Thok hungers!
I need to try some Mythics
Some of the names people come up with.
Myself I couldn't play with a name like that, mine needs to fit the race Im playing.
Thok hungers!
I need to try some Mythics
Some of the names people come up with.
Myself I couldn't play with a name like that, mine needs to fit the race Im playing.
As much as I'd love to work on an alt right now, I'm very thankful that I haven't run out of fresh content for my main yet either. And it looks like I've still got quite a bit left.what's wrong with the game being alt unfriendly
oh no there's too much content to do on my main character
if anything, wod should have proven to people that blizzard needs to stop relying on people leveling alts as content.
Some of the names people come up with.
Myself I couldn't play with a name like that, mine needs to fit the race Im playing.
You can cheese movement across most of the zone with a kite/Emerald Wind and abuse the whistle to push you long distances. It's way more fun to get around the world this way. Flying is so boring by comparison.I wouldn't mind the lack of flying if the zones weren't designed by a bunch of douches. Pathfinder can't give flying soon enough.
I wish we could have special signs in our names.
Would totally name a female undead Tal'Rasha
The dungeon has seagulls. Seagulls are fucking assholes, both IRL and in the game. While healing during the worm boss I got killed by a stray seagull which managed to get pulled.
But Tal'Rasha was a dude
The dungeon has seagulls. Seagulls are fucking assholes, both IRL and in the game. While healing during the worm boss I got killed by a stray seagull which managed to get pulled.
what's wrong with the game being alt unfriendly
oh no there's too much content to do on my main character
if anything, wod should have proven to people that blizzard needs to stop relying on people leveling alts as content.
When a trinket warforges to 850 and the stats are Versatility and Leech -_-
When a trinket warforges to 850 and the stats are Versatility and Leech -_-
I feel like a number of other specs should really beat out any of these Warlock specs in the described situations. Somehow in all the dungeons I've run I have not seen a single Warlock or Rogue.
Some of the names people come up with.
Myself I couldn't play with a name like that, mine needs to fit the race Im playing.
Even if I'm not on an RP server, I still come up with a suitable name for the character I've rolled. Annoys me endlessly to see stupid names.
Sims >>> Your feelings when it comes to DPS.
Rogues do ridiculous damage right now, as well as, suprisingly, Ferals.
Has there been a single world boss quest yet (purple icon)? I've been looking everyday and haven't seen one.
Has there been a single world boss quest yet (purple icon)? I've been looking everyday and haven't seen one.
Did not mean to say Rogues were not doing damage, just that I was not seeing them in dungeons. And no, sims do not put Warlocks on top of anything. There are classes that are absolutely nutty in single target, cleave, and AoE situations, and Warlock doesn't place top three in any.Sims >>> Your feelings when it comes to DPS.
Rogues do ridiculous damage right now, as well as, suprisingly, Ferals.
Did not mean to say Rogues were not doing damage, just that I was not seeing them in dungeons. And no, sims do not put Warlocks on top of anything. There are classes that are absolutely nutty in single target, cleave, and AoE situations, and Warlock doesn't place top three in any.
No they don't come out until raids do also.
So, first time leveling from 1 to 100, should I focus on doing all the quests or should I spam dungeons? It feels like whenever I do a couple of dungeons I get so much exp that quests in the area I currently am become useless exp wise. But I'd still like to explore the world and enjoy some story (?).
leveling as ele feels incredibly slow
Has Blizzard said what time today the new app is coming up?
Need this app to sate the addiction
I'm like the Nightfallen but instead of mana it's more time with legion
So happy with the profession change where you can farm nodes regardless of your level and receive full rewards, grabbing Felstate nodes at skill level 1 is nice and means leveling profs on alys is no longer a headache. Went for Mining and Skinning on the Demon Hunter for profit.
If you try and do all of the quests you'll always be levelling in a zone that's too low for you. I'd say just quest at your own pace, and when you fancy a change up do a Dungeon or two.
One exception to that rule might be the questing in Outland (58-70). This is because those quests are unchanged since they first launched with Burning Crusade and will feel a lot more... old school. Poor droprates on quest items, a lot of repetition etc. There are a couple of good questlines in TBC but if i levelled from scratch again i would probably not want to quest through Hellfire Peninsula and such.
Nobody's biting on Obliterum though. Can't blame them after experiencing Mythics for myself. I can't imagine blowing 100-150K on an 850 item.
Some of the names people come up with.
Myself I couldn't play with a name like that, mine needs to fit the race Im playing.
I'm not too picky on my name, just as long as I can pronounce it. I normally use the name of an old cartoon character or a character from an old toy line (Masters of the Universe, Silverhawks, etc) but if nothing there is available I just use the name generator.