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World of Warcraft |OT8| CITIZENS OF DALARAN


I, too, forgot Paladins were a thing.

Could be any number of classes, actually, since that set is the armor that you could get during the Scourge Invasion way back when, and that came in every armor class. So wish I had kept it.

Also, what helm is that? edit: Oh wait, engineering goggles, right/


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.

BM artifact skill is a second pet. I was just about to say the other day "man I cant believe they still havent given BM hunters a second pet as a talent"

Fuck I cant decide between BM and Demo now >_<


Could be any number of classes, actually, since that set is the armor that you could get during the Scourge Invasion way back when, and that came in every armor class. So wish I had kept it.

Also, what helm is that? edit: Oh wait, engineering goggles, right/

I meant the Soul Trader you plebs


This is like the worst fate I can imagine.

Its better than the people in the past who went "I'll create a new DK, vendor the armor, and make another! I'll make buckets of gold!"

(Yeah, some people thought that was a good idea)


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.

I just reroll from lvl 1 because im poor ;_;

Having said that is there any site that shows every race in every tier? I might actually pay for a gender change on my lock because I love big ass armor but I hate male dog cast animations. Judging from my female dogs hunter and priest, their armor is big enough for their size (they don't suffer from the usual female tiny shoulder piece syndrome for example)


Is there some sort of invisible patch or something i can't see? Just finished updating to legion patch and game still seems to be downloading something...?


Is there some sort of invisible patch or something i can't see? Just finished updating to legion patch and game still seems to be downloading something...?

I've had the launcher download a lot of somethings ever since the pre-patch. Not sure if its actual stuff or just bugged (as the launcher is very bugged for some).


I've had the launcher download a lot of somethings ever since the pre-patch. Not sure if its actual stuff or just bugged (as the launcher is very bugged for some).

Its weird. Launcher doesn't say its downloading anything but when i look at my resource monitor WoW seems to be downloading... Also in game it says 0% download complete where it has fps/ping.

Edit: So i read the game was apparently downloading the cinematics INGAME instead of launcher... Great system blizzard.
One cute thing about the pre-patch is the game finally fixed the bug where it would bitch at me for having out of date drivers on the login screen that persisted throughout the entirety of WoD. I DIDN'T FUCKING HAVE OUT OF DATE DRIVERS!


Man, I kind of want to transfer my warlock off her server. There's only one high population Oceanic server, and it's a pvp one. Everything else is low at all times.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Well, Disc priests in 5 mans are going to throw a new wrench in 5 mans

because they're fucking awful if they don't know what they're doing and can't even do anything to compensate for how awful they are if they are awful. Can't even spam a heal.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
How many dailies do you need to do for the stables mounts? I hear it takes abiut 2 weeks worth to get all 6 mounts but is it many dailies a day?


Faction change!

Stupid nemesis gear refuses to drop so instead I get to use the felheart set forever. ;_;


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Do you hordies ever see any pandas around?
Managed to avoid Pit of Saron until the final dungeon run for the garrison quest and of course it was a gongshow. Like two minutes in there's a partial wipe, healer tried to kick the tank, the tank and his two guildmates tried to kick the healer, so I just left.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Every time I log on my hunter monk or mage. Even when I log on my belf paladin I see pandas, because I made my garrison's guards pandas.

I meant other horde players!


Neo Member
I haven't played WoW in a while but curious on the class changes.

What are the class changes that people are liking (new play style, etc)?
I've put a bit of time into all the available specs on live at 100, so I wrote out my thoughts on each one. Some thoughts include beta experience, too.

&#8226; Holy (3/4)
It feels a lot like it did in WoD, but the holy words make a big difference in spicing it up. The "holy form" talent cooldown is amazing, it basically lets you do your holy words like 4 times in 30 seconds. Feels like a 'playmaker' healer, especially in BGs because you pop your holy word on a guy and instantly the tides are turned. This is why I play healers in BGs, I want to ride up to a guy who's losing a 2v1, and blast a big heal on him, and frustrate the hell out of the guys he was fighting. And then the echo of light mastery keeps healing the guy for a HUGE hot and it just feels like what healing should feel like.
&#8226; Disc (2/4)
100% absolutely requires clique or mouseover macros, don't even think about using it otherwise. It seems incredible at 1v1 pvp. It's good enough for most mythic 5-man content and I think it might be really amazing for raid throughput healing. It's really hard to keep a bad tank alive, though. You can't really compensate for other people's errors with this spec as well as other healers can. Make sure you use power word shield a lot is all I can say. I think that people being bad at this spec is going to give it a bad reputation and it will be shunned from groups until blizzard over-buffs it to compensate. I would be worried about it having a bad reputation in the community.
&#8226; Shadow (2/4)
A cool spec, but I don't love it. It seems pretty good at pvp. It's a very 'plant your feet down' kind of spec, though, and doesn't stand up to melee pressure very well. This, along with Fury Warrior, has me scratching my head a bit about why everyone was gushing over it for so long in the alpha.

&#8226; Fire (3/4)
Very fun and smooth. It's more consistent and straightforward than Fire was in WoD, but that also means it's a lot simpler. For me, though, most of the fun was the way the old combustion worked, and that's just totally gone from the spec. I still like it, but I'm worried it might get boring. Still my favorite of the mage specs. I've been able to do the most dps on my fire mage of any of my characters that I've tried, and my fire mage is like 20 ilvls below my warrior.
&#8226; Frost (3/4)
Another fun spec. It's hard for me to say if I liked it better in WoD or not. I think WoD felt a little more fluid but this one has more options.
&#8226; Arcane (1/4)
Still doing the whole conserve phase/burn phase thing. It just doesn&#8217;t appeal to me. I tried all the talents but I didn't find anything exciting or interesting. Personal taste, but this is easily my least favorite casting spec. I don't care if it's super overpowered in the last tier like it was in WoD, I don't want to play this spec.

&#8226; Demo (2/4)
After playing for a while I realized that if you cast Demonic Empowerment a lot more, the spec becomes way faster and better. With my talents you get a soul shard 50% of the time you empower demons and you get an instant cast demon bolt too. So I end up using it very often, after every hand of gul'dan and every dreadstalkers. Forget about the duration of the buff, just cast Demonic Empowerment every time you summon any demons. This helps you keep a ton of soul shards coming in. This spec is okay, but it doesn't seem to really 'shine' at anything. It's just a lot of casting and you do pretty good damage but it's not very satisfying.
&#8226; Destro (1/4)
Seems worse in every way than WoD, to me. Having to spec either shadowburn or chaos bolt...It just feels like less of a spec than it did in WoD. I know the the portals from the artifact are super important to the spec, so I'm sure it will be a lot better at 110. Right now, though, it's really bad.
&#8226; Afflic (3/4)
I need an add-on to help me manage soul effigy. Right now I just set it as my focus but I'd like a dedicated ui feature that makes it easy to see dots on it and target it quickly. Anyway, this spec is super strong and does a ton of damage and is amazing in pvp. I don't think I could play it as a main spec, though.

Note for all warlock specs: Thanks god mana tap doesn't seem to be the required 'best choice' talent so far. I hate that spell so much.

&#8226; Sub (4/4)
Holy cow the animations look good. I love the new shadow dance. I love shadow strike. I love that they replaced slice and dice with symbols of death, which just costs a bit of energy and no combo points so you can use it before the pull without any fancy setup. Stealth having a 2 second cooldown combined with the teleport of shadow strike is just amazing for being out in the world questing. Stealth to an area with lots of mobs and shadow strike a couple times until the mob dies, immediately restealth and shadow strike to teleport to the next mob and kill it again&#8230;I have a talent that makes shadow strike stun mobs, too&#8230;It's just so good for that kind of situation.
&#8226; Assassination (2/4)
Feels a bit slow to me, after playing sub. I like exsanguinate (makes bleeds tick 400% faster) but I miss dispatch. I think this spec replaced WoD's sub as the 'complicated' rogue spec. It's definitely got a lot more going on than Assassination did in WoD. It seems strong, but I just like Sub so much more.
&#8226; Outlaw (3/4)
It's definitely more interesting than combat was in WoD. The new killing spree animation is great. The free pistol shots are a lot like dispatch was in WoD assassination and is a great way to add a bit of fun to the spec. I'm not sure what to do with Roll the Bones. Should I re-roll when I only get one buff? How many combo points should I spend per roll? I bet an add-on eventually will tell you exactly what to do and it will ruin the fun of it. Right now I'm just speccing Slice and Dice which I didn't expect I would do, but 90% haste from SnD is pretty amazing. Again, though, I'd rather play sub any day of the week.

&#8226; Feral (2/4)
Feels fine, a bit faster than in WoD. 10 second cooldown on stealth is painful after playing rogues with 2 second cooldowns. Rogue is just better to play, sorry cats.
&#8226; Balance (3/4)
This spec is great in pvp and it seems like it gets way better with the artifact. It's a lot of fun, but feels like it has a very long ramp-up time if you don't use the talents that give you instant cast star-whatevers and 60 lunar power on a short cooldown.
&#8226; Guardian (4/4)
Love it. My favorite tank spec. Animations and sound effects are fantastic. Ironfur is really cool. I love having a ton of HP. Has good self-healing but that isn't the focus of it's active mitiation. Great cooldowns. It's a really simple but still very engaging spec. I really like it.
&#8226; Resto (3/4)
Feels a lot like WoD but I appreciate some of the changes. I really like Flourish, the 100 talent that adds time to all of your HoTs duration. What can I say? It's resto druid. It's been very good for a long time and it still is. I found it really boring in Ashran and AV, unlike holy priest where I was having a ball, however. I think holy priest is just more fun, even if it turns out to be less powerful.

&#8226; Windwalker (4/4)
Another great melee spec. I love whirling dragon punch, it's amazing. Never pressing the same button twice in a row makes the spec really engaging, all the time. I think this is easily the best incarnation of WW in the history of monks. I mained WW in MoP.
&#8226; Mistweaver (3/4)
I love this one too. It's all about using Thunder Focus Tea to the utmost. I chose Focused Thunder for my 100 talent, which makes it a bit easier to manage. Throwing out 2 instant enveloping mists every 30 seconds is equal to a TON of priority healing. With mistwalk, tiger's lust, roll, and transfer, you become hilariously slippery in PVP. I can make rogues hate their lives with no effort when they try to keep up with me. The Chi-Ji cooldown is hilarious visually and actually really fun to use. It lasts 45 seconds on a 3 minute cooldown! I find it a bit harder to keep up with this spec in 5-mans, though, particularly timewalking. Tanks take a beating in timewalking and keeping tanks up without getting behind requires a whole lot more mental focus than the other healers (except disc). This was my favorite healing spec until I gave holy priest more chances.
&#8226; Brewmaster (2/4)
I wish I liked this spec more. I spend most of my time tanking mythic 5s and challenge modes so tank spec is really important to me. If I liked brewmaster more then Monk would be a no-brainer main class for me. It just feels like when things go wrong, they go REALLY wrong and you suddenly find yourself dead. Black Ox Brew goes a long way to covering your mistakes, though. I like the new expel harm a lot, but you only get one orb for every 100% of your hp that you lose, so you can't make much use of it in 5-mans. When taking big hits from raid bosses you always have 3-4 orbs around you and it's super strong, though.
I think my issue is that my instinct is to try to use Ironskin Brew and Purifying Brew to minimize the damage that goes through on parts that aren't actually that dangerous, and I end up not having enough charges for when things get rough. You basically always need to have 2-3 charges of your brews available in case the big damage starts coming in, so it's not a good idea to use your active mitigation at all unless you really need it at that time. So you end up just holding on to brews for most pulls and so you end up just only pushing damage buttons and it feels like playing an awful DPS spec. People make the same complaint about prot paladin but prot paladin at least pushes shield of the righteous to minimize damage on trash pulls. This spec you just feel like a shitty dps basically any time you're not tanking a big hard-hitting boss, which is when the spec gets a bit more fun.
According to blizzard this spec is meant to shine around the 35-60% hp range, which just doesn't appeal to me. I'd rather be a big bear with 10 million hp than a slippery monk with 5 million hp who is only good when he's below 3 million hp...
Another issue is that they completely screwed this spec out of its aoe-pulling abilities. Brew used to have the keg toss thing and could throw those around to pick up extra packs, but that's gone entirely. All that's left is keg smash (significant cooldown) and flame breath (significant cooldown). If you want to pick up 2 packs at the same time, you basically have to spec rushing jade wind, and even when you do you just feel like you're body pulling with RJW up. It feels awful. Please give the keg toss thing back, add a cooldown if you must (I think their artifact ability actually is basically this but I didn't try on beta).

&#8226; Beast Mastery (3/4)
This spec is really simple, but I actually like it a lot. It's a cool looking spec and it feels pretty good to play. I love when your dire beast cooldown resets a few times in a row and you have a bunch of animals up all at once. It also makes your beastial wrath cooldown extremely short. Chimaera Shot makes the spec a lot faster, if you're someone who complains about downtime, but stomp is really satisfying to have available, too.
&#8226; Marksman (2/4)
I'm speccing sidewinders, which replaces both arcane shot and multi shot...The spec uses literally 3 buttons. It's not that bad, but it feels a little inconsistent. If you get a bunch of marked shot and lock and load procs you'll do insane damage. If you don't, you'll be casting a bunch of aimed shots and it's pretty boring. I'm not sure I could main this spec. Beast Mastery is more fun to me.
&#8226; Survival (2/4)
I think the grenades and caltrops theme is cool, but I'm not in love with the spec. It just didn't click with me in the short amount of time I gave it. I'll spend some more time on it later.

&#8226; Resto (3/4)
People keep saying this is going to be the best healing spec but I'm not sure why. It feels a whole lot like it did in WoD. That's not a bad thing, but people weren't falling over themselves talking about how good resto shaman was in WoD, right? It did retain a lot of it's great cooldowns, and the artifact ability is really good. I like it, but I'm just not sure what all the fuss is about.
&#8226; Elemental (3/4)
Feels great, a satisfying, fast paced straightforward nuke caster. Big hits and lots of procs. I like it. If it wasn't for Fire and Frost Mage I would like this spec the most as a ranged dps.
&#8226; Enhancement (3/4)
Another great melee. The rotation is a bit simple, but you can make it more complicated with talents. It feels great, and man does the artifact ability feel good to use. Great animations. Super squishy in PVP, but you also just rip people apart at 110 so it's a two-way street. Every time I try Fury warrior I just think "Enhancement is so much more fun than this&#8230;"

&#8226; Fury (2/4)
So disappointed. The animations are great, yeah. And it's better than the shitshow of WoD fury's RNG nightmare. But it hasn't been fun for me. I'm still giving it more and more time because I really wanted this spec to be the one for me, but I haven't enjoyed it so far. Enhancement just blows it out of the park, in my opinion. I'm still trying to figure out why people keep gushing about this spec. The animations are great, sure, but the gameplay hasn't clicked for me.
&#8226; Arms (3/4)
Way better than in WoD, but that doesn't say much. Sometimes colossal smash resets like 5 times in a row and it feels awesome. Overpower makes the spec feel way more interesting to play. The execute phase rotation seems super boring, though, which is surprising. Who would have thought that execute phases would be unfun for an arms warrior?
&#8226; Protection (3/4)
Ignore pain is MASSIVE. It's extremely good. In timewalking dungeons, I can easily solo pulls as long as I keep ignore pain up. The instant that ignore pain falls off, I go to half health and feel like I'm going to die. This is made worse by the fact that healers just start ignoring you if you keep ignore pain on 90% of the time, because you don't need healing as long as you have IP. Then suddenly you lose IP and don't have rage and your healer isn't paying attention to you and it gets dangerous.
I don't have any faith that they're going to do rage generation right for this spec.

Death Knight
&#8226; Frost (3/4)
I like this spec. It fixes the problems it had in WoD, but it's still basically the same thing. It's very enjoyable, but I'd pick enhancement over it for a dual-wield dps. The abilities look really great and the class 'fantasy' is totally on-point.
&#8226; Unholy (3/4)
I love what they've done with unholy, and it's even better with the artifact ability. AOE is really simple to set up and so strong. My favorite 2h dps spec.
&#8226; Blood (3/4)
Still great. I've always loved blood tanking, and I still love this one. I think it was as good or possibly better in WoD, though. Still a great spec. I give Guardian the edge over blood because it feels more consistent, where blood sometimes feels rune-capped and can get a little clunky at times. My Blood DK is much stronger gear-wise than my druid, but I'd still rather take my druid to most instances.

&#8226; Holy (2/4)
I like it for the most part. The mastery is stupid, but you can spec into beacon of the lightbringer to basically just ignore it. I actually thought holy power worked really well for holy paladin in WoD, so losing it is kind of strange. It's still a great healing spec, though. Has a crazy number of very good cooldowns. Devotion aura with aura mastery is insane and I feel like raid leaders will design raid strategies around it. Without any absorbs this spec feels a lot like it did in WotLK to me. The artifact ability is really cool, but it's a bit fire-and-forget.
&#8226; Retribution (2/4)
The spec is decent but it's the only melee spec that feels like it has a set 'rotation' anymore. I feel like I'm just doing the exact same loop that lasts 2 judgements over and over. There's nothing hard about setting up the judgement windows, it just feels a bit 'fixed', like you would handle every pull exactly the same. I think I'd get tired of this spec pretty quickly.
&#8226; Protection (2/4)
Yeah, it only has one thing to think about as far as mitigation goes, and that's dumb, but damned if it isn't very effective. I love Blessed Hammers, so cool. I am surprised at how shitty the self-heal is. I though that thing would be great, but in practice it's basically the worst tank for self-healing in the game (provided you consider ignore pain to be 'healing').


Neo Member
Thanks for the post :). I was thinking of coming back to the game, so nice to know which changes people are liking the most so I can try them.
• Windwalker (4/4)
Another great melee spec. I love whirling dragon punch, it's amazing. Never pressing the same button twice in a row makes the spec really engaging, all the time. I think this is easily the best incarnation of WW in the history of monks. I mained WW in MoP.

Glad to hear Windwalker is great :).


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.

There's your Karazhan revamp fellas

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Does Unholy become a necro or some shit? I see one with tons of zombies and skeles now.

They have their usual permanent pet, a talent(that's not very good) that they have another permanent skeleton pet, they're the only DK spec with Army of the Dead now, and their artifact lets them summon a new ghoul every time they pop a wound on an enemy.

They can also have a gargoyle/Valkyr


I found a two months code in a drawer (it must have been three-four years old) and it worked, so I'm back. My plan is to level up a couple of chars to 100, see all the content of WoD, play DH, get some exp pieces and try Legion for a month.

I dropped the game midway Pandaria (we were trying Lei Shen HC when I lost interest in the game) and hadn't looked back. I don't plan on hardcore raiding like before, I just don't have the time. Seeing the content is enough.

From what I've seen WoD is absolutely horrendous and I regret nothing, what a bad expansion lore and content wise. Pandaria was stupid filler, but the zones were pretty at least (though that first raid with the insects was the worst shit ever). I have zero interest in Garrosh (who thought giving him so much protagonism two expansions in a row was a good idea?), his Iron horde, orcs and whatnot, so maybe that's why.

Now I'm working on leveling my old hunter, trying and loving Surv, although I miss Disengage :(

BM from what I tried seems a braindead spec that could be very useful in complicated bosses with lots of mechanics or just when learning a new one and you have to focus on other stuff than your rotation while doing good dps (I hear it does very well in beta).

Have yet to try MM.


My thoughts on the tanks right now

Prot Paladin is so boring and none of the buttons feel like they do anything. SotR is sorta like Shield Block on Warriors, but then your only heal is pretty damn weak and has a 15s CD. It's so bad, I can't believe it's the same spec that was super fast paced and amazing in MoP. Didn't play it much in WoD.

Blood DK is actually way better than Paladin (not saying much lol), but I'm frustrated with Blood because they've spread the mitigation so thin across 4 or 5 sources that none of them feel meaningful on their own. And the whole all runes are death runes and Death Strike for runic power do not work for Blood at all.

Warrior is so hard to gauge right now because they've made it absurdly overpowered at level 100 (and in Timewalking), so you're just an unkillable god and... yea.

Guardian is actually better than I expected, considering how boring I've found the spec in the past. The kit is incredibly strong, having so much HP and active mitigation for armor or magic defense is very versatile. Less broken than Warriors at level 100, but probably the best tank in Legion unless things change significantly (which they may).

Brewmaster is something different. It's been my main spec since MoP beta, and Legion's overhaul changed the spec significantly. At the core, Keg Smash is still a very satisfying ability, and the spec has great mobility with Roll and Transcendence. The lack of an AoE specific ability in the base kit is really weird, and makes talent changing almost mandatory for dungeons or bosses with adds. It'd be like if Druids had to talent to get Swipe, which funny enough there was a period on beta where they didn't have Swipe and people flipped a shit until it was added. Yet we have to talent Rushing Jade Wind to have a similar tool. RJW should be baseline

The brew system for active mitigation is very un-intuitive and purifying brew only clearing 50% of stagger makes it not always obvious that the ability is doing something meaningful (though it is). This is going to cause a lot of problems with balancing Brewmasters across a wide range of skill levels. Good luck Blizzard, I anticipate a lot of tuning hotfixes in the near future. Gift of the Ox is alright, Expel Harm was fortunately added back for those situations where you either can't see shit or can't get to an orb. Need the artifact to make a better assessment, I never leveled the artifact much on beta because I'd rather not do it on beta and live and get sick of it.


basically all around shamans and druids have got it all this expac, which is weird because shamans never had shit (except broken ass WF back in nilla)


Maybe I should switch from Brewmaster to windwalker..

To be clear I'm not trying to say Brewmaster is bad, the changes are actually growing on me quite a bit. So much so that I was considering not playing Legion at all after the initial Brewmaster changes on alpha, and now I'm actually tempted to raid in Legion. It's frustrating to be so much weaker than Prot Warriors, but that's a tuning issue.

I'm just much more critical of my main spec than I am of alts


basically all around shamans and druids have got it all this expac, which is weird because shamans never had shit (except broken ass WF back in nilla)

Well shamans were terrible in Hearthstone but recently theyve been made really good, maybe Blizz likes shaman now.

And yeah about switching specs im not sure. I quite like the black ox idol but its certainly.not as good as the keg toss.


Whatever happened to scenarios? Blizzard pushed them super hard during MoP, and WoD just kind of.. forgot about them.


Whatever happened to scenarios? Blizzard pushed them super hard during MoP, and WoD just kind of.. forgot about them.

They still exist just not in the sense of queable ones, scenario's tech is still being used plenty from things like Garrison invasion. special questlines and so on and so forth.


basically all around shamans and druids have got it all this expac, which is weird because shamans never had shit (except broken ass WF back in nilla)

Playing Enh atm and while the spec is solid, there are a few holes.

1) Need some kind of defensive option. Like, we have shitty heals that consume our main resource and the standard "take x% less damage for a few seconds" CD. That's kinda shocking (pun intended) for a melee class.

2) Weirdly, we have no big dps CD. We have wolves, but no "once every 10 minutes you are super badass for a few seconds" like everyone used to have. Did they remove those from everyone or...?

3) There are people playing female Panda Enh Shamans. Whyyyyyyyyyyyy? We're not suppose to look adorable!


Whatever happened to scenarios? Blizzard pushed them super hard during MoP, and WoD just kind of.. forgot about them.
They integrated the tech into the quest lines and put it into the world instead of an instance thing. You'll see it again in broken shore and legion


2) Weirdly, we have no big dps CD. We have wolves, but no "once every 10 minutes you are super badass for a few seconds" like everyone used to have. Did they remove those from everyone or...?

You can talent Ascendance in the level 100 tier if you prefer a burst CD.
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