Mods that scan group finder and auto sign up based on keywords.
Ah, figured it had to be an addon cus there's no way people were signing up so fast.
Mods that scan group finder and auto sign up based on keywords.
I randomly got the toy from walking in Orgri and tagging something.
Hate me?
That's actually fairly tame compared to the Disc Priest version.Yeah, that's the nice thing about the Paladin/Priest/Warrior one, it actually presents them in an interesting way, time-wise. Shadow Priest is the final one, as I recall, since the c'thraxxi is already dead (having been slain by the arms warrior, if memory serves) and your artifact has you "consume" it to prevent it from reviving in the future.
The Karazhan one, yeah that's the same case for Disc Priest/Arcane Mage. Aside from a few small differences with a couple of mobs and such, they're literally the same. I kicked up a fuss about that back in early alpha, but nothing much came of it.
Though they did, at least, seem to agree with one of my complaints.Not sure about how the Disc Priest staff handles it, though.Originally, as an Arcane Mage, when you reached the vault with Alunet, it was quiet inside. Just the staff floating on a platform and nothing else going on. It hurt you a bit when you looted it, but that was it. I complained that for something that seemed to be causing so much havoc, something so powerful it was ripping reality apart, that was anticlimactic. They fixed it and made it a lot more interesting and chaotic inside the vault.
I do wish Blizz had actually gone and made some of the artifact stuff unique instead of copy/pasting for them. Most the others are unique or unique enough in the case of Arm/Shadow/Holy. But Karazhan/the Nexus...ah well.
The latter three take place at different times, so you can kinda see the difference at the location after finishing the previous (chronologically) quest that happened there.And one of the DKs as well.
Disc Priest and Arcane Mage are identical to each other as well. This was actually very obvious in alpha/beta (I mean, besides being the literal same place) because at one point Azuregos calls the player "priest" regardless of if they're a mage, and one miniboss is called "Manifestation of the Light" or something to that effect, when, for a mage, it should be "Echo of Aluneth"
Arms Warrior, Holy Paladin, and Shadow Priest all use the exact same location but they do actually differ by way of mobs involved, at least.
That's actually fairly tame compared to the Disc Priest version..You have to continually heal yourself so that the void energy doesn't consume you. I didn't do the Arcane quest, so I couldn't tell you if the room is the same, but I found that segment really neat because you have to keep up with the healing pretty vigorously. Makes it feel like the artifact is trying to rip you apart
That's actually fairly tame compared to the Disc Priest version..You have to continually heal yourself so that the void energy doesn't consume you. I didn't do the Arcane quest, so I couldn't tell you if the room is the same, but I found that segment really neat because you have to keep up with the healing pretty vigorously. Makes it feel like the artifact is trying to rip you apart
That's actually fairly tame compared to the Disc Priest version..You have to continually heal yourself so that the void energy doesn't consume you. I didn't do the Arcane quest, so I couldn't tell you if the room is the same, but I found that segment really neat because you have to keep up with the healing pretty vigorously. Makes it feel like the artifact is trying to rip you apart
I'm kind of blown away with how much has been taken away from certain classes.
Totems/Shields from Shamans, auras/blessings from Paladins (at least I think Ret has Blessings?), Stances with Warriors and a ton more I'm forgetting.
where my hotfix at? I sure as shit am not going to do Draenor from 90 to 100 no sir
I have a feeling I'm gonna see "this class is pure fucking shit" posts about every class if I had a look.
It's always like that on the official forums tbh.I tried Elemental Shaman is really fun earlier when I tried it on the PTR, but now I'm reading and all I see is people complaining
I have a feeling I'm gonna see "this class is pure fucking shit" posts about every class if I had a look.
No one is happy and everything is shit, apparently.
I was surprised to find after boosting my Druid that I pretty much had the same abilities at 100 that I had at 30. I don't mind pruning conceptually, but the balance rotation is dreadfully simplistic, as is the one for feral.
I was surprised to find after boosting my Druid that I pretty much had the same abilities at 100 that I had at 30. I don't mind pruning conceptually, but the balance rotation is dreadfully simplistic, as is the one for feral.
BM hunter is literally 4 buttons.
BM hunter is literally 4 buttons.
its 5 with the artifact
well it is!
its actually 6 if you use chimera, but fuck chimera, gimme mah stomps!
Only takes like 2h anyway to go 91-100 with the xp potion tacs.
11 days until Legion drops. Think I'd be able to finish the legendary ring questline? At 21/33 tomes and still need that Draenic Sea Chart thing. Then there's wanting to last minute farm BoA trinkets in Mythic dungeons. Then there's leveling my alts through invasions. Halp.
Yeah BM is one of the easiest rotations to master as there is almost nothing there. I am not looking forwards to having to play it if it becomes the dominant raiding spec
11 days until Legion drops. Think I'd be able to finish the legendary ring questline? At 21/33 tomes and still need that Draenic Sea Chart thing. Then there's wanting to last minute farm BoA trinkets in Mythic dungeons. Then there's leveling my alts through invasions. Halp.
You wanna buy me these XP potions?
You'd need a lot of luck to get 12 tomes in two raid lockouts. I think the Draenic Sea Chart missions are like 7 days a piece, so hopefully you're on the last one.
You wanna buy me these XP potions?
You'd need a lot of luck to get 12 tomes in two raid lockouts. I think the Draenic Sea Chart missions are like 7 days a piece, so hopefully you're on the last one.
Well if I were you id rush to finish the lvling of alts first since its the most boring and make sure to use the current possibility to speedlvl them to at least 90-91 so you can use xppotions for the last part incase of. Assuming you actually intend to play them in the next expansion.
Otherwise I suppose praying for the rng to give you the ring is a good thing to have when lvling and while ppl still play the raid. Also since everyone is 700+ ilvl mythic hcs might feel good to get through if there still is trinkets you need. Id focus on what is most beneficial for your main and let everything else just be as good as possible.
You'd need a lot of luck to get 12 tomes in two raid lockouts. I think the Draenic Sea Chart missions are like 7 days a piece, so hopefully you're on the last one.
Yep. Just be sure to grab the Holy Enchantment buff available outside Orgrimmar so you can mow through Demons solo. Lots of XP to be earned.Perhaps I'll use this time to level my Horde Paladin. The invasions should make it quicker, right?
usually when you choose to mog it it ends the timer. But it gets even weirder. I have the lookalikes, they are called Flamebloom Gloves, but they dont show up on my mage. So I go "ok maybe its bugging out because I have both, so let me sell back the tier gloves"
I sell back the tier gloves, they get removed from my transmog collection, but the flamebloom ones (the lookalikes) dont show up lol. They show up for my lock and priest, but not my mage
Does it look like one of those arcane needle things floating in a void like Malygos' sanctum? That's pretty neat, though. Arcane Mages have to dodge energy and put down three wards to try and contain Aluneth, and then suppress it, all while its screaming at you (Aluneth is one of the three sentient artifacts)
I've now done them all EXCEPT:have you done many od the artifact quests? Im expecting the classes that I end up playing in Legion (I mean, things change but), Hunter, Lock and Demon Hunter / Warrior to be quite different just because they are so thematically different
BM hunter is literally 4 buttons.
I keep fumbling around with my UI. Can't ever stay satisfied with what I got.
All I can think about is how in 1 1/2 years that classes will probably completely change again.
Thats what ret/prot palas and all warlocks are praying for.
Thats what ret/prot palas and all warlocks are praying for.
All I can think about is how in 1 1/2 years that classes will probably completely change again.
???? But I love my lock right now in 7.0!!!!!
???? But I love my lock right now in 7.0!!!!!
This might be a 3 year expansion
All I can think about is how in 1 1/2 years that classes will probably completely change again.