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World of Warcraft |OT8| CITIZENS OF DALARAN


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
So is there any actual strategy to handling Dro? I killed him as a protection warrior but he killed all of my Withered except for ONE. He just jumps around killing them as he pleases. It's completely idiotic.
Stun or root. If you are a prot warrior you can simply charge him immediately.


I killed dro as an ele shaman with 1 withered up from the beginning of the fight... he's not THAT bad.

Definitely been tempted to use Ele spec just because of Dro. He is impossible as Enhancement, just completely trains me before I can even react especially if he spawns when I'm at low health. I tried Hexing him and as soon as he broke out, he teleported to me and it was over before I could do anything.


'Dro is easy just stun or root' OK and if I don't have those...........

Literally every class in the game has those. This might shock you, but you MAY want to rethink your talent selections when faced with adversity, rather than throw your hands up. All specs are not created equal, so maybe respec and do it (it's not like your dps is REMOTELY important to finishing the scenario), every class can with RELATIVE ease in some way or another.

If you post your class, I'm sure plenty of us can help. Nobody minds helping. It's irritating to read tons of posts from people that are literally "THIS IS BULLSHIT ITS IMPOSSIBLE" "Try thing A" "I DONT WANT TO TRY THING A" (IE: priests). That's not constructive to the thread and it's also willful ignorance on the part of people posting that kind of shit, if you want to vent about something fine, but don't be surprised when people give you advice.

I got SHREKED by Dro the first time I fought him (well, my withered did, I was a tank so I myself was ok, but that's strengths and weaknesses again), becoming familiar with it is part of the learning curve of an event like that, or anything in the game really. It's not any different. EVERYONE dies to that guy the first time. The difference is how much people are willing to be introspective and critical of how they can improve, just like with raiding/dungeons/everything else in wow. Everyone sucked at everything once. The people who do better at it just didn't throw their hands in the air.

If you have to take withered training slowly, take it slowly, have some CDs for every pack by all means. As you get better at it you'll feel out where you need em and where you don't. The best way to beat Dro and every other boss in there? Get used to how they operate so you can minimize losses, and have LOTS of withered with you. Set them to berserk. That's it. That's the trick. 30 berserking withered will melt Dro in like 15 seconds. If you're feeling timid about how many you've got vs a new boss you don't know, send some chests back to help for next time. I'll tell you right now: If you can beat dro, you can beat the entire thing easily. None of the other bosses are as hard. I fucked up BADLY today after having it crash on me last time, and I was pissed, so I decided to safely send out every chest but one, I had 1 withered left. Found 1 more, killed the last boss with just 2 guys, because once you understand how they work it's easy to keep your guys alive. I absolutely agree that it's harder as some specs than others, but I don't play my main spec in there either, so people can throw a fit about it and pretend the talent specialization menu doesn't exist for them, or they can hit N and select 'activate' on another spec, and look at their talents and figure out what helps more. It's all about control and survivability, not dps.

Two withered with near 0 hp, just casually throwin rocks at a spider for 2 minutes while it struggles to do even 1 damage to me. Just learn Dro, you'll melt the rest of these clowns.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
No, I actually don't have those things. My ONLY root is Frost Nova on a 30 second cooldown, and my only interrupts are Counterspell and Supernova. Zero stuns and my only other hard CC is Polymorph which heals the enemy I cast it on and Slow which...yeah; I can maybe get one more Blast on him before I have to move again. I can barely kite because Arcane Barrage is my only instant ranged damage and for it to do any damage I have to either hardcast four Arcane Blasts or hang around in melee range and use Arcane Explosion. This class is 100% designed around being a back line DPS class that only moves when absolutely necessary, not kiting everywhere while stunning with impunity.

I'm not saying that beating him is impossible as an Arcane Mage, only that Dro was clearly not designed with some of the classes in the game in mind. By far the easiest thing for me to do is to respec to fire where I can do mobile damage and then just hope I can kite and evade him for long enough, and even that is a crapshoot. I haven't seen a single guide or piece of advice that's useful for Arcane.

And on top of that, at some point in the fight I have to channel Evocation for ten seconds.


Literally every class in the game has those.

You might want to rethink the word "literally" there. Warlocks have a single stun, on a pet, on a large cooldown, only if talented. I'm not aware of Destro and Affliction having any roots. We also don't have conventional interrupts. I mean, we can pull out a Felpuppy but then Dro would kill us. We can't not have a tanking pet out.

So I really, really hope Dro is fearable...otherwise your argument falls over pretty quickly.


No, I actually don't have those things. My ONLY root is Frost Nova on a 30 second cooldown, and my only interrupts are Counterspell and Supernova. Zero stuns and my only other hard CC is Polymorph which heals the enemy I cast it on and Slow which...yeah; I can maybe get one more Blast on him before I have to move again. I can barely kite because Arcane Barrage is my only instant ranged damage and for it to do any damage I have to either hardcast four Arcane Blasts or hang around in melee range and use Arcane Explosion. This class is 100% designed around being a back line DPS class that only moves when absolutely necessary, not kiting everywhere while stunning with impunity.

I'm not saying that beating him is impossible as an Arcane Mage, only that Dro was clearly not designed with some of the classes in the game in mind. By far the easiest thing for me to do is to respec to fire where I can do mobile damage and then just hope I can kite and evade him for long enough, and even that is a crapshoot. I haven't seen a single guide or piece of advice that's useful for Arcane.

And on top of that, at some point in the fight I have to channel Evocation for ten seconds.

Frost Nova on a 30 second cooldown is SHORTER than my stun's cooldown.

Also, you can literally chain polymorph him, they'll keep breaking it and murdering him, unless that's changed like within the last few days.

As Arcane I presume you could take Ring of Frost or Ice Ward, to either RoF him or get more frost nova charges.

I don't play a mage, but I know that arcane can run through that place like butter, and I know the abilities I just listed all will work.

You might want to rethink the word "literally" there. Warlocks have a single stun, on a pet, on a large cooldown, only if talented. I'm not aware of Destro and Affliction having any roots. We also don't have conventional interrupts. I mean, we can pull out a Felpuppy but then Dro would kill us. We can't not have a tanking pet out.

So I really, really hope Dro is fearable...otherwise your argument falls over pretty quickly.

Dro is everything-able, and a SINGLE stun is literally all you need, so no I don't need to rethink the word 'literally'.

On my DK I stun him ONE time. I'm blood, I do like 75k dps to that guy tops, the withered kill him before he kills a single one, with that one 45 second cooldown stun. Shadowfury's is 30 seconds, by the way. Warlocks literally have that mob EASIER than I do.


You're a tank. Let's not go overboard here. Obviously you have it easier. Dro disassembles my infernal unless I heal it. That's a channeled heal, btw.

So? You don't have to do anything. AGAIN. If you stun him, the withered will kill him. If you have like 5 withered, He'll PROBABLY be too hard, nothing I wrote above is wrong, you guys are just making yourselves helpless instead of taking the advice and trying to do better next time.

My old GM used to have a very succinct phrase to address this same bullshit attitude anytime someone tried to bring it up in a raid (Oh I couldn't avoid that thing that killed me): You're right, game's impossible.

Unless you guys are purporting that normal ass people didn't finish this stuff with every class on beta (Hint: they did), telling us that there's nothing you can do is actually just saying not to bother trying to help because you're not going to listen anyway.

I GUARANTEE that your tankiest pet will survive his attacks, and that as long as you shadowfury his charge with 20+ withered alive, they will murder him.

If anyone wants more advice on Withered Training, or Dro for their spec/class, by all means ask. I don't play your class more than likely, but I'll try my best to explain what should work (and generally confer with someone that does play that class), or someone else that plays it will post. Done responding to the rest of the nonsense, if anyone thinks the game is too hard, sorry, you should stop pressing the withered training scenario button if you don't want to learn.


So? You don't have to do anything. AGAIN. If you stun him, the withered will kill him. If you have like 5 withered, He'll PROBABLY be too hard, nothing I wrote above is wrong, you guys are just making yourselves helpless instead of taking the advice and trying to do better next time.

My old GM used to have a very succinct phrase to address this same bullshit attitude anytime someone tried to bring it up in a raid (Oh I couldn't avoid that thing that killed me): You're right, game's impossible.

Unless you guys are purporting that normal ass people didn't finish this stuff with every class on beta (Hint: they did), telling us that there's nothing you can do is actually just saying not to bother trying to help because you're not going to listen anyway.

I GUARANTEE that your tankiest pet will survive his attacks, and that as long as you shadowfury his charge with 20+ withered alive, they will murder him.

If anyone wants more advice on Withered Training, or Dro for their spec/class, by all means ask. I don't play your class more than likely, but I'll try my best to explain what should work (and generally confer with someone that does play that class), or someone else that plays it will post. Done responding to the rest of the nonsense, if anyone thinks the game is too hard, sorry, you should stop pressing the withered training scenario button if you don't want to learn.

You seem angry. And upset.

Edit: Ancient Mana full. Let's go give your tips a try! (I shall report back on my success shortly)


You seem angry. And upset.

Edit: Ancient Mana full. Let's go give your tips a try! (I shall report back on my success shortly)

I mean, I am, it's frustrating to read people stick their fingers in their ears. Probably too much so, it's late, so I'm sorry if it was over the top. I sincerely hope the tips help, or if not that at least it helps see some light at the end of the learning tunnel there. It really is the LAST hurdle in the zone to learn dro. GL with it!


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I don't play a mage, but I know that arcane can run through that place like butter, and I know the abilities I just listed all will work.

[citation needed]

Here's a video of someone doing the dungeon as mage, virtually no difficulties until they get to Dro, who comfortably smashes them (and he has a bunch of Withered alive when Dro shows up): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUomb2KdhsI

Here's a video of someone doing the dungeon as mage, Dro takes five minutes of constant kiting (something Arcane can't do profitably) as Fire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypCVrHHLxF

This is absolutely not an easy instance for some classes (Mages, Warlocks). Since you don't play the classes, maybe you should ease off the 'it's actually easy and you're just whiners' rhetoric.


Finally did the Suramar dungeons!

Court of Stars was really interesting, enjoyed it a lot but as a tank that kind of dungeon tends to stress me out since I know I'm expected to take the 'optimal' route and who the fuck knows what that is in there.

Arcway was so boring I don't remember anything in it. I got no drops out of either which was very weird considering I usually get one drop per Mythic.

Sitting at 848 item level with 830 gloves, the achievement continues to elude me. Maybe world quests will hook me up this weekend.

I held off on withered training last night because after Sunday's incident I'm super gun shy on it. I don't desperately need the rep but man it really fucking sucks being scared to run a scenario because you lose everything if the server crashes and you're locked out for 3 days. I'd have some extremely upgraded guys right now if the scenario wasn't so busted, but I still think I can clear it again with what I have (20 dudes and 1 berserker). I did it last time even though half my squad fell through the world at some point.

Is there some way to avoid the bug where I lose tons of guys when I go up a flight of stairs? Am I just being extremely unlucky? I'll start walking up some steps, I'll get a warning that I'm leaving my Withered behind, and bam 10+ are just gone. And yes, they're following me - I have mayhem bound to a key and control them pretty efficiently.


I hate Warlock so much right now but I don't want to switch off. Guess I won't be raiding, not like I would get invited anyway. Right now I'm just dragging down my guild groups when they have to begrudgingly invite the waste of space that does less dmg then tanks.

Pretty much the same for me. I've been a Warlock since Vanilla (affli 90% of that time) and I don't remember it being this bad before. I was out dps'd by a Disc priest on dungeon trash last night lol. Guildies say I should go Dest or Demo but I've never changed for the sake of more damage - I play what I enjoy and even more so now I have invested thousands of artefact power into the scythe. After the Legion patch I was really pleased with the warlock and how it played but I never foresaw the damage being so low. I can pull ahead on some bosses (I'm talking HC dungeons) but that's getting pretty rare now. Disappointing stuff.

Questing though, he's a beast!


I mean, I am, it's frustrating to read people stick their fingers in their ears. Probably too much so, it's late, so I'm sorry if it was over the top. I sincerely hope the tips help, or if not that at least it helps see some light at the end of the learning tunnel there. It really is the LAST hurdle in the zone to learn dro. GL with it!

Went in with 21, an infernal and Shadowfury.

Came out with 19, an infernal and Shadowfury.

Keys were: fighting him somewhere without other adds, popping withered anger immediately, ignoring runaways, keeping my pet up over dpsing and shadowfury whenever he got nasty.

My apologies, you were right.


Oh yeah, finally saw another legendary drop for my group. For the guy who fucking has one already. Both were from Mythic bosses, last one was during the first week. I am in a guild of considerable size and as far as I know we've only had 3-4 legendary drops in total.

As for my class part of me wishes I'd gone with the warrior. But I'm hoping we get some balancing tweaks, at the very least I hope they fix how Necrotic basically hard counters tank DKs in mythic+ according to PTR players. In the end though I really loved the DK class storyline and I'm having fun with the class.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I'm trying to play Elemental...that is my loot spec...why are you giving me agility trinkets from the world quest crates Blizzard?


Did they remove the whole "Scroll of resurrection" or whatever it was called thing?

I'm not seeing anything on my battle.net page to invite a friend who wants to come back to the game.


And then I fight a boss in withered training and all my withered freeze in place, and won't move or attack.


Game is still bullshit.


Did they remove the whole "Scroll of resurrection" or whatever it was called thing?

I'm not seeing anything on my battle.net page to invite a friend who wants to come back to the game.

I think they removed it quite some time ago. It sucks because my old goblin warrior (now a dwarf) is munsoned on an alliance-dominated server because he got scroll of resurrection-ed onto it years ago. The friend on that server transferred off and I'm not paying to transfer him back when I already have a warrior on burning blade. I was kind of hoping to get him off there for free.
Did they remove the whole "Scroll of resurrection" or whatever it was called thing?

I'm not seeing anything on my battle.net page to invite a friend who wants to come back to the game.

Has to be a new player last I checked into it a few months ago. There are currently no rewards for getting a returning player back on board.


Had an 849 demo warlock in my mythic maw group.
Dead last on every fight. Feel so bad for him. :(

I felt really bad for a warlock I had yesterday when I just queued for a dungeon as windwalker on a whim. I am a terrible DPS. I'm not good at it, and I don't really enjoy it. I've always struggled to not be last on the meters. But as WW I was just effortlessly #1, and the warlock was doing less than half as much damage as the person above him. They voted to kick him. Since we were doing ok, I said no to the kick, but my vote lost.


I felt really bad for a warlock I had yesterday when I just queued for a dungeon as windwalker on a whim. I am a terrible DPS. I'm not good at it, and I don't really enjoy it. I've always struggled to not be last on the meters. But as WW I was just effortlessly #1, and the warlock was doing less than half as much damage as the person above him. They voted to kick him. Since we were doing ok, I said no to the kick, but my vote lost.

Warlocks making it out of beta in the state they're in is infuriating/depressing.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Warlocks making it out of beta in the state they're in is infuriating/depressing.

Sometimes Blizzard just sort of forgets one of their classes is a thing for a year or so, no big deal.


Saw this player with 7/8 of the Class Hall pieces upgraded to 840.


My warrior isn't far off (ilv 842), most of my class set pieces are sitting in my bags because the gear I have it better. I think you have to be exalted to move the gear pieces past 840 to 850? I'm probably no where near that.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I've googled and googled


how do I upgrade my heirlooms from 1-90 to 1-100?


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I've googled and googled


how do I upgrade my heirlooms from 1-90 to 1-100?

Heirloom vendors sell the upgrade items. Ancient/Timeworn Scabbards for weapons and Casings for armor.


My warrior isn't far off (ilv 842), most of my class set pieces are sitting in my bags because the gear I have it better. I think you have to be exalted to move the gear pieces past 840 to 850? I'm probably no where near that.

How did you get that many order resources though? Isn't it like 6000 a piece to bring them to 840 or something like that?


I felt really bad for a warlock I had yesterday when I just queued for a dungeon as windwalker on a whim. I am a terrible DPS. I'm not good at it, and I don't really enjoy it. I've always struggled to not be last on the meters. But as WW I was just effortlessly #1, and the warlock was doing less than half as much damage as the person above him. They voted to kick him. Since we were doing ok, I said no to the kick, but my vote lost.

Every single Warlock issue was called in the private beta.

All of them.

This is the worst balanced expansion since Cata.


Unconfirmed Member
I just completed the priest campaign quest "High Priest of Netherlight" which you get
after you fight Balnazzar in Netherlight Temple
. Yet I didn't get the achievement Forged for Battle (Complete your order campaign). Is there something I am missing?


Rösti;216974605 said:
I just completed the priest campaign quest "High Priest of Netherlight" which you get
after you fight Balnazzar in Netherlight Temple
. Yet I didn't get the achievement Forged for Battle (Complete your order campaign). Is there something I am missing?

There's another quest that pops up in one of the rooms in the order hall. The one with the naaru I think?


WQ rewards are class specific because fuck you that's why. It's dumb and hopefully that will change someday.

I actually like that the WQ rewards aren't spec specific. My DK's main spec is unholy, but I also play blood quite a bit. The thing is I don't want to change my loot spec to blood since any legendary I'd then get would be for my off spec. Now I can gear my tank spec with WQ reward gear without having to reduce the chance of getting legendaries for my main spec.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
third art research is only 90%, not even 100% :/


The funny thing talking about Warlocks a few streamers I watch (dcarter for example) are usually always near the top of the damage meter on boss fights at least, trash not so much.

Not saying locks don't have issues because they have major issues, but it's also about the player.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Sometimes Blizzard just sort of forgets one of their classes is a thing for a year or so, no big deal.

At this point, I think the game got enough classes to manage. The more they add, the more likely some things are going to be missed or badly balanced.

I would be satisfied with them just adding new races or sub races now.


The funny thing talking about Warlocks a few streamers I watch (dcarter for example) are usually always near the top of the damage meter on boss fights at least, trash not so much.

Not saying locks don't have issues because they have major issues, but it's also about the player.

There is literally nothing a destro lock can do against a fire mage in a single target fight. You can't havoc, so you're done. Your best single target spec, played perfectly, can be beat by a fire mage who spent 5 minutes on Icy veins with stacked crit gear.

Plus our mastery makes us look competent every now and then when the RNG kicks in. But that's not repeatable on demand.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Heirloom vendors sell the upgrade items. Ancient/Timeworn Scabbards for weapons and Casings for armor.
Can't find the NPC in org...

I checked Wowwiki, what is that resource that she wants?


Not saying locks don't have issues because they have major issues, but it's also about the player.

Absolutely. But when you're tying your fingers in knots pulling off a near perfect rotation (like I said previously - seasoned Affli lock here) and seeing the Tank destroy your DPS it becomes clear that it's a design problem (gear notwithstanding).
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