Only answer that matters.a dwarf, of course
Only answer that matters.a dwarf, of course
RIP Hunters casting something for focus.
If they were gonna take that away from BM, they could have at least kept it for MM.
Doesn't dire beast generate focus?
Or you know... its tuned for level 110 and tuned around having an artifact weapon, which we don't have. So there's that. Calm your tits.
Why would level 100 dungeons be tuned for 110?
I think they meant the frost dk gameplay. Either way, frost should be fine in a dungeon, the thing is you NEED Frostscythe. If you're not using it you're wrong. And Frost sucks. So there's many factors. The artifact doesn't exactly fix it.
My experience tanking is fairly limited but I find Vengeance Demon Hunter a lot less forgiving than Protection Warrior. Or maybe a better way to phrase it would be: because of Ignore Pain, Prot just seems like a better spec/class to cut your teeth on when learning the role.
I hate to be a begged but does anyone here have a month of game time they could give me? Im considering purchasing Legion but kind of want to dabble my toes in the water again to see if I'm gripped before I go all in. I'd really appreciate it.
I actually miss class quest
frost is amazing, what are you talking about? it's so satisfying to play
Ignore Pain is quite strong at 100, and Vengeance is pretty squishy (especially without most of their talents and their artifact).
I love my Frost DK
I can see how Vengeance could potentially be a lot of fun. On some of the weaker invasion trash you've got some pretty good sustain, you can even sort of ignore some of the world boss AoE's, like Shadow Nova. I just wish the Vengeance metamorphosis form was permanent so I didn't look like, you know, a Blood Elf.
Remorseless Winter is my favorite. Wrapping yourself in a storm of iceFrost DK feels so brutal
My experience tanking is fairly limited but I find Vengeance Demon Hunter a lot less forgiving than Protection Warrior. Or maybe a better way to phrase it would be: because of Ignore Pain, Prot just seems like a better spec/class to cut your teeth on when learning the role.
Why would level 100 dungeons be tuned for 110?
I'm sticking with Brewmaster regardless of what tuning happens, never going to deal with main swapping again. Too much catch up for someone who does completionist type stuff
Not at all what I was saying. The guy was complaining about his frost DK dps during pre-patch. The classes are tuned with level 110 in mind, and more importantly, using an artifact weapon.
To judge the DPS of a class during pre-patch, without your artifact weapon (which is a massive source of your classes power now), is kind of silly.
People freak out every time a pre-expansion patch is released and tuning is off, like... can we not wait for the expansion to come out before we call every class shit?
Now that they've changed the cross realm addons, farming Zandalari Warbringers is fucking impossible. I jump on WoW before work for 15 minutes and there're still like 5 people camping each spawn?! Who the fuck are these people!
I fucking hate CRZ so much.
EDIT: Does anyone know what the respawn time is on the Warbringers? I'm losing my mind trying to get these three mounts.
If the class changes aren't ready to be used before the expansion, perhaps they shouldn't have been included in the patch. I don't see how it's unreasonable to complain when you're paying to play a game and your effectiveness went down with no way to remedy it for a month.
If the class changes aren't ready to be used before the expansion, perhaps they shouldn't have been included in the patch. I don't see how it's unreasonable to complain when you're paying to play a game and your effectiveness went down with no way to remedy it for a month.
If the class changes aren't ready to be used before the expansion, perhaps they shouldn't have been included in the patch. I don't see how it's unreasonable to complain when you're paying to play a game and your effectiveness went down with no way to remedy it for a month.
What he said. If people are still doing progression right now, I can feel your pain but honestly it won't matter in a couple of weeks as we'll all be leveling to 110 and it will be old news.Pretty sure anyone can tag them now and get loot.
The argument would be that this month is ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of things - the "current" end-game content is over a year old. In addition, the month lets you acclimate to the class changes as well as letting Blizzard work out any kinks with the changes to the game systems before the crush of players returning to expansion content.
I thought I would run Black Temple on my demon hunter now that I bought the Legin expansion, I figure might have some cool demon hunter style of armor. First run....I get the warglavie!!! Not sure why I got excited I can't transmog it can I?
Firstly, I hate you. Second, no you cannot.
been trying to get them on my Rogue for 2 months now, not a single drop
Crash Lightning (well, its effects) is pretty much the only thing I like about new enhancementCooler spellsword class fantasy in Legion
Before Invasions I had two level 100s, now I have six with another getting close.
All those wonderful artifact quests.. ;_;
Doing an Archimonde raid, I'm totally missing the old camera here.
/console cameraDistanceMaxFactor 2.6
(Or is that still not enough? I dunno, I don't zoom out that much)
Has anyone in EU gotten any Warforged gear from the Invasions? I still have not seen it