Played EQ for yearsPatch is making me feel real confident about the longterm output for this expac.
Also, in the vein of "Journeyman's Boots feel slower," (EQ reference, who gets it?!).
Doesn't feel like the +crit works after a colossus smash.
Played EQ for yearsPatch is making me feel real confident about the longterm output for this expac.
Also, in the vein of "Journeyman's Boots feel slower," (EQ reference, who gets it?!).
Doesn't feel like the +crit works after a colossus smash.
Started playing, started a Paladin on Stormbreak. I'm currently level 9, and just questing along. Is there a specific quest line I guess I should be following? SWTOR kinda made this super easy for me with Class and Planet quest lines. Here I don't really know what I should be following, as dumb as that sounds. Doesn't help that a lot of stuff is kind of spread out so I'm finding myself running back and forth longish distances between quests.
Patch is making me feel real confident about the longterm output for this expac.
Also, in the vein of "Journeyman's Boots feel slower," (EQ reference, who gets it?!).
Doesn't feel like the +crit works after a colossus smash.
With the opening of the first wing of the Emerald Nightmare in Raid Finder difficulty this week, we wanted to mention that the quest items for Essence of Power and In Nightmares do not drop in LFR. The description for these quests will be updated with an upcoming patch and they are meant to be completed on normal difficulty or higher.
lel. People on the forums already dreadfully upset that a purely cosmetic optional artifact appearance is not obtainable by sleeping your way through LFR.
Same reason you can't get Mythic tier appearances in LFR?if its purely cosmetic why wouldnt they be able to get it then? You would think the LEET (or however you young kids spell it these days) gear would be the thing they couldnt get
lel. People on the forums already dreadfully upset that a purely cosmetic optional artifact appearance is not obtainable by sleeping your way through LFR.
lel. People on the forums already dreadfully upset that a purely cosmetic optional artifact appearance is not obtainable by sleeping your way through LFR.
Same reason you can't get Mythic tier appearances in LFR?
I do think that's fine.
I do think that's cant get mythic tier appearances...anyware except mythic tier tho, thats not exactly the same. So I guess we can now also assume (until proven contrary) that the hidden artifact skins for certain classes also wont drop in LFR like Druid from Ursoc or Monk from the dragons? If so, is that also fine?
I mean, if you think thats fine, that is your right, it is your opinion of course. Just leave room for people to have a different one![]()
Got +5 rewards on a completed run after timer; 865 item, +4 keystone in the chest.
. So I guess we can now also assume (until proven contrary) that the hidden artifact skins for certain classes also wont drop in LFR like Druid from Ursoc or Monk from the dragons? If so, is that also fine?
But just to answer my question: you don't need to beat the timer to get the class hall chest, you just need to finish the run, correct?
lel. People on the forums already dreadfully upset that a purely cosmetic optional artifact appearance is not obtainable by sleeping your way through LFR.
Sure? I mean it's fine either way. The difference is that the valorous appearances (the one from the questline) are intended to be a reward for actual organized raiding, but the hidden appearances may not be.
There have always been certain cosmetic rewards tied to organized end-game activities, both PvP and PvE. The valorous artifact appearances aren't a departure from that.
if its a reward for organized raiding, why does it start with two mythics?
although this is a moot discussion because neither you will change your mind, nor will I, so lets just leave it at that.
Eh, the legendary ring was pretty much a requirement for any serious end game stuff. An Artifact appearance is different.Correct.
With the way the quests read and how in WoD you could get items for the Legendary in LFR, I can understand the rage actually. It'd be different if it was clearly stated PRIOR that it wasn't LFR do-able....
...but since it wasn't....
Eh, the legendary ring was pretty much a requirement for any serious end game stuff. An Artifact appearance is different.
you cant get mythic tier appearances...anyware except mythic tier tho, thats not exactly the same. So I guess we can now also assume (until proven contrary) that the hidden artifact skins for certain classes also wont drop in LFR like Druid from Ursoc or Monk from the dragons? If so, is that also fine?
But just to answer my question: you don't need to beat the timer to get the class hall chest, you just need to finish the run, correct?
Also, Legendary cloaks/rings were obtainable in LFR because they wanted an expansion-long carrot to keep subs up across the entire playerbase. Making it normal+ raid only would have defeated that purpose. One model for each artifact doesn't have that kind of weight, so they are more free to lock them behind non-random queue activities.
I mean, you couldnt get the Dark Shaman set from LFR either
No, I get it. I just don't agreeYou guys are missing the point (and I don't even disagree with you, btw). It's the perception. The quest didn't say it needed Normal or higher plus past experience with powerful items being given through questlines doable in LFR = rage.
You guys are missing the point (and I don't even disagree with you, btw). It's the perception. The quest didn't say it needed Normal or higher plus past experience with powerful items being given through questlines doable in LFR = rage.
Eh, the legendary ring was pretty much a requirement for any serious end game stuff. An Artifact appearance is different.
You need to relax. This isn't "lol casuals", this is literally how it's worked since raid bosses started dropping mounts.seriosu end game stuff that these "LOL CASUALS" probably wouldnt do, as opposed to a cosmetic skin that they would actually use and enjoy.
Im raiding sunday with some friends luckily, not anything serious, but probably enough to get the items. I have a good friend with kids and a cunt of a job, he literally only has like 1 hour a day to play if that. He does LFR, he is not a mouth breathing idiot casual like some people like to adress LFR players. He simply cannot raid at all. I did the mythic parts with him because you whip those out in 30mins each, perfect for him.
He is gutted that he cant do the quest now. But hey, lets all laugh at the casuals.
You need to relax. This isn't "lol casuals", this is literally how it's worked since raid bosses started dropping mounts.
You can PUG Normal raids more easily than ever, since now you can outgear them to the point of facerolling it before ever stepping foot inside. Crafting, WF/TF, Mythic+...
lel. People on the forums already dreadfully upset that a purely cosmetic optional artifact appearance is not obtainable by sleeping your way through LFR.
I don't know why having a job and kids makes you think someone's entitled to everything in WoW
lel. People on the forums already dreadfully upset that a purely cosmetic optional artifact appearance is not obtainable by sleeping your way through LFR.
... You don't need to raid to gear up which makes it easier to do real raids.This is a really stupid change. The quest doesn't require a raid for other sections, it doesn't tell you it requires a raid, and there's absolutely no need to gate it like this. For an expansion where they have tried their hardest to ensure that your DON'T have to raid to gear up and progress why the hell would they put a cosmetic option behind raiding only?
Which is strange since he plays Marvel Heroes, the most casual game ever made in the existance of games. And he likes it too. Thats right Ano, im outting you mofo!![]()
lel. People on the forums already dreadfully upset that a purely cosmetic optional artifact appearance is not obtainable by sleeping your way through LFR.
I respecced to frost on my mage. It seems fun, but man I do shit for damage. Wish there was a way to suck the artifact power out of my other weapons or something.
I mean, I get what you're saying but if you think Normal mode Emerald Nightmare is any harder than LFR I don't know what to say.
Normal is harder than LFR. Saying it isn't is either some impressive mental gymnastics or a bad attempt at pumping yourself up.I mean, I get what you're saying but if you think Normal mode Emerald Nightmare is any harder than LFR I don't know what to say. It just ends up being mildly more time consuming having to find a group in the group finder that doesn't require you to link your Xavius kill to get into a Xavius normal group as opposed to just queueing for it. I did nightmare normal first week with a group where half the DPS were doing ~100k DPS, and not one second was spent explaining any of the fights, and I think we wiped twice all night. I'm fine with things that require you to do it on a harder difficulty to obtain, but calling Normal harder than LFR shows some disconnect from the game. the only thing harder about normal mode is getting a group that won't decline your application.
But I think my main issue is that the way they locked the appearances is kind of silly. So the blue version of appearance 3 requires doing normal/heroic raids, the green version requires a lv 15 mythic+ keystone, the red version requires mythic dungeon achieves, and the orange version requires.. doing 8 different world bosses. I think the system would've been more meaningful if entire appearances were gated behind similar "hard" content, instead of telling people they can get the appearance they want solo, just not in their favorite color. Takes away from the ability to show off a color as some measure of ability, because there's no way 99% of players would know my red form was from doing a +15 keystone vs someone who just did the world boss every week for 8 weeks.
I feel like you think you are making a point that you aren't actually making. Is the implication that I like two very dissimilar games but it's weird that I don't have the same sort of commitment/content expectations out of both of them? That seems pretty silly, rhak.
I mean it sucks that your buddy is bummed out, but it's the nature of the beast. There is absolutely no problem with some cosmetic rewards being locked behind non-lfr content. There never was before, and there isn't now. Not every piece of content (or potential reward from content) has to be accessible to all players.
It's dumb the quests weren't explicit about the requirement from the start, but the actual design intent is not inherently problematic at all.
You can easily grind up to lvl 12 or 13 artifact just by doing your daily WQs for artifact power.
What world boss is up in the US?
Nithogg and Levantus
Nithogg and Levantus
Nithogg and Levantus
im not making a point, im making a joke. Jesus dude![]()
edit: oh and fuck this warlock campaign quest to get 100 demon blood >_>
Go to Illidari Stand and tag everything that runs near the the reddit post that up to 3 world bosses would be up at a time was correct?
edit: oh and fuck this warlock campaign quest to get 100 demon blood >_>