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World of Warcraft |OT7| Feel the hatred of 10,000 Murlocs

So, casual players don't count for the purposes of your argument?

In the context I took his original comment in, no. Again, he said there are no good shaman alliance races. I took it as saying alliance shaman aren't viable, which is wrong. And then he went into oafs and shoulders and the hair goes this way and not that way and all shit that is totally irrelevant to real WoW.
Belf is a very separate thing for three reasons. One, it's the only non-monster looking horde race. So, yes, people who wanted to stay horde but wanted to look like a human did go over there, but you're talking about the casual crowd. Two, their racials were insane when they released and completely shit on draenei's heal/hit. The aoe interrupt was monstrous during mace stun and fear spam days. Three, paladins were needed on horde side because it was the only tank class being held behind faction lines. Once they reworked totems in TBC shaman wasn't really something alliance needed.

Just saw your edit, not sure why I can't bring waifus into if you only play waifus. So make a waifu.

Being the only paladin race did help obviously, but if you think being pretty isn't the main reason that most of the horde is belves, you're not worth replying to.

Also I have no idea what you're saying with your waifu obsession.

In the context I took his original comment in, no. Again, he said there are no good shaman alliance races. I took it as saying alliance shaman aren't viable, which is wrong. And then he went into oafs and shoulders and the hair goes this way and not that way and all shit that is totally irrelevant to real WoW.

Lmao real wow, ok bro stop you can trolling me now. You got me.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
And also I don't understand who you are referring to when it comes to the second race, it can't be draeinieie, one gender looks like a stupid oaf and oh my days don't even mention that run, and the other is a hentai fanart race.

I was referring to Draenei, yes. I generally don't play female characters but male Draenei look cool.
Yeah, man. I'm trolling. This is everyone's default response when they're too lazy to actually think from the other person's perspective and want to dig their heels in.

You made a statement that I think would be misinterpreted by 99% of players. That was my point.
I was referring to Draenei, yes. I generally don't play female characters but male Draenei look cool.

The new model does make them look a lot cooler than the old one, I'll give them that.

I don't think I could ever play one though, maybe if the legs were a bit longer, and the run was changed a bit.


Someone on Reddit made a couple crude mock-ups of what they'd want the Legion Invasion event to look like: http://imgur.com/a/qRTXj

Don't have a look unless you want to be disappointed when the actual event is a 15 minutes long series of boring quests like with WoD.


J Allen Brack on WoW2:

You know, there’s not really a great model for a successful sequel MMO. Virtually all of them have been very significant failures and I think we’re very conscious of that – not just small failures, either.

We’re not actively working on anything on the MMO front that is not World of Warcraft. We were completely dedicated to the Warlords of Draenor expansion and now the Legion expansion. We’re even thinking about the expansion after that – we’re already talking about what comes next.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I mean, he's not wrong. MMO sequels even in the best of scenarios can't help but significantly fragment the existing playerbase.


Someone on Reddit made a couple crude mock-ups of what they'd want the Legion Invasion event to look like: http://imgur.com/a/qRTXj

Don't have a look unless you want to be disappointed when the actual event is a 15 minutes long series of boring quests like with WoD.

Knowing Blizzard it probably won't be that cool, but they did say the Legion would be in the old world. In what capacity is anyones guess.


Knowing Blizzard it probably won't be that cool, but they did say the Legion would be in the old world. In what capacity is anyones guess.

Somewhere there will be a small pocket of monsters and quests to complete in fifteen minutes. Mark my words: It won't be anything epic or large scale outside of perhaps a quest text saying it is.

But I do really want to be wrong...


Azeroth has cowered too long under our shadow! Now, feel the power of the Burning Crusade, and despair!

Your fate is sealed, Azeroth! I will find the Aspect Shards, and then you will not stand against our might!

Cower, little worms! Your heroes are nothing! Your saviors will be our first feast!

Where? Where are the Shards?! You cannot hide them from us!

Your world will die, mortals! Your doom is now at hand!

Never spoke about the so-called Aspect Shards again after that.


Azeroth has cowered too long under our shadow! Now, feel the power of the Burning Crusade, and despair!

Your fate is sealed, Azeroth! I will find the Aspect Shards, and then you will not stand against our might!

Cower, little worms! Your heroes are nothing! Your saviors will be our first feast!

Where? Where are the Shards?! You cannot hide them from us!

Your world will die, mortals! Your doom is now at hand!

Azeroth will crumble under the might of my will.


Never spoke about the so-called Aspect Shards again after that.

Yeah everything about the lead up to TBC is kind of a mess. Never really explained exactly how or why Kazzak was able to reactivate the Dark Portal and then the Kruul storyline never went anywhere.

But who knows, maybe Legion will pick up some of that stuff. I wouldn't count anything out.


Speaking of, how are we getting home after WoD?

I mean, we have portals ingame to cities, but those are really only for gameplay. If opening a portal was that easy, there'd be no need to make the Dark Portal and power it with souls. Basically a lot of effort!


Speaking of, how are we getting home after WoD?

I mean, we have portals ingame to cities, but those are really only for gameplay. If opening a portal was that easy, there'd be no need to make the Dark Portal and power it with souls. Basically a lot of effort!

Medivh makes a portal duh
Hey guys. What's the quickest way to get to ilvl 630 or above? I'm going to go on a leveling spree with some alts to see if I can get some CM stuff going before Legion. Has anything changed? Is farming Tanaan the most efficient way or should I just stick to dungeons?


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Hey guys. What's the quickest way to get to ilvl 630 or above? I'm going to go on a leveling spree with some alts to see if I can get some CM stuff going before Legion. Has anything changed? Is farming Tanaan the most efficient way or should I just stick to dungeons?

Tanaan is the intended (and best) gear catch up mechanic.


Hey guys. What's the quickest way to get to ilvl 630 or above? I'm going to go on a leveling spree with some alts to see if I can get some CM stuff going before Legion. Has anything changed? Is farming Tanaan the most efficient way or should I just stick to dungeons?

Yeah, Tanaan. Find rares, get Baleful gear at 650 with a chance to proc higher.


They update WoW's engine every expac anyway. It is still dated in some ways, but it's supposed to be accessible for a lot of machines.


They update WoW's engine every expac anyway. It is still dated in some ways, but it's supposed to be accessible for a lot of machines.

Its good enough, hell my video card can't even put every setting at ultra. I really want a video card one day that can do that.

I have a Geforce GT 640. What cards out there can run every option at Ultra?


Speaking of, how are we getting home after WoD?

This is how I would explain it.

Cut to the Legion pre-expansion event. The screen is black and in the distance we can hear the faint sound of fel reavers stomping around and people screaming. The black fades into an ominous green sky where an infernal meteor can be seen crashing into the ground nearby. The camera pans around to reveal our character laying on the Broken Shore under the rubble of a structure that seemingly collapsed on us. Green Jesus walks into frame and uses his strong stone hands to free us as Varian walks up to help us to our feet.

Jesus: Greetings champion. You were knocked unconscious as you were leaving a nearby building to join us in battle.

Varian (turning to look at the ongoing battle): Tch, leaving Garrosh's execution only to see our world under attack by demons. Way to ruin a good day.

The two heroes walk off to join the battle as our character stands there pondering Varian's comment. Against our better judgement we choose not to ask Varian what he meant as we clearly remember Jesus killing Garrosh on Draenor. Instead we push the clearly insane thoughts aside and run forward to join in the battle.


Given Legion's theme, I'm curious if Blizz will ever seriously re-examine the TBC quests like what they did with Azeroth in Cataclysm. Because that stuff (with the exception of the 5-mans) hasn't aged terribly well. Granted, people level so quickly these days that most end up out-leveling the TBC content by the time they finish Nagrand. I guess it wouldn't be worth the effort to completely revamp Outland so the questing quality and variety is made more up-to-date.

As it is, I think Outland stands as this interesting time capsule of a bygone era in Blizzard's approach to WoW's design. Freaking Hellfire Peninsula man.
It's hard to find hard dates obviously, but it looks like the beta testing for the expansions typically begins 1-3 months after family and friends alpha. (WOD actually went from alpha June 3rd to beta June 27th)

So I'd imagine they really are shooting for an early spring release, if the expansion comes out 5-6 months after the start of beta.


Yep. First thing to get is Cursed Vision of Sargeras.

Yeah. I would imagine DH class armor will be similar, though.

I was hoping to find some BoE greens that I could save for when the expansion releases. Specifically, shoulder items that don't have a model that shows up on your character. I believe the Monk armor you get out of Salvage crates has this, but it's BoP :(


Speaking of, how are we getting home after WoD?

I mean, we have portals ingame to cities, but those are really only for gameplay. If opening a portal was that easy, there'd be no need to make the Dark Portal and power it with souls. Basically a lot of effort!

I recall reading in one of the twitter posts weeks ago that we're at a point now where regular supply lines to Azeroth are open, so it's literally just walk through a portal, single file please.


I recall reading in one of the twitter posts weeks ago that we're at a point now where regular supply lines to Azeroth are open, so it's literally just walk through a portal, single file please.

Heh, do wish they would deliver lore in-game rather than via Twitter.


Oh, this would be appropriate to take into the next expansion, got it in the Black Temple. To bad its not all that great looking. Love the name though! "legionkiller" lol

Am trying to get Bow of the Betrayer for mogging.
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