Unfortunately it does not. But check the buy / sell / thread here. I got Legion itself for 38 dollars, so with a month of time it's barely more expensive than just buy it retail. But yeah if you're interested in a month or two of play, expansion launch is always the best time. Community is briefly reinvigorated.
my entire friends list is playing overwatch and not wow, whut? lol
my entire friends list is playing overwatch and not wow, whut? lol
edit: stuck in "logging in to game server" screen... I guess thats why >_> oh well it was about time EU got it bad aswell I gues
EU had these issues last night as well. 2 days in a row now.
Seems to affect both US and EU to some degree so might be a attack on their servers but who knows. Launch was all fine.
I've been a druid since launch and have always considered it the best class in the game. This expansion is like getting a high five and a /wink from Blizzard like "Yeah, you're fucking awesome".
All the druid stuff is so polished and fleshed out. I cannot get enough of it.
Ravencrest and Magtheridon still seems to be up.
my one friend playing wow right now is on ED and I cant get in, it must be the login servers
Well would the login server going down only kick out a few people but not all?
well I cant even get to the server screen. 2 more friends are on now on Doomhammer aswell for example
Spam until it works?
WoD was a fairly big departure from how things had been done before. Legion is a logical progression of those concepts with some tweaks - how is that 'crazy'? It's exactly what I'd expect from a sequel.
The revisionist history from people who never stop playing WoW and get all salty/jaded over content droughts always sounds like the same old song and dance to me.
As for MoP...I don't have much patience for dailies. I didn't last long in that expansion even for someone who usually only plays for a few months at a time. Didn't like the overall theme either.
Not bad.
yeah im in, guess you should just wait it out in "logging in to game server" screen even if it looks like its hung up
You can craft them at any level I think, but you need to find/unlock the recipe.Can you craft the various bracers which are needed for the Obliterum Forge quest and sell for a lot of gold at 700 or do you need 800 for that particular profession?
So any of you warlock guys on 110.
Does Affli play better on 110 or is still as dull as on 100?
So cant i mine now if i dont have mining profession?
Anyone who posts 100 of a crafting material in stacks of 1 should be banned from using the auction house.
I am having such shit luck with upgrades/drops - I'm majorly struggling to get to 810 to do heroics. I've done several world quests that award gear (none of them upgraded), I've done several dungeons but all the gear was 805 (no wf/tf), I've done most of the friendly quests in Suramar but none of them have awarded gear. Whereas two of my guildies got lucky and got 840 titanforged stuff off of world quests. That Diablo RNG
Re: bracers, you need to finish a bunch of the profession quests to be able to craft those. I was able to craft the bracers on my LW at ~710 skill after finishing the profession quests.
God, I'm downloading WoW, is this 2010? I'll play my old HWL Warrior but I have no idea how the class plays anymore. Still haven't bought it yet, trying to find a cheap key with boost [EU].
The prot paladin artifact is so much better looking than the warrior prot artifact