OK, my SV artifact is all caught up with the BM one, though I checked and I chose the "wrong" side of the path lol
All the guides say go for the leftmost golden trait and I got the rightmost one first because reasons. Eh, I don't think it's so bad.
I have seen literally zero SV hunters out there, so I feel special hohohoho
I think the trick is dropping Raptor's strike off the rotation, this way you don't have any spammable abilities to use, but the rotation is SO busy and there are so many buttons that I think it's ok.
Now I know I won't perform as well as in BM (I'll still get 13 traits just for the most AOE heavy fights) but I can't stand the boredom of BM, even if I love the fact of having two pets, and I don't like MM and its low mobility. For pugs and RF in the future (not planning on raiding seriously) I think it will be more than ok.