fairly certain ive made more money in the few months this xpac has been out then all the other ones combined
sitting at 450k gold right now, most i ever had pre legion was close to 100k and ive bought multiple luxury items like the expedition yak
i didnt make a shitton of cash in WoD cuz I only play one character
Personally I hate it (in group play). Every GCD spent on crusader strike or any Holy Shock spent on a mob is more chances for people to bite the dust than needed. Being in melee range means chances to get stunned, silenced, feared etc are higher and if the mob does some form of aoe dmg having myself in there means adding another body to heal up.
And don't get me started on losing a shield for that dumb 2h which means less block chances when mounting up which means getting dazed and dismounted more often.
You only get dazed when hit from behind, and when hit from behind you can't block anyway, so it doesn't affect your daze chance (though I'm not sure base 5% block chance ever did either). And the holy artifact gives 25% HP, so H pal has a bigger HP pool than other healers to compensate for loss of shield, you generally end up ahead in PvE due to this since as a healer rarely would armor/block have saved you vs more max HP, though in PvP armor from a shield may have been better. But really you are saying you don't like having more options? Don't use Holy Shocks or Crusader Strikes on mobs if people are at risk of biting the dust, but certainly if everyone is at 100% HP wouldn't you rather be able to add to damage as opposed to sitting there doing noting? And I can count on one hand the times that being in melee range but behind the mobs would put you at risk of anything, everything these days is frontal cone. But again, just don't go in melee range any time you are worried? Being able to do damage as a healer is optional, no one is forcing you to do so. But at the same time, when I play a healer that can't really add damage (resto shaman on AoE for example) I feel so worthless on easier content, makes me miss something like Hpal's DPS potential.
Really, people thinking having more options is a bad thing has always baffled me. Stand at ranged and heal normally for the first 15 times you do a mythic run. But on your 16th run, I'm sure you will know when you can safely go in and add DPS, and at that time when your tank is self-healing for 90% of the damage he takes won't you be happy you can do something other than sit on your hands and feel useless? I think the DPS potential of H pal or MW Monk is the best thing they've added to this game, allows the specs to feel fun solo and really add something to dungeon runs where less healing is required, makes playing some of the healers that don't have as solid of a DPS potential feel so much worse (R sham again).
On the subject of money, I've only just returned to WoW this month after not playing since Cata and having learned a bit about WoW Tokens, are people generally paying for their subscriptions with in game gold now? Or is it not feasible to make enough to cover it that way?
BRB throwing self off cliff.
3rd legendary, still not Anger of the Half-Giants.
Same I always ask and he lied after I asked him like I couldn't see the disenchant on the chat...
Did he not simply DE the old thing from that slot?
His old item was 870 the one that dropped was 860 he didn't need it.
Yeah, don't do this. It will make us feel like it was a mistake to invite you.Get the personal loot helper addon, it will automagically spam chat if anyone gets anything which is an upgrade for anyone else. Guilting people into giving others loot is fun!
Yeah, don't do this. It will make us feel like it was a mistake to invite you.
Ask nicely if you want, but that add-on is just annoying.
Thank goodness.Seems the Arch achieve is now account wide - https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/5gy5fz/this_side_up_the_16_week_long_archaeology/
Watching the Twitch Dev Q&A live right now.
Damn, are warlocks in as bad shape as they sound? Ion is basically just apologizing and saying yeah it's broken, and we'll get to it, but it wasn't a priority in the 7.1.5 cycle.
Damn, forgot this was today. I'll watch the VOD I guess.Watching the Twitch Dev Q&A live right now.
Damn, are warlocks in as bad shape as they sound? Ion is basically just apologizing and saying yeah it's broken, and we'll get to it, but it wasn't a priority in the 7.1.5 cycle.
Watching the Twitch Dev Q&A live right now.
Damn, are warlocks in as bad shape as they sound? Ion is basically just apologizing and saying yeah it's broken, and we'll get to it, but it wasn't a priority in the 7.1.5 cycle.
Ion is basically admitting right now that raw throughout legendaries were a mistake. Universally-useful vs Situationally-useful ones are a regret.
3-5 minute long loading screens for Dalaran?! Holy shit. That sounds awful.
My Dal loads are 3-7 seconds (thanks to an SSD). I couldn't handle much longer.
Ion is basically admitting right now that raw throughout legendaries were a mistake. Universally-useful vs Situationally-useful ones are a regret.
Which legs were a mistake? Like, if it's character specific it's fine. Things like Sephus or Pryaz are not.
He's saying he wishes all legendaries were neat utility ones like Seph and Pry. Or the warlock portal pants. Etc. He wasn't saying class-specific ones vs class-agnostic ones. The existence of the ones with universal throughput increases inadvertently makes ones like Seph/Pry feel shitty, whereas Seph/Pry would have felt awesome in the absence of other better legendaries competing for attention.
He's saying he wishes all legendaries were neat utility ones like Seph and Pry. Or the warlock portal pants. Etc. He wasn't saying class-specific ones vs class-agnostic ones. The existence of the ones with universal throughput increases inadvertently makes ones like Seph/Pry feel shitty, whereas Seph/Pry would have felt awesome in the absence of other better legendaries competing for attention.
Just having neat utility ones would be boring af
Seems the Arch achieve is now account wide - https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/5gy5fz/this_side_up_the_16_week_long_archaeology/
Yup. It's weird. Shrink the variance for RtB and you still get the slight variances in rotation depending on what buffs you get, but you also don't drop off the meters if you roll poorly.Their weird RtB vs SnD fixation gets weirder every time they talk about it. They want to say RtB is the class fantasy and is untouchable, but then immediately talk about how they want to continually buff the ability that removes the class fantasy. Just remove SnD. RtB is more dynamic than combat ever was (and certainly more dynamic than Outlaw SnD). Tune that, not SnD.
At least they realize the mistakes with the always useful output legendaries versus situational and utility ones.
He talked about not wanting classes to feel like they needed the right legendaries to keep up, with the solution being to nerf those legendaries slightly but bring up baseline power.
Right idea. Why is the opposite happening with Outlaw? Nerfs to Blade Flurry and Stratagem, and the powerful DPS legendaries that you already need to be competitive are getting significant buffs.
It may have been a mistake to make legendary items that always increase throughput. Items like Sephuz would have been very exciting in the past, but it is no longer exciting because of the alternatives you have, such as the Fire Mage bracers.
Greater Blessing of Might is a failed design.
Destruction lost something with being unable to generate partial Embers.
The team will continue to tune legendary items so you don't feel that you aren't viable without one, such as the legendary braces for Unholy.
Yup. It's weird. Shrink the variance for RtB and you still get the slight variances in rotation depending on what buffs you get, but you also don't drop off the meters if you roll poorly.
With the current system, especially now that people have 4+ legendaries, it is getting to the point where you are gambling on your class even being accepted to a raid guild based on what legendaries you have, because if you don't there is certainly someone else they can recruit that does have it.
people keep saying this
if a guild is determing apps by what legendaries they have, it's a douchebag guild anyways.
- Greater Blessing of Might is a failed design
Greater Blessing of Might is a failed design
Greater Blessing of Might is a failed design
Greater Blessing of Might is a failed design
Greater Blessing of Might is a failed design
Greater Blessing of Might is a failed design
Greater Blessing of Might is a failed design
Greater Blessing of Might is a failed design
Greater Blessing of Might is a failed design
Greater Blessing of Might is a failed design
Greater Blessing of Might is a failed design
Greater Blessing of Might is a failed design
Greater Blessing of Might is a failed design
Greater Blessing of Might is a failed design
Greater Blessing of Might is a failed design
Greater Blessing of Might is a failed design
Greater Blessing of Might is a failed design
Greater Blessing of Might is a failed design. The thought was to capture some of the hybrid element of the class, but at the same time the team was nervous about balance.
- If you are buffing someone significantly by being there, can you do the same amount of damage as a pure DPS class? If the answer is no, a lot of people might not want to sign up for that. If the answer is yes, you are just better than everyone.
- The team tried to credit the contribution of the Paladin to the Paladin, which resulted in whoever got the blessing being unhappy. The Paladin isn't happy either, so no one is happy.
- The team hasn't come up with a good solution for Patch 7.1.5, but they will continue to work on it and scrap it for a better design.
Haven't people been telling them this since Alpha...
Haven't people been telling them this since Alpha...
Eventually they'll learn that players actually know what they're talking about sometimes, right?Same with the Warlock issues. The feedback has existed for a year. They just assumed we were wrong.
Wanting to play to your character to its maximum potential to clear difficult content does not make you a douchebag.
Whatever floats your boat, m8.Like I said
if a guild denies an applicant because they don't have a legendary, they're a douchebag guild.
Like...if you're going to buff SnD to be an actual 'viable' alternative, the instant it gives more throughput (on average), a lot of people are going to switch.
Like I said
if a guild denies an applicant because they don't have a legendary, they're a douchebag guild.
people keep saying this
if a guild is determing apps by what legendaries they have, it's a douchebag guild anyways.
Eventually they'll learn that players actually know what they're talking about sometimes, right?