I don't think it's fixed in EU...
I don't think it's fixed in EU...
I'm in EU and it's fixed on my server.
I don't think it's fixed in EU...
I'm now awaiting my lifetime ban and 5 year stint in prison. Lock me up Blizz.
A buff that you do nothing but walk up and grab that is intended for killing demons. They specifically made the bandages require level 98 but the buffs do not. If they change it, fine... but holy shit, get off your high horse. Your definition of cheating is crazy.
He won't be happy until everyone is banned and hopefully life in prison.
Worst kind of scum.
I'm serious. Just did a stint in Azshara and then in the Barrens. Stuff respawns in Wave 3 and 4.
(And it's fixed now)
Gemüsepizza;214121346 said:....
Gemüsepizza;214121346 said:Glad that they fixed this. Should be easy to determine which characters had this buff active in those zones.
No, your definition of cheating and fair play is crazy.
Nah dude, a short 48/72h in-game ban should be sufficient to teach those people a valuable lesson about fair play
It does *not* respawn in "seconds". Also, again, thanks to those exploiters, there is no time at all for respawn, because the event ends so fast.
You're right, well, it's been three very fast levels, so it was worth it!
Dude, if you're trolling you're very bad, if you're serious it's even worse, because you have no idea what fun is. Instead of playing games you should become a police and arrest people. Preferably people that are havin fun.
Gemüsepizza;214121346 said:Nah dude, a short 48/72h in-game ban should be sufficient to teach those people a valuable lesson about fair play.
Gemüsepizza;214121955 said:Are you for real? Your idea of "fun" is negatively affecting other players.
Gemüsepizza;214121955 said:Are you for real? Your idea of "fun" is negatively affecting other players.
Oh fuck I had forgotten about the undead invasion.No it's not, youre ridiculously delusional with that attitude of "everyone is wrong but me".
This exploit or whatever we want to call it was a fun little mistake that affected negatively literally no one, it's fun for the people using it, it's a non issue for the people that didn't. Now we're back to getting shit exp or afking, yeah, now it's way more fun!
Seriously, I'm sure you were one of the people crying in Shattrah during the pre-LK exp because he couldn't go to the vendors to cash in that hard earned rep because of all the exploding zombies.
I don't know about you, but it certainly wasn't fun having level 100 players follow me around and purposefully attack and kill my mobs so I get barely to no experience on my low level characters.
This mishap they just fixed actually allowed me to get stuff done instead of waste my time traveling the zone only to end up with largely nothing for my trouble. Now it's back to either going AFK or just spamming dungeons to level as the current system needs to be addressed regarding participation.
No it's not, youre ridiculously delusional with that attitude of "everyone is wrong but me".
This exploit or whatever we want to call it was a fun little mistake that affected negatively literally no one,
it's fun for the people using it, it's a non issue for the people that didn't. Now we're back to getting shit exp or afking, yeah, now it's way more fun!
Seriously, I'm sure you were one of the people crying in Shattrah during the pre-LK exp because he couldn't go to the vendors to cash in that hard earned rep because of all the exploding zombies.
Man, I remember the great plague incident where every city was a deathtrap and no-one was safe.
Man, I remember the great plague incident where every city was a deathtrap and no-one was safe.
750 tier helm, 755 Kilrogg trinket.
RNG is good, baby.
No flying mounts to save you.
At least that pales in comparison to the Mad Buff Usage of 2016. This last day and a half is a dark blemish on the history of Warcraft.
Gemüsepizza;214123491 said:Of course, others are to blame because you did use the exploit.
u guys are hackers enjoy your perma BANS for using this holy enchantment HACK
my friend's dad works for blizzard and he said he's gonna ban EVERYONE in this thread
you dont have friends!
I don't know what purpose they serve either. I was surprised to see them still exist in some form even after they removed buffs.These greater blessings are all so shit, why do they even exist, they're just waste of spaces.
Even the might one which looks good on paper, barely does anything.
These greater blessings are all so shit, why do they even exist, they're just waste of spaces.
Even the might one which looks good on paper, barely does anything.
Any tips to soloing Razorgore in BWL? I've attempted it a couple times to no avail. Someone said to drop control every once in awhile to gain agro, but the mobs keep running at him.
Yeah, about halfway through I manually drop control, AOE whatever us around me, and immediately click the orb again. Two mind controls is usually enough to clear the eggs.Any tips to soloing Razorgore in BWL? I've attempted it a couple times to no avail. Someone said to drop control every once in awhile to gain agro, but the mobs keep running at him.
I actually made a video tutorial for it last year. There's a very easy trick for it which most don't seem to know about.
Yeah, about halfway through I manually drop control, AOE whatever us around me, and immediately click the orb again. Two mind controls is usually enough to clear the eggs.
Gemüsepizza;214123491 said:
We get it. You don't approve of using the buff for low level characters
Any tips to soloing Razorgore in BWL? I've attempted it a couple times to no avail. Someone said to drop control every once in awhile to gain agro, but the mobs keep running at him.