Medhiv kills him while possessed by Sargeras
Playing for work? Playing WoW??Karazhan!
I'm playing for work anyways, but I'm down of Kara's return. Still need to find a new server.
Kinda wish rather than just retuning Karazhan they tried to make a different wing of Kara. The main instance is too big for a 5 man IMO.
So with Nighthold being the 7.2 raid then (I thought it would be sooner -_-), two tier expansion again? Or just a lot more patches?
So with Nighthold being the 7.2 raid then (I thought it would be sooner -_-), two tier expansion again? Or just a lot more patches?
NH is still t1, there are 3 tiers
its considered a 7.0 raid just like brf was a 6.0 raid
the mini raid doesnt matter, its a zone storyline specific raid so im sure it will be pretty accessible and easy, may not even be mythic i would imagine
EN is a VERY short raid, and if it was considered a tier i would have probably quit months ago
Emerald Nightmare isn't that small. It's about the same size as the Firelands.
why is it too big for 5 man? whats the difference between a 5 man and a 10 man in time investment, if the loot is there and its tuned for 5 people? Kara was never a "full raid" dont forget
Theoretically it's fine, but it's so spread out it will be about as great as places like BRD or UBRS. There's an expectation for 5-mans that they are generally smaller than Raids, and Kara in terms of scale still very much feels like a raid--not to mention huge rooms filled with Trash Mobs. The run between Curator and Netherspite/Aran (can't remember which one comes first) alone is bigger than most dungeons...
I sure am relieved to hear that this time, there will be no content drought. They've never promised that before, so that's how you know they're serious.
Yeah, I guess I was just assuming if Nighthold is unlocking after 7.1 they'll have the unlock be 7.2 and call it a day. My low faith in Blizz's "content" is subconsciously making me think the worst ;P
this isnt a normal dungeon to go with "expectations". its a new thing (well, or a return to an old thing if you remember original BRD for example) that many people have been asking for. Theres no reason to believe the zone wont be changed to be shorter, cut some corridors and whatnot, refurbish it a bit. I love Kara but it looks OLD (its TBC content), im sure they will revamp it
Sölf;214023726 said:What do we really know about the raid unlocks so far?
The game releases in 2 weeks. Most likely 3-4 weeks after launch, Emerald Nightmare will unlock. I would guess 1-2 months after EN patch 7.1 hits (so 2-3 months into the expansion), which would bring in the small raid between EN and Nighthold.
I would guess 1 month later, for a total of 2-3 months of Emerald Nightmare before Nighthold opens up. Which would then be open for probably 3-5 months before the next raid tier hits. Maybe we would get another small raid after some months.
I think Ion said at some point that BRF may have come a bit too soon after Highmaul. How many weeks/Months after Highmaul did it launch? 2 months? 3 months?
I sure am relieved to hear that this time, there will be no content drought. They've never promised that before, so that's how you know they're serious.
That's what I was talking about--they need to clean it up and shorten it or people won't want to run it because it will take too long. Even when Kara was on farm back in TBC, it wasn't uncommon for it to take almost 2 hours, mostly due to all the walking between bosses. I think they should divide it up into 3 Wings or something of that nature. Attumen/Moroes/Maiden/Opera work as their own wing, and Nightbane isn't too far off. So throw those together, then do Curator and on as their own dungeon.
so you just want them to do it like dire maul or BRD... so whats the point of it being a raid-like 5 man mega dungeon? this is meant to take long to complete, like a raid
we know nothing other than hints because they feel the need to drop 7.1 information before 7.0 information and fuck over everyone planning basically
but the assumed month for NH is january currently by most in the know
meaning EN 3 weeks in is also the presumed date, 4 would be great though
It almost sounded like he was suggesting 4-5 months for EN since he started out by saying the 2 month gap between HM and BRF was too short.
i believe hes referring tot he tier following the launch tier since they have stated an otherwise shorter release schedule but you never really can tell
especially since they dont release the schedule and would instead prefer to announce content that is nowhere near the launch of the expansion
3 months between EN and NH with NH being in january is a safe expectation i would still say
Well, I hope its only 3 months because 4-5 months of a 7 boss raid with no tier seems far too long.
seriously dont know what to play. All the specs seem so stripped of its former glory. Hard to get excited to play a spec.
Saw people saying server hoping doesn't work, how'd they change it?
Boosted to 100 last week. Whats the most effective way to get to 700 ilvl? Or should I not really worry about it since the new leveling zones up in two weeks anyway?
Invasions will get you past 700 item lvl quite easily. Should only take a few days, if that.Boosted to 100 last week. Whats the most effective way to get to 700 ilvl? Or should I not really worry about it since the new leveling zones up in two weeks anyway?
Chests from invasions give you ilvl 700 gear. Plus you can use the nethershards from the invasions to buy ilvl 700 rings, trinkets, and a cloak in Stormwind/Orgrimmar.Boosted to 100 last week. Whats the most effective way to get to 700 ilvl? Or should I not really worry about it since the new leveling zones up in two weeks anyway?
Boosted to 100 last week. Whats the most effective way to get to 700 ilvl? Or should I not really worry about it since the new leveling zones up in two weeks anyway?
So my friend got me to start playing again, and we're doing some invasions. We're on a PVP server from years ago and invasions are so damn miserable it makes me want to quit. I can't participate at all because even though our server is balanced H:A the server group is massively in favor of horde players and they will just kill you on sight. What the hell were they thinking, couldn't they at least have made these neutral zones for the purpose of invasions seeing as its part of the story and kind of essential here?
Everywhere is "part of the story."
Sounds like PVP happening on a PVP server.So my friend got me to start playing again, and we're doing some invasions. We're on a PVP server from years ago and invasions are so damn miserable it makes me want to quit. I can't participate at all because even though our server is balanced H:A the server group is massively in favor of horde players and they will just kill you on sight. What the hell were they thinking, couldn't they at least have made these neutral zones for the purpose of invasions seeing as its part of the story and kind of essential here?
Sounds like PVP happening on a PVP server.
I'm not sure I'm following, I mean having PVP turned to a neutral state or flagged state only in invasion zones for the purpose of the co-operation in the story.
Sounds like PVP happening on a PVP server.
But it doesn't really make any sense in this situation and is plain miserable for the built mechanics. Plus it's not like I have an option to stop this other than paying 100's of dollars to move my characters.