Some sexy lore stuff in this Reddit post and the link in the comments.
I recently levelled 1 to 60 on a PvP realm. I had one encounter with an enemy player at the Stonetalon entrance, and then one more in Felwood. That was it for my entire journey. Sad times.
I just did the same on Sargeras. Took like ~8 hours. After 15 I never touched a quest again. Just as it should be. Questing is terrible.
I know one thing for sure
I'm not doing it week one again for this next expansion
complain complain complain complain complain complain
complain complain complain complain complain complain
Feel like it's time for them to make a new faction of enemies. Sha were a nice attempt but they came back to old gods.
It doesn't even have to be anything cosmic or a deity. I kind of liked fighting the Iron Horde, they really didn't need to bring Demons back into the fray.
Yeah this is what I've been saying forever, give me new stuff blizz! I enjoyed all the new races/enemies of Pandaria but they were still woven into existing lore (which makes sense honestly considering the history of the planet with the sundering and all that). But what it really did is make me realize more than anything I just want to see some entirely new enemies that aren't tied to existing lore in any way possible.
Iron Horde never did anything for me because of how incompetent they were. Literally their only major accomplishment was destroying Nethergarde Keep and taking over Dreadmaul Hold. The moment we enter the portal we begin kicking their ass harder than we have ever kicked the ass of any enemy prior.
The titans shit is fine but they've been teasing us since vanilla with that shit. Remember staring at the gates of Uldum for years? And then it sucks? Resurrect Sargeras and let's go. Bring Khaz and Amun in and let's go. No more of this old god tentacle monster shit.
Level 100, do a couple of weeks worth of dailies for 3 Tanaan reputations, get loremaster, explorer, find a bunch of treasures and do the old apexis dailies.
So, still then same.
Uldum was just the place where the wind monsters were because Deathwing said so. All the titan stuff in there is fluff, the new races are throw away, nothing happens there. Ulduar is much better in that sense but anything outside of Algalon is bleh.
How many weeks is the grind now? I'm pretty much at lore master, half way done with apexis and done with treasures.
wat. The huge titan machine allowing reorigination of the world is not a small detail. It was the reason the region was hidden in the first place. It's my favorite cata zone precisely because there is a lot going on and the cata storyline is hiding deeper and more interesting stuff.
I agree though there should have been a titan raid there to allow a heavier focus, but they probably didn't want to do ulduar 2
The team is considering allowing players to transmog their Mists of Pandaria legendary cloak and Warlords legendary ring, as they were available for a limited time. They want to avoid a situation like everyone farming Warglaives for transmog.
"lol blizzard is so afraid for their subs they're now checking boxes"
Uldumn was the best cata zone, and still one of my favorite zones in the game, stop hating yo.
I'm not sure I understand, why would you transmog a ring? You can't even see them.
Illidan, Demon hunter, Dalaran, usable ashbringer/doomhammer etc, they're 100% just checking the fanservice boxes.
Probably the proc effect.
The titans shit is fine but they've been teasing us since vanilla with that shit. Remember staring at the gates of Uldum for years? And then it sucks? Resurrect Sargeras and let's go. Bring Khaz and Amun in and let's go. No more of this old god tentacle monster shit.
It feels like it was completely glossed over. If you focus you will remember that there was some titan weapon there indeed but it was barely a footnote in the expansion, not a real threat.
Artifacts are the only thing that really feel like out-of-left-field fanservice, Demon Hunters were an inevitability and always the most sought/likely class to be added next, and Blizzard hasn't been that canny about how likely it is that we will see Illidan again.
Illidan, Demon hunter, Dalaran, usable ashbringer/doomhammer etc, they're 100% just checking the fanservice boxes.
It feels like it was completely glossed over. If you focus you will remember that there was some titan weapon there indeed but it was barely a footnote in the expansion, not a real threat.
Though I am not a fan of bringing back "dead" characters, and this whole "demons can't die" thing is very bland.
-Illidan is fan service yes and was teased for years. It's dumb but whatever.
- Dalaran is just a reused asset to save time, nothing fan service in there.
-Demon Hunter was supposed to be added since BC and it's part of the lore. Becoming a playable class was inevitable. I don't know why delaying a class until the lore allows it to make sense and re-appear is "fan service" Seems the opposite to me.
-"etc" doesn't exist
-artifacts are in the game since before vanilla, they just never implemented the idea. There was a color for them, and they promised people could someday wield ashbringer and co at the time. they just never did it. Now that there is a reason to wield those powerful artifact instead of their respective owners, they're doing it
-Turalyon and Alleria? Teased since BC that they were in the twisting nether or some shit, everyone has been supposing for years that they would come back once the legion arrives on azeroth
My point is, people classify as fan service stuff that have been around for a decade and were obviously only happening once the legion comes back.
The worst part is a lot of people are claiming the legion coming back on azeroth is now fan service, despite wanting it for years and being the whole point of the warcraft storyline.
This will come back to bite their ass, and it was handled very poorly. You could tell no one had any idea about it.
I wouldn't be surprised if they never even thought about the Legion itself. This is almost litterally the first information we get about them.
Also the whole summoning/invading thing never makes sense. Why can't they enter azeroth? How are they even accessing worlds? Why would they only send small forces/demons?
Well if you ignore half the quests in the zone (involving harrison jones and bronzebeard) taking you on an adventure to uncover uldum's secret, and then stopping the world from being reduced to its primary organic material, destroying the weapon and instantly make a desert green, then yes, probably.
I don't get the TBC 2.0 complaints though, if anything WoD is TBC 2.0. We're not on Draenor anymore and we're dealing with the legion attacking us.
Trying to think what faction/race/class to return as but the first step of choosing a server seems kinda hard to begin with. comes super handy but numbers aren't everything...
With OpenRaid do you have to show up consistently every week or do you just sign up whenever you feel like it?
I got my standard WOD key refunded after buying the CE last month. I'd like to sell it for $10 under MSRP. Any takers?
So is OpenRaid really something worth checking out?
With OpenRaid do you have to show up consistently every week or do you just sign up whenever you feel like it?
I don't get the TBC 2.0 complaints though, if anything WoD is TBC 2.0. We're not on Draenor anymore and we're dealing with the legion attacking us.
So is OpenRaid really something worth checking out?
Absolutely. I have two solid, quick progressing raid teams for two of my alts thanks to OR.So is OpenRaid really something worth checking out?
Eh, WoD felt more like Cata 2.0 with cartoonish evil cast of villains and everything being HARRDCORE and BADASS.
Eh, WoD felt more like Cata 2.0 with cartoonish evil cast of villains and everything being HARRDCORE and BADASS.
I'm back in hard. Can't stop thinking about WoW. I bought WoD but never got to max level. I bet there's enough content for me to enjoy beofre Legion. Got my Shaman up to 98. Are they any good?
Enhance has been medicore the entire xpac I think, but has great AoE.