I miss Mists![]()
Definitely. I never hated on it, but I didn't appreciate it enough while I was there.
I went back last week to check out those pesky Zandalari Warbringers and I had a great time.
I miss Mists![]()
Shame I couldn't solo the one boss in AQ since I have no frost spells, and the twins in AQ took a while to out damage their healing, that was fun.
Especially the one off the twins.
See if there is a weapon you can buy that uses frost damage. I bought a cheap white bow that uses frost and was able to kill that ooze in AQ with it. Doesn't matter the level of the item. Those AQ pets sell very well. Especially the one off the twins.
Anubisath Idol and Emerald Proto Whelp are the two guys most likely to take out PvE Trainers 1v3.
Enchant Weapon - Elemental Force works too.
Or Frost Oil.
But yeah, one of the vendors in Storm Peaks sells white weapons with frost damage on.
I need money badly to buy rider training stuff. Just spent 4k on one and now it wants another 4k for the next one ;_; Riding mounts (fast) is expensive. I could use more money (and bigger bags, still have 16 slots all around).
LFR Archi is painful. Multiple 20% wipes before I threw in the towel. I need sleep!
I must have gotten into the one group that got him down without wiping. (A few people got knocked off when the boss was at 5%, including me)
Wow, cool, i'll look into that. Thanks! Instance resets in a week, so I'll do it then, again![]()
Gold income grows with each expansion, so gold issues in older expansions (pre-WoD) are resolved naturally just by getting to higher levels. Quest reward and vendor trash all result in substantially higher income, and generally more than enough to pay for anything you might need or want from older expansions.
If gold is your main concern, you're better off spending that time toward leveling higher and into WoD than any amount of farming in earlier expansions.
Still haven't seen the Coalfist Gronnling mission. :\
I wanna do it now just to /popcorn. *chuckles*Why would you ever subject yourself to that?
People on wowhead are all "Oh you need at least 10 followers at 675, and you need to be at that too"
Well I have 25 followers at 675 and I'm 686.
"Stop complaining, start playing better."
People on wowhead are all "Oh you need at least 10 followers at 675, and you need to be at that too"
Well I have 25 followers at 675 and I'm 686.
Hey look, some guys got together a coordinated group of raiders familiar with the encounter to go into Archimonde LFR and defeat him at average ilvl of 395.
"Stop complaining, start playing better."
Well, you heard the guys.
Hey look, some guys got together a coordinated group of raiders familiar with the encounter to go into Archimonde LFR and defeat him at average ilvl of 395.
"Stop complaining, start playing better."
Well, you heard the guys.
why are raiders and pvpers left grounded when it comes to Draenor Pathfinder?
Counter-question: If you're only interested in raids, battlegrounds, or arenas, why do you care about flying in the open world? (CM_Lore)
If you want to fly, we want you to earn it - just like you earn gear, or titles, or basically everything else in the game. Earning flying - which is world content - through PvP would be just as weird as earning PvP gear through daily quests. (CM_Lore)
so like when i earned my first 310% speed flying mount through PvP, that was weird?
That was also... what, 3 expansions ago? (CM_Lore)
what's your point? flight has never been restricted to a single playstyle in the past, why now?
We want flight to be a reward, not something you spend some gold on once you hit max level. And we want earning that reward to involve doing content that's directly relevant to flight. (CM_Lore)
are you saying that players should be bored and frustrated to "earn" something we've already enjoyed for 8+ years?
I'm saying if you don't want to put in the minimal effort that's required to earn flying, then you won't get it. That's fine. I haven't done the rep grinds either. If I don't get flying, that's my own fault. (CM_Lore)
the main thing i'm getting from you guys is that you think flying is only relevant to world PvEers. and that just isn't true.
Not at all. We just want it to be something you earn, and world PvE is the best fit for it. (CM_Lore)
I mean, could you imagine the uproar if for instance you couldn't ding 110 without winning 10 arena matches?
That's exactly my point though. Earning Draenor flight through PvP makes just as much sense as earning Conquest gear from raids. (CM_Lore)
you guys put so much work into making Draenor beautiful, and fixing it to be be flyable. Why deny us the opportunity to see it?
We're not denying anyone anything. You're perfectly capable of doing a few daily quests. I get that you don't personally enjoy dailies. Working toward rewards is the core of what makes MMORPGs special, imo. (CM_Lore)
but shouldn't gameplay be fun as well?
Sure, but different people enjoy different things. There's always going to be rewards you want behind content you don't like. I would love to have the monument with the Cinder Kitten on it in my Garrison, but I don't enjoy Pet Battles, so I don't get it. (CM_Lore)
those should not be gated behind lengthy, boring grinds which alienate PvPers
I think if you honestly care this much about flying, it's perfectly reasonable for us to ask you to do some basic world content. (CM_Lore)
"i think if you care this much about the legendary, it's perfectly reasonable for us to ask you to do a few BGs"
Eh, I think asking a raider to do a BG is a much bigger ask than asking a raider to do a few daily quests. (CM_Lore)
what about asking a PvPer to do dailies? I think you're way underestimating how much I haaaaate them
My dislike for dailies has been very well documented over the years. I've just been poking at them once or twice a week. (CM_Lore)
There are two big threads on both the official forums and mmochamp about how CM Lore is "arrogant" because he had a back and forth on twitter with someone and was trying to explain that Blizzard thinks it makes sense that flying, which you can only do out in the non-instanced areas of the world, would be unlocked by engaging in activities that take place out in the world. People are upset that the counter argument of "I like to pvp and dailies suck" is not compelling Blizzard to change their plans.
WoW really does have the worst community.
Bleh, I thought I needed 3 followers at 675.
Maybe I need the War Mill.
Typical example showing they should talk less. Or just say "shut up deal with it". Seriously some people will just bitch because they want the game to change and conform to their desires so they could do less.
You only need 3 at 675, yourself at 675 (i think) but I'm pretty sure you also need 10 at 650ish. Look at wowhead under those missions.
The only thing I didn't like was this:
I'm saying if you don't want to put in the minimal effort that's required to earn flying, then you won't get it. That's fine. I haven't done the rep grinds either. If I don't get flying, that's my own fault. (CM_Lore)
What they asked for to get draenor pathfinder was a huge pain in the ass, and it's not a matter of minimal effort. Maybe in Legion it will be a much more rewarding experience, but in WoD it's a draining, frustrating and not-fun slog.
but in WoD it's a draining, frustrating and not-fun slog.
The only thing I didn't like was this:
I'm saying if you don't want to put in the minimal effort that's required to earn flying, then you won't get it. That's fine. I haven't done the rep grinds either. If I don't get flying, that's my own fault. (CM_Lore)
What they asked for to get draenor pathfinder was a huge pain in the ass, and it's not a matter of minimal effort. Maybe in Legion it will be a much more rewarding experience, but in WoD it's a draining, frustrating and not-fun slog.
It's minimal effort. Most people already had the requirements except for the tanaan rep, and even that is rather quick..
I don't really get that. The tanaan reps are like 30 mins a day for 2 weeks, and everything else you can do, assuming you haven't already finished much of it months ago, at whatever pace you want.
They take like 10 minutes max each. It's not a big deal.I'm referring specifically to the bullshit apexis grinds and that whole random form of grinding. They knew it was bad, and they gave us more with the Tanaan reps. If they don't do that kind of bullshit with Legion I will be happy, but it floored me to see Ion say "Yeah, we know those rep grinds are bad and we won't do them anymore" and then they put them in Tanaan. It's ridiculous.
I didn't have an issue with the lore master part or with treasures. I enjoy being out in the world and finding things.I'm referring specifically to the bullshit apexis grinds and that whole random form of grinding. They knew it was bad and lazy, and they gave us more of the same with the Tanaan reps. If they don't do that kind of bullshit with Legion I will be happy, but it floored me to see Ion say "Yeah, we know those rep grinds are bad and we won't do them anymore" and then they put them in Tanaan. It's ridiculous. I think the problem was made even worse because Tanaan just isn't fun.
Mmmmm yeah, the rep grinds in Tanaan are quest based, the 6.0 rep grinds were literal mob killing. Apexis quests are dumb and I dislike them but the Tanaan reps are 100000000x better than the 6.0 reps and not really that time consuming.
Yeah, I saw the conversation posted on mmo-c. I was pretty annoyed, and agreeing with the dev. If you only do PvP, why do you need to fly round Draenor? It makes sense.
I don't know, I got a chuckle out of "That was also... what, 3 expansions ago?". I wonder if discussion within the company play out like that too. Would explain a lot.
I want them to go back to Wrath/Cata style rep grinds.
Let me put on a tabard and grind out the reputations to my heart's content. Let me get through them super fast if I want, or slow if I want. Let me choose which rep to focus on. Let me do dailies as well if I'd rather do those instead of a dungeon. And then make it like MoP where at Exalted it culminates in a fun quest.
My only problem with rep tabards is that it promotes spamming the shit out of dungeons to get exalted as fast as you can to get whatever rewards the rep has. Speaking as someone who vastly prefers questing to chain running boring dungeons you are essentially taking away that option. Most reps are designed to take 3-4 weeks to get exalted through questing where as rep tabards let you get that much faster (I mean looking back on my cata reps I was exalted with some of them before Cata was out for 1 full week). I would only be comfortable with rep tabards coming back if they had a gate on how much rep you could earn with a faction per day.
Still haven't seen the Coalfist Gronnling mission. :\
You could always just...not chain run dungeons, you know![]()
Problem with this logic is people will always take the most efficient route to get something done. This is exactly why even people who absolutely hate the garrison still do it because it makes everything easier. Why go out into the world and gather herbs when you get them from your garrison? Why bother setting up work orders to get more crafting mats when you get some from the profession naturally each day? Hope you have a bunch of great high ilvl followers because you get raid gear faster this way. Etc. etc. The same logic applies here.
If you want actual options of player progression in the game you make sure those options are more balanced. The old style tabards for factions don't do that because we are talking about 2 days to exalted vs. 1 month. You are stupid to not just grind out dungeons.