It's even more worth it between 15-55, you can gain like 2 levels per dungeon runs the first time you do them with their quests. But that's with a bunch of heirlooms, I wouldn't know without them.
I don't even know what an heirloom is or how to get it!
If your goal is to experience the quests from 1-60 then I would avoid dungeon finder entirely. One dungeon clear is going to turn every quest in your log grey.
Dungeon finder dries up during the 80-85 grind as people suck at those dungeons.
80-85 was fine, but I was also priest, so success was entirely dependent on me being a good healer
It'll be hard to resist some dungeons, though. I have fond memories of uldaman and blackfathom, and of course stockades and deadmines. ;_;
Scarlet monastery I ran a bit tooooooooo much so i might pass on those.