Perfect Cha0s
Did my first Kara clear on my pally and got the EoC off the last boss. Gotta keep this loot train a rollin'.
Can you start the Broken Shore scenario at lvl 98? I think you can but I can't recall. As much as I would like to do a clean loremaster sweep of Draenor PVE before moving on to Legion, I'm almost done Shadowmoon Valley and I'm already 95. I think I could wrap up Gorgrond and be 98 with all of the questing, events and treasures.
You absolutely can get mythic chests, I've been getting them for ages. Not sure on number of bosses, but last expansion it was two heroic clears and 1 extra boss? or 1 clear and 1 extra boss? Something like that. I almost feel like it might be based on your ilevel now but I could be way off, mine has been mythic since a couple weeks after the raid launched though.
I really hope I'm still able to play Enhancement in 7.1.5. It's a middle of the pack spec in most measures, but I've gotten a really good feel for that screwy priority list. Being out of place with refreshes really hurts when you get a random string of procs right afterwards, and it took me a lot of trial and error to figure out how to manage it.
I got the root pants today as my third drop. My guildies thought I was crazy putting them on instead of Spiritual Journey.. but the stats are optimal for Enhancement, the SJ effect is useless in raids, and the Roots effect does some good, hard work (works out to 32K HPS). It means I never have to spend my maelstrom on self-healing anymore.
though Apparently Asmongold became something other than a joke in the last month? That was news to me.
Wait can someone tell me what these mythic caches are? I missed this.
Just because they don't have tier doesn't mean they're "filler" raids. And even so, does that really matter? It's better that the first raid eases people in, especially after the tumult of learning all the specs/talents/early gearing/etc at the start of an expac.
I'm not sure what you're getting at exactly.
And Asmongold is a hilarious caricature. Take anything he says with a grain of salt.
So the guy who downed mythic raids faster then your guild and has progressed faster then you is somehow a joke? EN and ToV again are filler raids and majority of classes gear isn't BiS from either, so overall my point still stands to get the best gear in the shortest amount of time you just don't raid.
Specifically the raid one is what we were talking about. Just to clarify further.These thingies.
My server is starting to get to a point where multiple core guilds are having problems getting 20 people to log in regularly for mythic raiding.
I have no idea how we managed 40 back in Vanilla.
My server is starting to get to a point where multiple core guilds are having problems getting 20 people to log in regularly for mythic raiding.
I have no idea how we managed 40 back in Vanilla.
Guild got mythic spiderbird down, considering how absolutely horrible we are at the heroic version of that fight I was kinda baffled that we killed it relatively easily. We're 3/7 now and got some pulls on dragons. Unless we stop running heroic EN (which we won't - too many people only log in on Tuesdays and we don't like making them sit) it's going to get tough to progress farther than we are just due to lack of time. Thankfully we always have plenty of folks on to do what we need to do.
I had some decent luck with Nythendra and walked away with 880 versions of her frost/shadow relics. Already had an 895 frost relic from her. Need to figure out how to change your relic in simulationcraft although I'm fairly certain her shadow relic is far better than the runic power on obliterate one I have, even considering I have the Koltira belt.
Here, I assume you are frost like I am
Wow it's way above everything else. Too bad high level Frost versions of Ambidexterity relics don't really exist yet, I'd need crazy titanforge luck I guess.
But yeah I was thinking along the lines of testing whether my legendary would affect those results, but that's because I misread the tooltip on ambidexterity. I missed the part where it was buffing obliterate. Based on my own DPS logs (that show my offhand oblit/frost strike damage) it's pretty clear that's an upgrade. Considering how close I am with our other DKs I'll take any edge I can get.
Also on the subject of legendaries I'm getting suspicious that they messed up the bad luck protection 'fix' for people with 4. I know a few very active players that have been stuck at 4 for a long time, myself included. I don't want to get all conspiracy theory but so far the two big tin foil hat theories ended up being totally correct.
Devilsaur Shock Baton WQ is up in the US.
Good luck casters, and may the Titanforged proc be with you.
Devilsaur Shock Baton WQ is up in the US.
Good luck casters, and may the Titanforged proc be with you.
I guess it was a fluke they gave it to me once on my paladin, because all they ever offer now is the Impact Tremor.
While it is possible to start Legion content at 98, I would not recommend starting before 100. The scaling is completely wonky. I could not complete my first artifact quest at 98, I simply do not have strong enough damage mitigation (ice shield disappears after one or two hits), enough health and can't do enough damage quickly. The last boss on the artifact quest basically kills me in three to five hits. Back to Draenor to speed through junk until I'm 100.
Recently did it at 98 on my mage, seemed fine for the most part.
I got RNG trolled pretty bad this weekend. Did a lot of Battlegrounds, won most of them, but still don't have the shaman vindictive glad shoulder transmog I want. I have every other piece of the set.
Also, it's great that Horde can actually win AV now after years of it being like 90% ally wins. AV popped more than any other BG by a wide margin and we managed to win at least half of them. It's a fun time.
I literally could not complete the final boss fight in the artifact quest. It was like being a low-level player in an Invasion going up against the raid boss. I would die in two or three hits once ice barrier was gone (which lasted one hit) and my two interrupts were on CD. I couldn't do much damage even with 4 arcane charges and then I would burn through mana at an insane rate. In some fights I would be trapped with zero mana, waiting for invocation to come off CD. it was rough.
It was doable in everything leading up to the void prince fight because with greater invisibility I could get Azuregos to face-tank a lot of stuff for me. On my own I literally do not have enough damage mitagtion or health to last long and certainly couldn't burn anything down quick enough. Maybe it would've been doable if my mage-looms were leveled up to 100 but in Draenor quest greens it was rough.
Our guild that me and my best friend created three months ago just collapsed because of that reason. We couldn't even progress through H EN despitr achieving it previously in an old guild from start of legion. People just refused to pay attention with mechanics or just not bother improving. There were about five of us that actually were "good" and we've now splintered off to create a core 10 group with strict wants from raiding that hopefully can allow us to progress.My server is starting to get to a point where multiple core guilds are having problems getting 20 people to log in regularly for mythic raiding.
I have no idea how we managed 40 back in Vanilla.
I tried some artifact quests at 98 and they are rough. Like, stay in Draenor til 100 rough.
When Legion was in beta, I made a point of trying the quests in shitty "I've just dinged 100" gear and even then they were way harder than they should be.
I literally could not complete the final boss fight in the artifact quest. It was like being a low-level player in an Invasion going up against the raid boss. I would die in two or three hits once ice barrier was gone (which lasted one hit) and my two interrupts were on CD. I couldn't do much damage even with 4 arcane charges and then I would burn through mana at an insane rate. In some fights I would be trapped with zero mana, waiting for invocation to come off CD. it was rough.
It was doable in everything leading up to the void prince fight because with greater invisibility I could get Azuregos to face-tank a lot of stuff for me. On my own I literally do not have enough damage mitagtion or health to last long and certainly couldn't burn anything down quick enough. Maybe it would've been doable if my mage-looms were leveled up to 100 but in Draenor quest greens it was rough.
The mage class hall is pretty awesome. I think I like it more than the Paladin Order Hall and that seemed like it was the high point out of the few classes I've tried.
The Shaman hall is amazing. The portal is right next to the Dalaran flight point, it's compact and easy to navigate, there's a totem puzzle game, and you have portals to old instances if you want to farm some sweet Cataclysm transmogs.
I did have heirlooms, not all of them but a few. Also leveled that character just through the bonus quests and a few targeted quests here and there (to open things like garrison abilities to kill rares etc).
The Shaman hall is amazing. The portal is right next to the Dalaran flight point, it's compact and easy to navigate, there's a totem puzzle game, and you have portals to old instances if you want to farm some sweet Cataclysm transmogs.
The Shaman hall is amazing. The portal is right next to the Dalaran flight point, it's compact and easy to navigate, there's a totem puzzle game, and you have portals to old instances if you want to farm some sweet Cataclysm transmogs.