Has anyone in EU gotten any Warforged gear from the Invasions? I still have not seen it
Yeah, was getting some yesterday evening. Fairly frequently, too.
Has anyone in EU gotten any Warforged gear from the Invasions? I still have not seen it
Do they still give you the mounts for the achievements in Firelands, ICC and stuff? Because I just checked and I'm one or two achievements shy of getting like, three or four different mounts.
Do they still give you the mounts for the achievements in Firelands, ICC and stuff? Because I just checked and I'm one or two achievements shy of getting like, three or four different mounts.
Yeah, was getting some yesterday evening. Fairly frequently, too.
Well... there's effectively a gear reset coming and plenty of time to get your rotation down before Legion raids open. I wouldn't sweat it.Man, DPSing that raid bummed me out, I'm not used to being so low in the DPS. Every tier that I raided, I was always almost BiS and was one of our guild's top DPS and now I have shitty gear and I suck.
During that Archimonde raid, I kept fucking up my rotation and I still don't get how to aoe correctly.
It's not like I'm going to raid mythics come Legion but being so shittty as WoW hurts me deep inside. FeelsBadMan with the gun.
Whew. 10k gold, later and I have 700 leatherworking, cooking and first aid on my demon hunter.
Now to work on fishing and archaeology. :<
So whats the fastest way to grind garrison resources? Just hit 100 yesterday and need to upgrade my garrison to tier 3.
Sölf;213794904 said:Power leveling cooking and fishing on my DK back in Wrath completely broke me. I probably won't have a second character with those skills ever again, unless I manage to level it while playing (which works somewhat for cooking, but not for fishing).
I am also currently leveling a shadow priest. I love that style so much, even though the character is only 47 at the moment, so some of the key talents are still missing.
Exactly. They didn't start pulling this pruning shit to this degree until mists. Every expansion before this they added things, they didn't weaken your character to the extent that they did with this patch when you look at some classes (Blood DK especially). It's frustrating to deal with that shit for a month. They should have dropped the prepatch a week or two before so the gap between when we get the expansion and we adjust to our classes isn't that bad.If the class changes aren't ready to be used before the expansion, perhaps they shouldn't have been included in the patch. I don't see how it's unreasonable to complain when you're paying to play a game and your effectiveness went down with no way to remedy it for a month.
If the class changes aren't ready to be used before the expansion, perhaps they shouldn't have been included in the patch. I don't see how it's unreasonable to complain when you're paying to play a game and your effectiveness went down with no way to remedy it for a month.
It's just not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. It's one month of making a minority of players mad, and getting new content to the rest of the player base who hasn't had shit for new content in over a year. I'd rather get to fuck around with new talents and a new class for a month and do cool new world events than continue to farm a raid I've been clearing for a year.Exactly. They didn't start pulling this pruning shit to this degree until mists. Every expansion before this they added things, they didn't weaken your character to the extent that they did with this patch when you look at some classes (Blood DK especially). It's frustrating to deal with that shit for a month. They should have dropped the prepatch a week or two before so the gap between when we get the expansion and we adjust to our classes isn't that bad.
Also. If they're tuning classes around the artifact weapon, does that mean we will have it next expansion too or do you guys think they'll bake the stats into the your character next expansion?
It'll take you a real long time to grind out full artifact power weapons for all 3 specs. Probably at least 8-9 months?I'm not really sure I like unholy DKs, there is something about their spells that feels a bit underwhelming,. I's a shame, because their artifact weapon looks a lot cooler than the 1h ones of frost DKs for me.
How much stronger does frost DKs feels?
Also, since each class specs has their own artifact quest lines, how easy it is to do all 3 on the same character? I'm hoping I don't need to check 2/3 of them on Youtube.
Hey man I feel your pain, your opinion is completely valid, however you just have to understand you are in the vast minority here. 99% of the player base is starving for new content and will immediately be playing Legion on release.Look, the fact that it's "only for a month on content that doesn't matter" doesn't make some of the class situations at 100 not suck. You don't need to lecture people on that fact because it doesn't change reality. And not everyone plans to buy Legion immediately, should the game just be terrible for them because they don't want to drop $50 right now? I understand why they did what they did, but the fact of the matter is, other than invasions, the game is awful right now, pretty much across the board.
It'll take you a real long time to grind out full artifact power weapons for all 3 specs. Probably at least 8-9 months?
As for unholy, I played a little today and I'm not sure I'm feeling the rotation quite yet. It definitely does a butt load of damage. Frost is mostly obliterate and frost strike spamming, interweaving a talent or two you can pick up to mix the rotation up a bit. Howling blast is now putrid garbage, only used with Rime now. Remorseless winter is the new AOE spell that you should try it keep up as often as possible.
I'm levelling my Horde Warrior through invasions as Arms. The new animations make it super satisfying.I have never ever in my life played an Arms Warrior. Think I'll fix that today.
That's how it's always done, and the point of the prepatch is also to give people an idea of how their class will play and help them determine what they'll choose to play.
I don't see the problem, especially when the WoD content was nerfed anyway.
If you can barely do mythics at this point it is most definitely not the "nerfed" classes. I'm sorry it's just not.The whole reason we started this conversation was because people were talking about how they can barely do mythics, or in some cases not keep up with the stuff at all, when they used to do very well in them.
Also, I haven't played WoW seriously since Cataclysm but for the first couple of expansions, they definitely did not weaken everybody before the expansion came out.
If you can barely do mythics at this point it is most definitely not the "nerfed" classes. I'm sorry it's just not.
I understand the frustration, I'm sure it's not great when your class is radically changed and you aren't sure why you aren't pumping out the same numbers. But again I'd say that it's just a couple of weeks of frustration to deal with. I promise you won't care when your guild is all leveling to 110 and replacing all their mythic gear with blues from Legion and gearing up for the new raids.I'm not talking about myself. I haven't tried mythics at all since the patch. But for instance, that's a hot topic of conversation particularly with discipline priests right now.
Mind a little blown:
Remember when Azuregos used to spawn there and entire servers would go mad? God those were the days.That's cool and all but I really do hate what the gobs did to Azshara :/ it used to be so peaceful.
Don't see any new quests unlocked yet
Wait, new content is releasing today? Any info on what it's gonna be?
Wait, new content is releasing today? Any info on what it's gonna be?
Likely. I wonder if it's going to be all the quests, or if the final questIt will probably come with reset in 2 hours.
Ahhhhh nice, well color my hyped. Fucking love KaraQuests to go back to Karazhan and party down.
The tech they have for these invasions is so impressive. That I can be doing an event on my level 40 alongside all the level 100s is pretty insane. Like is my damage scaling up?