maybe 7% more power max).
Story and lore will be better integrated into the endgame content.
Gul'dan is the instigator of the expansion. He is the boss of the first tier but not the expansion.
- Demon Hunter intro quest area will lead directly into level 100 Legion zones.
Rogues are Dalaran Sewers, with the rest of the garbage, despite the fact that it should be Ravenholdt.
Rogues might get the Dalaran Sewers as a class hall? The fuck? Did they forget they already have a kick ass place to put a class hall for rogues?
Yeah if they nail other classes that precisely than I'd say they're doing a good job.
mysteriousmage09 said:Blizz doesn't remember anything that made WoW great in the past, nor do they care.
Why do you think Dalaran is the capitol city for Legion? So they could go 2 expansions in a row without 1 new capitol city being added, rehash another dungeon, and most likely just throw the rogues into the sewers for even more re-usability.
That's the part I enjoyed last expansion, but sockets and vengeance completely ruined them. This time out, idk I just never got into them in the first place. I think my biggest issue is that the basic strategies didn't change from last expansion, so it felt kind of worn. I spent SOOOO much time working on strats in mop and here it's like...the specifics are different but the generalities are all the same. It gets a bit worn to me. I do appreciate that to compete after the first few months I no longer need to go get a set of gear with 23 sockets on it.
Figure out what you need for mob count. Decide if it's worth invising past any major portions and still hitting that target, try to find any cheese that lets you do dungeon specific stuff. Once that's all sussed out you pull as much of the trash at the same time as you can manage, POSSIBLY with the boss. Not having vengeance makes it a bit more challenging (you can't just pull like 5 groups together and chain CDs while the tank solos it all) but it's still really similar. I appreciate the stuff in like Skyreach for instance where personal play has a large effect on things, flash bangs and lots of mobs that are good to interrupt, chakrams, lots of things to look out for in a tense situation. But most dungeons aren't quite like that.
There's a couple 'obvious' class halls locations:
Rogue - Ravenholdt Manor (Had its own reputation from beginning of Vanilla, both factions' Rogues went there for class quests)
Druid - Moonglade (Already a class quest location for both factions' Druids)
DK - Archerus (Practically a class hall already)
Monks - The 50% XP Temple where both factions teleport to do quests
But I kinda hope they come up with new stuff...
So there's going to be two versions of Dalaran? Sloppy...
Meh. It's not any sloppier than Outland and Northrend sort of existing "in the past" as it is. The version of Dalran in Northrend is just in the past..
Honestly Dalaran should be the permanent neutral city for all Azeroth-based expansions. It's a floating city that can go wherever it wants. They should have flown the fucking thing to Draenor.
I dunno I think its cool if they could reuse existing towns instead of copy / pasting into a "new" town. Just makes it feel less and less like a "world." They didn't do pre / post Cataclysm Stormwind, etc. They just integrated the old and new together... it's what they should have done here IMO.
That's different, as those are still in the same physical location. The Dalarans are in two different physical, un-instanced locations. Like, if I am flying from Icecrown and land in Dalaran, I can't be in the same place as someone who flew over to Dalaran from Suramar in the Broken Isles.
What's the current flying grind now? Has the time been shortened? Thinking of taking a 7 day and seeing what I can do. All of my characters except 2 are at 90 and them being able to fly in Draenor would certainly help leveling them for Legion.
Because if there's one thing I think of when I remember the "good ol' days" of WoW it is Ravenholdt. Are you hoping to grind some more Syndicate Emblems for a reputation that does essentially nothing? Give me a break. Move on with your life and go find a game you enjoy and leave the hyperbole elsewhere.
How do they make a class that has more mobility than Monks? I still don't really understand what they're doing with Demon Hunters.
Honestly Dalaran should be the permanent neutral city for all Azeroth-based expansions. It's a floating city that can go wherever it wants. They should have flown the fucking thing to Draenor.
So there's going to be two versions of Dalaran? Sloppy...
How do they make a class that has more mobility than Monks? I still don't really understand what they're doing with Demon Hunters.
I figured during the world event they'd move the city out of Icecrown and leave behind flight path, important quest hubs + portal to new Dalaran. Probably too much work but was hoping they'd figure it out. Not a deal breaker or anything just meh.
I do agree with this but for the love of god i do hope they improve it so it isn't lagaran it was just terrible in Wrath. Dalaran feels good but so cramped when you were there they need to open up more space and make it a bit bigger for the sake of it.
The lag was unrelated to the city. It was because you essentially had two zones loaded at once with Crystalsong and Dalaran right on top of eachother.
This time Dalaran looks to be floating just off the coast, so it shouldn't be a problem.
I can see double jump breaking so many old things, let alone new ones that they can't possibly foresee.
Number one on my list of things announced that don't make it to live.
The lag was unrelated to the city. It was because you essentially had two zones loaded at once with Crystalsong and Dalaran right on top of eachother.
This time Dalaran looks to be floating just off the coast, so it shouldn't be a problem.
Pretty sure the main reason was Wintergrasp being so close and not instanced. That's why they added the queue to join it. Crystalsong is an incredibly tiny zone with not much in it. I could also see a lot of the lag/slowdown, could have been due to the graphics bump at the time. Wrath is when they went through the first major overhaul on that front. But ultimately, yes, Dalaran's location, while perfect for what was going on lore wise, was really bad in performance for basically everyone.
I can see double jump breaking so many old things, let alone new ones that they can't possibly foresee.
Number one on my list of things announced that don't make it to live.
Kil'jaeden round two.
Yeah, double jump seems like such an out there addition.
Mobility is totally possible without it. Double jump could end up breaking battlegrounds and arenas as well.
They'll just put invisible walls to the places they don't want you to jump to.
Because that always works really well![]()