Yep. Already had one person yell at me for helping him even though I was lower level.
It's really annoying, had 3 of those mobs almost down when some idiot flies in and hits it once :S
Yep. Already had one person yell at me for helping him even though I was lower level.
Is there a point to having max level alts in legion? I was under the impression that professions were going to be gated sort of like WoD was.
I read somewhere that class order halls will be even more lucrative than garrisons for passive gold gain. One of the main reasons why I'm going to have multiple level capped characters.
As far as I'm concerned the endboss of Legion won't be a raid boss.
It's that goddamn spider mount.
I read somewhere that class order halls will be even more lucrative than garrisons for passive gold gain. One of the main reasons why I'm going to have multiple level capped characters.
I still remember when getting the 1000 gold to buy my first epic mount was a challenge.
I don't really see how that's possible. Professions have nothing to do with class halls and you don't get nearly the same type of gold missions.
Not to mention the fact that your champions don't get a Treasure Hunter equivalent.
I remember when selling a world BOE for 80 gold in vanilla was like, the highlight of my WoW month. Raid consumable costs sorted for a while, enough gold to buy some rare materials (thorium? dark iron? can't recall), some left over for a whelpling pet. It was Christmas.
I spent weeks farming up herbs to sell on the auction house. Weeks.
And at the end of it? It was totally worth the effort just to ride around on my purple skeleton horse.
Makes you appreciate how everything poops gold atm, I guess.
Makes you appreciate how everything poops gold atm, I guess.
Solo tanks complaining about not getting healed in those zerg rushes. Good luck with that. Unless you're grouped with healer, there's no way someone is fishing you out of that mess. At least not easily or consistently.
Legion has followers and missions?
Legion has followers and missions?
Do I gotta keep going back to my Garrison over and over and over each day like in WoD?
You'll go back to it to cash in your artifact power for your weapon, but your daily visit will be swift. Most of the time you'll be in Dalaran if you aren't questing around the Broken Isles or raiding/dungeoning.
Alright, you guys are smart. Should I upgrade the Bonetooth Longbow and use it, or just vendor it?
What exactly is render scale? Is it worth it?
What exactly is render scale? Is it worth it?
Isn't that just for your UI? to make it bigger or smaller relative to your resolution?
It's down-/upsampling. A render scale over 100% improves image quality, while lower than 100% allows you to drop the 3D resolution while keeping the UI clean in case you need more performance
If you think it doesn't make the game look noticeably better while having too big of an impact on performance then it's probably not worth it? I can't make that call for you.Is it worth it though? I don't really see much difference on 200% and the fps hit is major. Because I had seen people claim it makes a huge difference on image quality.
Sölf;213934065 said:The changed EXP for killing enemies in Invasions is great. It also finally gives EXP based on enemy health (with a few exceptions). Dread Devastators still give the most, but Infernals and Abyssals are no longer 4-5x better than other mobs, other mobs are now also viable (and die faster because of less health). I am not even sure if Dread Devastators are the best mobs to kill now, since at level 61 I only got ~10k for them but 1,5k-6k for other mobs, depending on their HP pool.
How does this work in a group, actually? Is it just reduced or doesn't it change much because of the scaling?
They're not as good as they were, but as it stands:I should've taken advantage of the EXP and leveled my DK to 100, I mean, it's not like I was gonna play it at 100 but leveling ten free levels would've been cool.
So are Invasions awful for XP now? I don't really understand how they work now.
this fucking Ultraxion voice actor man... every time
It's like 4 AM weekday cartoon levels of cheesethis fucking Ultraxion voice actor man... every time
Just bear in mind, you essentially don't have to get your character to 100. 91 will do. Then if you're sick of invasions, grab an elixir of WTFUCKXP, a 640 weapon off the AH (round 1.5 to 2k) and do the world objective method. Took me about 4 hours to get 91 to 100.
This method is a lot harder/pricier if you don't already have a 100 with pathfinder.
It's like 4 AM weekday cartoon levels of cheese
I think it's exemplified by the fact that he looks intimidating as hell
Also on today's WoW journal: most all consuming photo bomb ever. I forget what I was even trying to take a screen of. Thanks, Panda Man.
this fucking Ultraxion voice actor man... every time
better or worse than Sindragsa![]()