watching as well. I was late checking up on class news but Preach is awesome for catching up. He does a really good job.
No, but you don't have to do quests or dungeons. It's 99% bonus objectives and elite mob bounties.Without setting foot in draenor?
And time is the least of my problems with wod leveling.
had that preach video in the background and when it was over, I guess the next one was a video of his podcast, and my god people like this guy? what an insuferable prick. Jesus christ. And his podcast cohost / friend / whatever is another insuferable cunt.
People have asked them this. They give a nebulous non-answer about WOD and pump up Legion's features. You're not going to get anything else out of them.
WOD was awful and they know that, but this isn't something only Blizzard does. When someone screws up you're not going to get a War and Peace-esque hit piece on themselves. They're going to generalize their mistakes, say they've learned from it, and move on.Unsurprising to see Monk at #1. I've been playing mine a bit recently, and it shits all over the Warrior (that said I did get my Warrior upto 744/748 with a 755 Titanforged Kilrogg trinket).
Such a shame that a company with such wonderful IP has to act this way. Can't trust anything that comes from any of their mouths anymore.
Eesh, these invasions are dead now. Stage three is going so slow, only at 15% and been at it for 10 minutes or so.
Eesh, these invasions are dead now. Stage three is going so slow, only at 15% and been at it for 10 minutes or so.
Mother fucker.Sadly not.
No? They still are going just fine on my server (Dalaran-US) with its battlegroup.
On thrall (horde) stage 3 is about 5 mins on average for me.
Are there any Youtubers for wow that everyone actually likes?
Bellator Gaming is not bad
Are there any Youtubers for wow that everyone actually likes?
Do you mean Bellular Gaming? If so I was gonna say that one because I really like the comentator
Are there any Youtubers for wow that everyone actually likes?
NobbelAre there any Youtubers for wow that everyone actually likes?
I'm too old for this watching people play games on YouTube crap. Harumph.
but you're not too old to be playing them?![]()
I mean, that's what they're for. I'm of the opinion why would I watch someone play a game when I can just play the game myself.
I mean, that's what they're for. I'm of the opinion why would I watch someone play a game when I can just play the game myself.
If there is any game with the least amount of overlap between skilled players and popular's WoW...
His list of accomplishments being...?Wasn't reckful a boss arena player back in the day, he's always fun.
I don't know why, but I enjoy Asmongold. He's definitely not for everyone though.
As for actual, quality streamers - Slootbag is where it's fucking at.
Otherwise I also like FalkenRaiding, Xerwo, Treckie, and Fatboss. Guilty occasional pleasures are Sparty and Towellie.
New zone preview for Val'sharah.
Check out the music, it's so good. Night elf players in particular should feel right at home with that tune, if they remember their humble beginnings.
His list of accomplishments being...?
Will watch later.
I'm currently watching Blizzard at Gamescom 2016 - Preview. Wish someone would just ask "WoD was a tad shit - How can we trust you not to screw us again with Legion?"I know from playing the beta that it has more to it than WoD, but that's not the point. I just want to know why Blizzard are never challenged with difficult questions. Is their a contract between the YT folk & Blizzard which stops them from asking potentially negative questions?