alliance players' ideal outcome is horde players logging in after patch to find out mankrik is the new war chief
I mean it's kind of my ideal outcome too
i'm sure that greymane and jaina would have been like 100% understanding if they'd received a pigeon with a note saying 'we had to run away because we were all dying lol' strapped to its leg.
the best thing to come out of the Broken Shore scenario is Blizzard remember that there are other races on the alliance.
the best thing to come out of the Broken Shore scenario is Blizzard remember that there are other races on the alliance.
next up in 'blizzard forgot they made a race', will they remember that the blood elves are in the horde?
they had an entire major storyline based on the blood elf racial leader in MOP? blood elves have gotten more focus from blizzard than any other non-orc horde race
I mean Burning Crusade was basically all about them
They did jack all in Wrath except help found the Argent Crusade (Lady Liadrin!)
In Cata they helped secure many front lines
In MOP Lor'themar took over the Isle of Thunder to help secure power against Garrosh
and in Warlords they helped secure Auchindoun
They're there.
But did you notice this
his fucking model is amazing in the cinematic
Curious about this too. Anyone know?Is there a limit to how many invasion caches you can get in a certain time period? I've only been able to get one.
Curious about this too. Anyone know?
The worst thing about creating a demon hunter for me is that I have to be a blood elf, and blood elf females are ludicrously awful. I might have to make a male character.
At the very least, the character creation options feel way more extensive.The worst thing about creating a demon hunter for me is that I have to be a blood elf, and blood elf females are ludicrously awful. I might have to make a male character.
The worst thing about creating a demon hunter for me is that I have to be a blood elf, and blood elf females are ludicrously awful. I might have to make a male character.
you could always be a night elf. your wings actually match
what do I have to see?
Tauren and Trolls are the most underrepresented horde races.
I need to do broken shores.
Not really having fun with a demon hunter either. Hope they get better with 10 levels.
Hardly even worth evaluating without a full talent tree.But man, their actual combat loop leaves a lot to be desired.
Tauren and Trolls are the most underrepresented horde races.
But man, their actual combat loop leaves a lot to be desired.
I'm actually kind of annoyed Warlocks had to lose Meta for this.
Demo Locks did way more fun things with Meta then this.
Damn, I missed a 28 slot bag in the DH starting zone.
Yeah, there are 7 (i count good) rare items you can get, including an elixir-thing like the whispering crystal and a bag.
That's all of 'em.
These invasions are now me just hovering above them until I get the chests because there is nothing but horde on this BG so I just spend the whole time waiting for resurrection timers otherwise. If I try to find the furthest demon camp I'll still end up with 2-4 horde ganking me while fighting a mob.
Its SO fun.
Welcome to Westfall.Had to come from my Garrison so I was already tagged.
Maaaan that Broken Shore scenario. Been going dark on the spoiler talk for a long time so to see everything play out in front just left me speechless.
I swear to god iflolSylvanas becomes Warchief I'm switching all my alliance toons to horde
Tell me.