Yeah, I've only done heroics. It just seems unnecessarily stressful lol.On Heroics and shit, and even Mythics, I can agree with you wholeheartedly, that's annoying.
In Mythic+ though, that's the difference between 3 chests and 2.
Eye of Azshara there is definitely room for that I think. But I had it last in Neltharion's Lair :lol it's so cramped in there and this tank was pulling out some ridiculous routes, waiting for patrols and shit, running along ledges. Felt like I was playing MGS 2 or something. We skipped a lot of stuff, but there were a few accidental pulls and he started getting pretty annoyed. It was only heroic also, felt like telling him to to just chill out.Yeah I've noticed this lately as well. Eye of Azshara seems to be the one where tanks either go in the middle which has some tip-toeing to do, or they go left where you don't have to do as much tip-toeing but at first blush you'd think you'd think you're skipping stuff.
Exactly! Lmao. Like I said, it was only heroic, so a few times where we waited for patrols or took a long way around it would have just been quicker to kill the trash.This is one of my biggest peeves in dungeons. You see people squeezing and struggling along a tiny path just to avoid two or three mobs and it's like, fuck sake, just kill them.
5 bosses. 3 legendaries. 2 from one boss.
And note: Blizzard did not implement a single nerf on fire mages.
Such bullshit.
Why would you nerf the class that your devs play tho
Male Worgen look like they're making fun of spell casters when they cast a spell. Their animation is awful.
That's what you get for playing as a mangy dog.
And to think I was worried about switching from unholy DK to my enhance shaman last week.
If enhance gets nerfed, it will definitely either be related to Stormstrike/Stormbringer procs.
They still look fine to me? Not top != fucked.So arms got fucked and fury is still shit? Thank you Blizzard, thank you so much.
They still look fine to me? Not top != fucked.
More buffs for Frost s'il vous plait.
So did other people. Arms is still competitive.I lost like 30-50k in dps compared to where I was last week.
I'm starting to think that Blizzard are just bad at this.
Like, honestly.
I would rather have anything then an 820 helm from emissary quests. Gold, order resources, minimal amounts of AP, a V8, a kick in the dick. Just please make the bad gear stop
order resources should be looted there by default. the amount of effort you have to go through to get some is ridiculous at this point when you need so many.
I think that image was from logs.So shadow priest actually looks good on there...?
The problem must be me. I guess I need to do more work on tightening my rotation up and improving VF up-time. I'm worried that I boned myself by going down unrecommended routes on my Artifact tree first...I know it'll all shake out at the end, but fuck. That'll be a few months probably.
Also, those graphs assume other variables as well, right? Like T19 gear and full artifact trees? Never mind being Patchwerk sims which don't represent actual gameplay at all.
That's just from the first day of logs from yesterday,
It also skews hunter, because of the tree and the spider boss. If you go down by individual bosses you can see how good MM is for a fight with a lot of aoe mobs with not a lot of health and that you can have barrage up for every time you need to aoe those little fuckers down.
Looking at overall gives a bad perception of how a class/spec is doing, look at individual bosses and why certain classes do better than others because of mechanics
That's just from the first day of logs from yesterday,
It also skews hunter, because of the tree and the spider boss. If you go down by individual bosses you can see how good MM is for a fight with a lot of aoe mobs with not a lot of health and that you can have barrage up for every time you need to aoe those little fuckers down.
Looking at overall gives a bad perception of how a class/spec is doing, look at individual bosses and why certain classes do better than others because of mechanics
Looking at the bosses individually, would anyone actually say MM is OP and number 2 damage? No, it's because of the tree boss where we shine. This is the issue with people linking the overall damage.
I should look into how DK does on Il'y...Illy..Ilg...C'thun. That was probably my worst boss DPS-wise last night because of all the running around I had to do - DKs do not move fast. However the funny thing is they are incredibly useful on that fight because of Death Grip on the slimes.
I should look into how DK does on Il'y...Illy..Ilg...C'thun. That was probably my worst boss DPS-wise last night because of all the running around I had to do - DKs do not move fast. However the funny thing is they are incredibly useful on that fight because of Death Grip on the slimes.
Do legendaries drop from heroic 5 man bosses? Or just mythics?
I'm also definitely tempted to forego Warrior altogether at this point. Not in any kind of "fuck you Blizz gg ima reroll" way or anything like that, but just because nothing about Warrior is particularly exciting this expansion. Their quest classes and hall are boring and not something my character would care about (not an RPer, per se, but why would some Orc badass care about a bunch of Vyrkul gods?). Arms playstyle is also driving me crazy, DPSing is actually much more stressful to me than tanking at this point just because it's so fiddly and proc dependent, and so easy to completely fumble when there is a lot of stuff going on.
Rogue seems like a solid choice, might level one next after I cool my heels and come back to Broken Isles refreshed.