Man I remember WoD's launch. It was so amazing, couldn't stop playing. Even the outpost choices gave me a bit of fresh things to do with an alt.
Can't wait for Legion and being able to feel that way again. Until the following month.
So glad I can buy these missives in my Garrison to knock out the various Draenor dailies for the Pathfinder meta. I thought I was gonna just have to play the daily lottery and hope I got them all soon.
What are the rep grinds like? Are they tough? I don't think I've even encountered them since they aren't in my reputation list.
Sweet. I'm guessing you unlock the dailies by doing the Tanaan questline?Edit: Oh, you meant the flying achievement ones. Yeah, not too bad - just do the dailies and farm Medallions on as many characters as possible.
Sweet. I'm guessing you unlock the dailies by doing the Tanaan questline?
I got my second Brewfest Ram the other day.
Does anyone ever feel attached to a certain character that prevents you from "maining" a new class?
Does anyone ever feel attached to a certain character that prevents you from "maining" a new class?
Does anyone ever feel attached to a certain character that prevents you from "maining" a new class?
Does anyone ever feel attached to a certain character that prevents you from "maining" a new class?
Does anyone ever feel attached to a certain character that prevents you from "maining" a new class?
Ingot my second today. God damnit.And I just got my third.
RGN got it half right. :/
Does anyone ever feel attached to a certain character that prevents you from "maining" a new class?
I've been dealing with that kinda. I got attached to my hunter over the course of Wrath, Cata and most of Mists, but it started to feel a little stale so ever since Siege of Org I've been trying out different classes. Problem is none of them have stuck with me yet, so I'm not sure what I'll play in Legion. Maybe just go back to my hunter.Does anyone ever feel attached to a certain character that prevents you from "maining" a new class?
lol...that shit is quite a nerf.So how about those HFC (Normal) nerfs...
So how about those HFC (Normal) nerfs...
Those are insanely overboard, what the hell.
So how about those HFC (Normal) nerfs...
So how about those HFC (Normal) nerfs...
So I just started playing WoW again after a long break. Any Gaffers interested in helping me with my Blood Infusion quest? I've had this quest going for a few years at least.I'm alliance btw.
If US I can maybe sometime this weekend or early next week. Just drove 1000 miles cross county for a move and I won't have my computer out till Saturday at the earliest.
So how about those HFC (Normal) nerfs...
Shots fired.Maybe now you can clear the instance buddy
Maybe now you can clear the instance buddy
What did they nerf anyway?
Kilrogg Deadeye
Kilrogg Deadeye's Heart Seeker now deals damage and spawns globules only against the target of the ability on Normal Difficulty.
Significantly reduced the health of Blood Globule and Fel Blood Globule on Normal Difficulty.
Hellfire High Council
Reduced the damage of Dia Darkwhisper's Wailing Horrors by 30% on Normal difficulty.
Gorefiend no longer uses Shared Fate on Normal or Raid Finder difficulty.
Gorebound Construct's Hunger for Life now only affects the fixated target on Normal difficulty.
Tyrant Velhari
Aura of Oppression in stage one and Aura of Contempt in stage two of the encounter now increases its effect over time more slowly on Normal difficulty.
Wild Pyromaniac's Fel Orb no longer creates patches of Chaotic Felblaze if it fails to impact a player on Normal and Raid Finder difficulty.
Unstable Voidfiend's Volatile Voidstep no longer spreads Creeping Void if the explosion contacts any players on Normal and Raid Finder difficulty.
Archimonde no longer uses Wrought Chaos on Normal or Raid Finder difficulty.
Nether Portals created by Nether Banish no longer summon Living Shadows on Normal or Raid Finder difficulty.
They removed abilities from a lot of bosses.COOLLLLLLLLLLD BLOOOOOOOOOODED.
What did they nerf anyway?
Kilrogg Deadeye
Kilrogg Deadeye's Heart Seeker now deals damage and spawns globules only against the target of the ability on Normal Difficulty.
Significantly reduced the health of Blood Globule and Fel Blood Globule on Normal Difficulty.
Hellfire High Council
Reduced the damage of Dia Darkwhisper's Wailing Horrors by 30% on Normal difficulty.
Gorefiend no longer uses Shared Fate on Normal or Raid Finder difficulty.
Gorebound Construct's Hunger for Life now only affects the fixated target on Normal difficulty.
Tyrant Velhari
Aura of Oppression in stage one and Aura of Contempt in stage two of the encounter now increases its effect over time more slowly on Normal difficulty.
Wild Pyromaniac's Fel Orb no longer creates patches of Chaotic Felblaze if it fails to impact a player on Normal and Raid Finder difficulty.
Unstable Voidfiend's Volatile Voidstep no longer spreads Creeping Void if the explosion contacts any players on Normal and Raid Finder difficulty.
Archimonde no longer uses Wrought Chaos on Normal or Raid Finder difficulty.
Nether Portals created by Nether Banish no longer summon Living Shadows on Normal or Raid Finder difficulty.
They removed abilities from a lot of bosses.
Please, PLEASE keep playing our game.
I mean, jeeze. Might as well just farm fel-crystals on normal now.
Sorry for the dumb question but is it possible to get the molten corgi pet somehow?
Don't have a sub so I can't check if there are some auction house listings