I take a lot of damage on Tyrant now
buff monks tho
(remove Ignore Pain, why do Warriors even have an absorb)
Damn dude, get good.
I take a lot of damage on Tyrant now
buff monks tho
(remove Ignore Pain, why do Warriors even have an absorb)
Boosting a Priest on Stormrage to hopefully raid with. Should be level 60 tonight.
Not sure which talents to go with. Gathering and crafting seems to be the thing to go with apparently. Right now I have herbalism/alchemy, which is what I had during WoTLK. Made a lot of bank selling flasks. There's also tailoring/enchanting and herbalism/inscription.
Any recommendations? Just looking for a combo that would benefit me and hopefully my raid group.
My main Priest on KJ has jewelcrafting/engineering. Haven't done a damn thing with that aside from making my own gems and crafting goggles a few times.
Hey guys, I am returning to WoW after a year or so of not playing and I am looking to roll a new character.
I need some advice on choosing an EU PVE realm to use for my new toon. I also wanted to know if there is an EU casual and social GAF guild since I'd like to finally try raiding after years of never having done so. If not, do you have any suggestions for these types of guilds? I play Frost Mage and plan to also roll a Havoc Demon Hunter.
The reason I am asking is because when I came back to the game 5 or so years ago, I followed the (bad) advice of a friend and moved my main on a PVP server.
I eventually would like to move my main to the new realm that I pick if things work out with the new toon.
Lastly, I always played with the default interface and now that I am looking to improve as a player I was thinking of getting a proper UI with all the DPS meters and the rest of the bells & whistles. What do you guys think?
I've seen quite a few of them now and I like the look of the ElvUI, but felt instantly overwhelmed from the different options when I searched for it on Curse.
I am quoting my previous post as I got no answers to my question yesterday.
Also, take into account that I've switched from Frost to Fire mage since yesterday.
I am quoting my previous post as I got no answers to my question yesterday.
Also, take into account that I've switched from Frost to Fire mage since yesterday.
I don't know about the realm stuff(+I'm on US servers), but the interface stuff may take a little work. The easiest thing you can do when getting started, is find interface packages that other people have made that you like, and use them with minimal/no modifications yourself. ElvUI is a good place to start with that, as it's pretty usable out of the box, but still allows for good customization as you figure things out.
The most important addon I recommend learning to use is WeakAuras. Once you understand the basics of it, you'll realize that it will track everything you need to play your character, from buffs/debuffs, to resources to rotational skills, to cooldowns, and even boss/player warnings. You don't need to know how to make your own auras when you're starting, as you can use the auras other players make.
Which faction? If you want a high population Horde realm I believe Draenor and Ragnaros are still the best PvE options.
If I had Medallion of the Legion I could fly.
They're so expensive though.
Seals the deal thanks, I levelled my lock up in Vanilla and miss being a god soloing 5 man elites. Destro is ok but feels very magelike, I was looking for something different.
You can't get gold from garrisons anymore, which make investing in it mostly a waste of time & money unless you want achievements or still need some of the unique rewards from it.
As it is right now, the best way to make gold is running old raids from Cataclysm I believe, although I think even that has been nerfed. It will never compare to what Garrisons used to be.
I guess you could still "play" the AH, but that has never been fun to me.
Here's hoping Legion will have some ways of making easy gold.
Edit : Just saw Westlo's video, a bit relieved at least. Wonder how long it takes to optimize your Class Hall to get to that point?
Damn dude, get good.
can any other class add it to the transmog? hunters can use 2h swords right?
They can, yes
Warrior, Paladin, Death Knight, Hunter.
My goal is to take only 3x the damage of our Warrior tank instead of 3.5x
They drop like candy from the 4 rares in tanaan. Do them on all your alts.
I'm torn as to which faction I want my Demon Hunter on. I have more Horde characters who can support a new toon financially, but almost all of them are blood elves and it would be nice to have someone new.
They drop like candy from the 4 rares in tanaan. Do them on all your alts.
PvP is so awesome right now.
What? we're losing the BG? Well, guess I'd better quit because I don't get rewards for losing. 15 minute bebuff > 40 minutes to finish an AV match.
If this fails, I am going to be pretty disappointed.
Weird question, and I apologize if it's been answered before!
Does purchasing Legion come with a level 100 boost, or do you have to preorder it to get the boost? My friend wants to play a Demon Hunter but also doesn't want to level to 98 (or whatever's needed to roll a DH). I'm also in the same boat since I didn't play WoD at all but I'm reeeeeal interested in DH.
Don't worry, Class Order Halls will have gold flowing again....
Also you mentioned before this post you only had 4k max, I really think buying something like Gronnlings in that situation is an error. That item is a slow burner, you'll make more gold selling that in 2 years time in 8.0 than you would now.
You're better off focusing on common mats and buying low and selling high. It's easy to just focus on the current trade good mats because they spike up and down all the time (traders).
Like for example according to my TSM stats 17 days ago I bought 30 stacks of Draenic Dust for 5218 gold (87 silver per dust) as well as 8 stacks of that item @ 752 gold (47 silver per dust).
6 days ago I sold 8 stacks for 5259 (3g 28 silver per dust).... from the first 30 I bought I've nearly made back my initial investment (AH cut....) and I still have 22 stacks left over.
14 days ago I sold 10 stacks of Raw Beast Hide for 11400 gold (5g 79 silver per hide), I was buying them @ 88 silver per hide a few days before that.
It's not that time consuming to do as well, just make a Auction House alt, download an addon like Auctionator and you can just add all the trade goods to your search items, watch the price, pay attention, buy low, sell high. Just focus on in demand goods at first and you can expand to other stuff later once you get the hang of things. I've made a lot of gold buying cheap ghost iron ore (300g a stack) and selling the bars for 1500-2000g. Though this has dried up heaps in the last week, I guess I might start turning some of them into trillium and/or living steel.
These things spiked from 3k to like 12k on my server the last couple weeks... wish I had smartened up and stockpiled like crazy @ 3k.... I mean who doesn't like "skipping" 5-6 levels in 15 mins.... I still got 5 characters I could do the gorgrond rapid mind stuff with if I wanted too....
I played in Proudmoore from Vanilla to whenever I quit during TBC... I think Arena Season 3.... I reckon at one stage I knew every single Horde PVPer lol...
10 stacks of 20? Or how many raw beast hides are you talking about here. Because 11400gold for 10 stacks sounds insane10 stacks of Raw Beast Hide
You need a lvl 70 character to create a DH on the same realm.
When you buy legion, even in 6 months, you get a lvl 100 boost.
so in more easy transmog options for the less informed, just found out while in dalaran that you can buy the 10man versions of t9 (but why?) and t10 with gold
Awesome. Thank you! We're both just gonna boost some random-ass character to 100 so we can roll DHs in that case.
If you're planning to play only demon hunter I'd suggest boosting a class that can fill a healing role. I don't know about your needs or habits but that way you could always help each other doing something hard at some point, and be covered anyway for grouping/dungeoning.
They used to be purchasable with justice/valor badges, which stopped existing. As a result, stuff that used to cost those currencies now costs gold.
10 stacks of 20? Or how many raw beast hides are you talking about here. Because 11400gold for 10 stacks sounds insane.
I like the shoulder enchants in Legion. None give combat bonuses, but rather a bonus to looting. Seems to be something for everyone, from extra fish, to ore, to potions.
The best, though, is Boon of the Bloodhunter. Chance to get Bloodhunter's Quarry, which contains 1 to 5 Blood of Sargeras. I know which enchant I'll be rolling with.
I like the shoulder enchants in Legion. None give combat bonuses, but rather a bonus to looting. Seems to be something for everyone, from extra fish, to ore, to potions.
The best, though, is Boon of the Bloodhunter. Chance to get Bloodhunter's Quarry, which contains 1 to 5 Blood of Sargeras. I know which enchant I'll be rolling with.
If someone does not have flying they are never going to reach the rares in time.They drop like candy from the 4 rares in tanaan. Do them on all your alts.
Get to the spawn location, search custom lfg for "doom, death, terror, veng", wait for group to be listed, loot.If someone does not have flying they are never going to reach the rares in time.
What...who would make those? They don't exist....Get to the spawn location, search custom lfg for "doom, death, terror, veng", wait for group to be listed, loot.
Which faction? If you want a high population Horde realm I believe Draenor and Ragnaros are still the best PvE options.