every villain in this xpac just stuns you and runs off when they get to 10% hp
fight me u bitch
seriously lol
They scared breh
every villain in this xpac just stuns you and runs off when they get to 10% hp
fight me u bitch
Fits my transmog
It's still an 895 ring though.
With no mainstat. If it has poor secondaries, it's pretty shite.
Yeah. It's one of the worst legendaries to get for a fire mage. But it is still a 895 item, even if it doesn't have optimal stats.
It's just funny that of the 3-4 legs we've gotten, two have been that ring :lol
828 now.
Trying to upgrade a ring and a relic slot before I start hitting mythics. I don't want to pug them, but right now, there's only three people in our guild who are higher than 820. >_>
I got my old god squid mount
Swimming speed is the same D:
Just found the kobold quest line in Highmountain while doing a world quest. Thats the best quest right there. I also saw another quest I missed earlier on while flying, these quests will never end >_>
I'm quickly getting the feeling that gearing this xpac is completely shit. Crafted gear is a gigantic fuck you sink, everything else is a new level of RNG. World quests are tossing me 805/810/820 shit when I'm already wearing better.
And withered training just kicked me out again when I was cruising with 18 Withered and not a care in the world. This minigame can fuck right off.
Man, I hate that H.Pally's artifact isn't a main-hand and a shield.
I'm at 839 just from running mythics and without having my third slot unlocked. I don't really understand your issues.
I'm at 825 and not getting any drops from heroic/world quests/caches to get me higher. Having serious issues getting into mythic groups. I'm looking into oblitstuffystuff atm, but it looks frightfully inefficient.
I guess I'm stuck waiting for the RNG to go my way. I hear people have been getting cool stuff from emissary caches. I get order resources.
I'm at 833 just from world quest. If an item is lower than what you can wear still do the quest as it has a chance to reroll to a higher ilvl. I make sure to do all of them and thats how my ilvl keeps climbing.
I got the quest to get the Kobolds to be friendly and parked a miner alt in that cave. Always a few seams up.
I'm doing them, but getting the base 805/810/820/825 items. I haven't struck warforged or titanforged yet (or at least, not in a way that pushes passed 825).
Like I said: this xpac is RNG city.
It's really not. Run dnugeons. You'll get them. People that are 840+ didn't sit around praying for rng, they DID things. Obliterum isn't something you 'look into' and go 'eh, it's inefficent'. Basically from what you're saying you're sitting around praying for loot, but nto doing anything to get it. If you're the ilevel you say you are, mythics should not remotely be a struggle either.
It's been a week and you're acting like you don't have multiple more to gear up before raids and stuff open. Literally every expansion begins with a minor struggle to get gear,a nd yes there is RNG in getting drops, but that's always true. Now you just have more avenues to acquiring them besides running dungeons until your eyes bleed.
If by "sitting around" you mean running Heroics, doing world quests and getting my tailoring maxed then sure. Obliterum is currently a giant financial expenditure for those that aren't rich or on a saturated server.
I might just spend order resources to upgrade the order set. That'll push me to 830.
Think enhance shaman might be the most fun melee class ever made in wow.
Finished my class order, the upgraded skin is awesome and I'm just destroying things with another 36 ilevels on my weapon. Mind I still have 783 and 803 relic in my other two slots :/.
Lanrutcon, just spend an hour or so queueing to as many mythics groups as possible, you'll eventually get invited to one or start your own. There are tons of groups asking for 825, which you are, so it's not impossible to get into one.
I'm pretty sure there's a world quest reward breakpoint around 830. Yesterday my average iLevel was 828 and my quest rewards were 825 with the occasional 820 or 830. Then I bumped to 831 and now it's mostly 830 with a couple 835s and an 825. Plus the PVP 805s, but they don't count. So if you have a couple of good order hall pieces and the resources to spare, it's not the worst thing ever.
I have seen45 (I just checked the app and there's another one up) different world quests on the map for cloaks today, so there's still that aspect of not getting the right slot, but they seem to have built a fairly solid upgrade path into world quests.
Havoc is conflicting because abilities like Fel Rush and eye beam are super fun, power for interrupting is cool, and you get an AOE stun. But then you have stuff like Chaos Strike that doesn't feel satisfying at all, GCD mashing(some people like this), and the most flaccid feeling artifact ability in the game.
Havoc is conflicting because abilities like Fel Rush and eye beam are super fun, power for interrupting is cool, and you get an AOE stun. But then you have stuff like Chaos Strike that doesn't feel satisfying at all, GCD mashing(some people like this), and the most flaccid feeling artifact ability in the game.
Havoc is conflicting because abilities like Fel Rush and eye beam are super fun, power for interrupting is cool, and you get an AOE stun. But then you have stuff like Chaos Strike that doesn't feel satisfying at all, GCD mashing(some people like this), and the most flaccid feeling artifact ability in the game.
Havoc is conflicting because abilities like Fel Rush and eye beam are super fun, power for interrupting is cool, and you get an AOE stun. But then you have stuff like Chaos Strike that doesn't feel satisfying at all, GCD mashing(some people like this), and the most flaccid feeling artifact ability in the game.
Wait I got one set piece from somewhere and didn't notice it could be upgraded
Where do you upgrade?
Want flaccid? Try Vengeance's Soul Carver
I'm still not sure what the animation looks like. I just know it does its job. What I wouldn't give for spinning glaives of annihilation and explosions.
I laughed when I saw this tooltip. It doesn't look good but god damn those are some numbers.Strike with both Fists of the Heavens at all enemies in front of you, dealing (2250% + 2250%) damage and reducing movement speed by 50% for 6 sec.
Think enhance shaman might be the most fun melee class ever made in wow.
Finished my class order, the upgraded skin is awesome and I'm just destroying things with another 36 ilevels on my weapon. Mind I still have 783 and 803 relic in my other two slots :/.
I laughed when I saw this tooltip. It doesn't look good but god damn those are some numbers.
Have you played a warrior or DK? How does it compare? I have my 100 boost and I can't decide what to use it on. I have high level warrior, priest, DK, rogues, hunter. Thinking about maybe a shaman, but I'm not really that interested in resto or elemental.
I was considering a warlock, but I hear they're not great right now.
I played arms/fury a bit in the legion beta with the 110 templates. Didn't care for arms that much (very simple rotation, very rng with fishing for colossus smash), fury is fun and was my runner up choice, very cyclical compared to shaman. Shaman is more about stormstrike procs that randomly occur often, while maintaining your weapon buffs, fury is more about building and dumping your rage in 10 second~ intervals, both are fast paced and near gcd locked, even with boulderfist. UH dk is fun, didn't play frost much.
Out of the four, UH is probably the slowest but it's not super slow. I think just go with whatever you like thematically, I really like enhancements graphics with the lightning effects.
Windwalker Monk's artifact skill doesn't look like much but it feels good when you use it. Enhancement Shaman's makes you feel like you're attacking so fast.
I laughed when I saw this tooltip. It doesn't look good but god damn those are some numbers.
When do world bosses come out?