This Lich King/Yogg-Saron stuff is a cool read.
I just don't have the faith in Blizzard to be that subtle with the story when they just resorted to time travel and alternate universes last expansion.
I'm back in hard. Can't stop thinking about WoW. I bought WoD but never got to max level. I bet there's enough content for me to enjoy beofre Legion. Got my Shaman up to 98. Are they any good?
There are now 12 lfr bosses.
I need 10 books to finish ring quest.
Let's dance.
Ele was awful then amazing then average now I think it's kind of crappy again?
Enhance has been medicore the entire xpac I think, but has great AoE.
It was really strong on certain fights in the first tier because of the buffs to fire nova make it stack. Enhance will never be a priority to them anymore. Not since Cata. Doubly so with Demon Hunters around.
I wish I didn't enjoy it so much.
It's cool, I'm gonna head to the Broken Isles while everyone else wanks over their new Demon Hunter and gets frustrated there.
This Lich King/Yogg-Saron stuff is a cool read.
I just don't have the faith in Blizzard to be that subtle with the story when they just resorted to time travel and alternate universes last expansion.
So, who do you think is going to die? You know someone is going to. I mean Blizzard did say we would be shocked. Thrall bites it? I'm going to guess Tirion going out in in a spectacular way.
So, who do you think is going to die? You know someone is going to. I mean Blizzard did say we would be shocked. Thrall bites it? I'm going to guess Tirion going out in in a spectacular way too maybe.
the alternate universe Old Gods are going to come to current Azeroth before anything happens with Lich King again
the stupidity will never end now
So, who do you think is going to die? You know someone is going to. I mean Blizzard did say we would be shocked. Thrall bites it? I'm going to guess Tirion going out in in a spectacular way too maybe.
It's a damn shame, the Old Gods would give us so much cool stuff if utilized properly. We could have WOW take on a Lovecraftian survival-horror sort of vibe.
Not much motivation to casually play battlegrounds any more when the horde loses all the time, and alliance get long queues because nobody on horde wants to play as a result.
Marksman artifact is a Windrunner bow, .
Can you transmog the artifacts onto other artifacts? Could you potentially transmog the artifact gun into the artifact bow?
I really don't think it will work that way.
Me neither, but it'd be kind of funny if you could.
Probably end up going Survival maybe so I can keep my pet, and try out the melee hunter out. Raptor strike returning?
Probably end up going Survival maybe so I can keep my pet, and try out the melee hunter out. Raptor strike returning?
This is still the worst thing they ever did to Enhancement
why can't i glyph that back to stormblast
I think the Old Gods are probably the most interesting part of WoW, gets more to the core of the idea that Azeroth is special in some unknown way yet to be fully explained.
I suppose the next expansion will get to that now -- at least we'll know why the Burning Legion cares so much about Azeroth. Hopefully it isn't some pride thing where its like "well, we gotta go back cause they beat us once already"
if it mattered that much they could just go to Alternate Azeroth and just deal with that one instead?
Azeroth is the only world (that we know of) that the Legion hasn't conquered yet.
Unless there is only one Azeroth. There is also this quote from a recent interview:
I do think they're doing a lot of fan service though. The emerald dream stuff seems out of left field, I thought they specifically wrapped that storyline up in a book about Malfurion.
I think I figured out the next expansion after Legion, Crisis on Infinite Azeroths. That way Blizzard can kill Earthen Ring Shaman Thrall and bring back Warchief Thrall or any other hero for that matter.
So with the possibility of their not being Weapon drops in this next Expac what do you guys think? I first heard this Theory from Preach and don't know how to feel about it yet.
So with the possibility of their not being Weapon drops in this next Expac what do you guys think? I first heard this Theory from Preach and don't know how to feel about it yet.
It's not a theory, it's been confirmed by Blizz. Weapon drops in Legion will be in the form of items that improve your Artifact weapon.
It's not a theory - it's confirmed. Fine with me, you still have to kill bosses/do quests/etc. to get higher DPS from your weapon, so the only thing you're really missing is the possibility of using different types of weapons.
Oh wow, so you just gain weapon xp per kill now? What about pvp?
It's not EXP. The Artifact has slots that you can socket items into to give the weapon stats - those items are what the bosses drop. Gear is being de-emphasized in PVP.
I think I figured out the next expansion after Legion, Crisis on Infinite Azeroths. That way Blizzard can kill Earthen Ring Shaman Thrall and bring back Warchief Thrall or any other hero for that matter.
I finally got a heirloom ring mission. Looks like you need either the undead/human or pandaren crew buff on both ships to get 100% success chance.
I think Pandaren crew got buffed to be stronger than Human/Undead when it applies. I don't think 2x H/UD gets there.
Ah that may well be the case.
If I fail this at 96% chance I am cancelling my sub. I will be that mad!
Yeah, I have an all undead fleet(aside from my Awakener & the 2 murloc ships), and now I wish I had pandaren, but there's no way I'm starting over with my shipyard.
Tirion, Varian, Thrall, Darion (again), and Khadgar.So, who do you think is going to die? You know someone is going to. I mean Blizzard did say we would be shocked. Thrall bites it? I'm going to guess Tirion going out in in a spectacular way too maybe.
This is still the worst thing they ever did to Enhancement
why can't i glyph that back to stormblast
I think I figured out the next expansion after Legion, Crisis on Infinite Azeroths. That way Blizzard can kill Earthen Ring Shaman Thrall and bring back Warchief Thrall or any other hero for that matter.