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World of Warcraft |OT9| People still play this? Isn't it from 2004


I feel like the only way to actually influence a battleground is to be a healer and play Horde. No goddamn healers ever. When I was still on my druid that's what I did and I won BGs singlehandedly.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Asmongold's guild is like the exact same tier as mine at the moment. I'm currently what I would consider 'casual'

I hate to break it to you, there are people in TOP guilds, that are jokes too. Asmongold has literally laways been a joke character. His persona is intended to be humorous and not serious. He also is a second tier raider within his own guild, he doesn't even get brought to most things.

Since you place such value on that, why not go find Sco and ask him if he thinks it's filler based on the lack of a tier set?

I mean, at this point it's clear you're in your own little bubble and nobody else agrees with you, so I probably shouldn't bother to respond, but it's just SO damn baffling that I can't help it.

Specifically the raid one is what we were talking about. Just to clarify further.

It doesn't even matter whether whoever the hell that is is in a better guild than someone who disagrees with him because how good your guild is is completely irrelevant to whether EN and TOV are "filler raids because they don't have tier gear."

The entire argument is so nonsensical I don't even know how it got this far.
I forgot how much of a pain in the ass AoE can be in Legion and how it seems you can aggro all of the surrounding wildlife if you're not careful.

Edit: Ha, neat, Aluneth will randomly draw from sources of arcane energy that you can just stumble across in the world, buffing your arcane damage by 2% in the Broken Isle.

Is my awfulness really this much of a game changer? I'm trying to complete a PVP quest (which of course has a fucking "Win" condition, thanks Blizzard) to get a few honor tokens so I can buy some old armour for transmog reasons. I have to win 4 PVP matches of any kind. Now, I am not a seasoned PVP player, nor can I call myself any good at all at it, I just want the stupid armour.

So far, I am up to 10(edit) rounds, 9 lost. I am starting to give up completely, are my teams this bad or am I dragging everyone down by being a complete tosser? Even in teams of 40 people?

The worst part is this always constant crave from Blizzard to "Win" in this quest, the same in Hearthstone. I just want a Honor token or two to get some old dank armour that isn't even in season, can't I just have a participation trophy for even bothering to begin with?

My advice is, if you can't find a couple of people to group up with, is just play a set number of matches each day. Like only play 3 matches and if you win one, stop for the day.


Last hidden appearance color left to unlock is the 100 dungeons one. I'm guessing the fastest way to knock this out is spam Heroics with a tank queue?


Is my awfulness really this much of a game changer? I'm trying to complete a PVP quest (which of course has a fucking "Win" condition, thanks Blizzard) to get a few honor tokens so I can buy some old armour for transmog reasons. I have to win 4 PVP matches of any kind. Now, I am not a seasoned PVP player, nor can I call myself any good at all at it, I just want the stupid armour.

So far, I am up to 11(edit) rounds, 10 lost. I am starting to give up completely, are my teams this bad or am I dragging everyone down by being a complete tosser? Even in teams of 40 people?

The worst part is this always constant crave from Blizzard to "Win" in this quest, the same in Hearthstone. I just want a Honor token or two to get some old dank armour that isn't even in season, can't I just have a participation trophy for even bothering to begin with?

You...you do get participation trophies in pvp? Sorry that the quest is wins, but it's not like pvp doesn't give you things and you have all week to do it. Similarly, the dungeon quests also require you to win.


Just got my second legendary on my main, and I'm probably the envy of my guild, haha (though that doesn't say much, there's only like 6 of us. They're starting to get legendaries too).

Norgannaon's Foresight. As an arcane mage, having the chance to be able to cast Arcane Missiles or Blast while moving is quite lovely.

Would've liked the Exodar ring one if only because TIME WARP ALL THE TIME. But I'm happy.


You...you do get participation trophies in pvp? Sorry that the quest is wins, but it's not like pvp doesn't give you things and you have all week to do it. Similarly, the dungeon quests also require you to win.

I get Honor points. Stuff I could get from doing World Quests assaulting Warden Towers instead. Sometimes I get Artifact Points, something I could also get by engaging in less harassing World Quests that are more consistent. Wooptiefreakingdo. I want something tangible for the pain I endure trying to play the PVP, not stuff I can get from everywhere else and from more fun stuff.

Also, the dungeons are by comparison not nearly impossible. I've done many dungeons by now and succeeded in all of them, however, in PVP I have a 8 match loosing streak where Alliance players are just raking points in while my Horde fellows seems to struggle heavily. You don't think that is experienced as being somehow a bit different than from a PVE setting?

What I wish is that instead they could have the quest say "Play 4 rounds of Battlegrounds" and you get a small bag of Honor tokens, that would be fine with me. I don't need many, the winners can get many more than me, but I want something for even bothering being their punching bag.


semen stains the mountaintops
How the fuck does Might work? I put it on 3 people 2 times right before the boss fight and after the fight I see my might did no damage and none of the people that I put it on have it. This shit always happens, too, is there something I'm missing?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
How the fuck does Might work? I put it on 3 people 2 times right before the boss fight and after the fight I see my might did no damage and none of the people that I put it on have it. This shit always happens, too, is there something I'm missing?
Someone else probably overwrote it.


I like Mark of Honors description

"A common currency"


Not as bad as calling Sallow Pigment "commonly found while milling." And marks were common... during 7.0 before Legion launch. Why they changed that I still don't understand.


Not as bad as calling Sallow Pigment "commonly found while milling." And marks were common... during 7.0 before Legion launch. Why they changed that I still don't understand.

Wasn't there no such thing as Honor Points or Conquest Points, during that period? Or am I tripping?


People called Romanes they go the house?
Just had my hand at returning to try and fish out the corrupted ashbringer shard.

150 casts later (and then looking up the 2-4k+ some people have needed to do to fish it up), and I've come to the conclusion someone at Blizz must be keeping Ghostcrawler's hatred of Ret Paladins alive and well.

One of the dumbest things I've seen WoW implement.


Guarm would be doable without too, but it'd be a lot tougher. As it is you're probably going to need to be able to kill him with some deaths late in the fight. The nerf last week helps of course too.


semen stains the mountaintops
We're not mega hardcore, we barely got 7/7 mythic 2 weeks ago but it's still kinda annoying to see so many people just slacking. It's bringing down the whole group.

A handful of us only do mythics while the rest only log on to raid and barely do AP WQs.


Wondering if I'll hit 25 AK before the end of the Christmas break. I'm close (20), but might not keep the collection/renewal up properly over Christmas.

There's been no indication from Blizzard about further levels of *knowledge* beyond 25 in the short term, have there? I've been sitting on a couple of very high-AP quests, and I'm looking forward to polishing them off and catching up with the Suramar/Nighthold sequence. Given less play over Christmas, I can probably postpone until after that, and I'm hoping then I'll be 25 and guaranteeing the best benefit from them.


Since I've reached the point where I'm feeling less motivation to log on, I thought I'd post my assessment of the expansion so far from a very casual point of view (someone in a dead guild who doesn't raid or do mythics, only engaging in the most basic aspects the game has to offer).

Some stuff in Legion has been great, addressing some big issues from WoD. Mainly I'm talking about World Quests. I consider World Quests a very successful addition to the game, giving people like me something to log on and do once reaching cap for some tangible rewards. The World Quests range from fun to forgettable, but they are usually quick affairs so it never feels like they overstay their welcome and the rewards mostly always hit the worthwhile range. The % to completion ones are a bit in a weird spot, because while the WQ variant completes pretty quickly (something like 6% to 8% per kill, with some exception like the falcosaurs ones), the introductory ones done when leveling up complete at such a slow pace (2% per kill or something) I do wonder if two different devs implemented them.

Class Halls are a bit of a fail as far as I'm concerned. Some of them look cool, some of them look lame but all of them are a waste of time to navigate for one reason or another. The Hunter Class Hall, which is one of the lamest imo, is compact enough to get in and out when it's time to check follower missions or interact with the artifact forge but then you gotta navigate all around if you have to pick the artifact knowledge item or get the expendable followers or do Class Hall research. Still it's no Warlock Class Hall, which is tied with the Demon Hunter's one as the worst one to get in and out of for me. So much time wasted that at some point I'd prefer a simple menu to select things.
Cutting back on the number of followers and making expendable ones has been a great idea to avoid the problems of WoD, but then, even with less followers, they stuck with limits on how many you can have. Why? If you want us to only have 5, then only make 5. Don't make 7. Don't force me to remove followers if I want to keep sending them on missions while at the same time asking me a fee to get them back.

Artifacts are a cool concept but the implementation feels a bit of a miss to me.
First, the color variants being unlocks. I'm of the idea the unlocks should be new aspects only, not color variants. It's one thing to repeat the same tasks on different characters to unlock new, cooler aspects, it's another to repeat doing 200 WQ, killing 1000 players or doing 100 dungeons to unlock some color swap.
Then there is the Artifact Power issue. They wanted to gate artifact power gains so people couldn't max their artifact right away, which is understandable, but then they made it feel so grindy and a chore that I reached a point where I didn't feel like doing the AP World Quests on my alt because the gains are too little compared to how much AP is needed to reach the next level all because Artifact Knowledge isn't high enough. Doing a dungeon and getting... 1200-1300? AP items from bosses at AK 16 feels offputting when I need 200k+.
Having to wait for level 110 to start researching Artifact Knowledge is fine on the first character to reach cap, but on alts it feels tedious.
The 10/15/20 AP items feels useless even when starting out with your artifact at level 1.
When it comes to artifact power and the unlock of traits I feel like they forgot to ask themselves is this fun?, but that's just me.

Legendaries in Legion are a total miss. From how you obtain them, to how some are good and some suck and it's all blind luck if you'll get one and if it'll do something for your character or if an item 60ilvls lower is gonna be better because of secondaries distribution.
I'm not sure what they were thinking here. If they wanted to do it like D3, then these legendaries should have been dropping quite more often and not just from some activity but even by killing a bunny.
Did I like having to grab all those pages for Khadgar just to burn them in WoD? Nope, but at least there was a bit of a story to getting a Legendary in the past. In Legion, I just keep hoping my emissary cache will give me one instead of the usual useless 835ilvl item and that's that. The only story attached to these legendaries is the blurb in their description.

I thoroughly dislike what they did to Professions. The rank stuff is a complete miss. It doesn't improve the items you make, it simply removes materials, some of which should have never been in the recipe at all. Then there are quests which reward the same rank the vendor in Dalaran gave you for 25 gold.
For gathering professions it's even worse. I've played two character up to 110, both are miners. Only one of them has a rank 3, for Leystone Deposits. I kept mining, and mining, and mining but rank 3 never pops. Before it popped for Leystone Deposit on my Paladin I started to wonder if it was bugged because at that point I had 2k ores gathered, mining any nodes I came upon while doing my WQs.
This whole randomness isn't really all that engaging or fun. I'm not sure what they were going for here, but it's kind of useless to put 6 different kind of mining for only 2 types of ores and then making it ranked.
I thought professions in WoD sucked and yet with Legion they made me miss it.
Well, at least they didn't make craftable stuff you could only wear 3 of. I guess that's an improvement.

All in all, I have enjoyed Legion more at cap compared to WoD, but I had more fun reaching cap in WoD (though Mists of Pandaria is still the best expansion as far as I'm concerned).
More NPCs I liked in WoD compared to Legion (like Kaz the Shrieker, I loved her craziness), plus most of Legion's cutscenes lack direction for my taste, making the voyage from 100 to 110 not as rewarding. The only really good one has been the Horde one at the end of Broken Isle, when Sylvanas gets nominated Warchief (and not just because I like Sylvanas but because it felt better directed and focused to me) and that was before Legion officially released.
One example of what I didn't like, the Val'sharah stuff. Malfurion turning in a pidgeon and flying off, with no one saying anything until he's gone, then Ysera comments on how he stormed off and we should follow him because he's in danger... then why the hell no one stopped him or tried to?
The whole corruption of Ysera also felt lackluster. She can feel the corruption but she couldn't feel or see that corruption shard being thrown at her. Man, if only Deathwing knew how easy it was to corrupt the other aspects, just throw a red shard at them and voila.


funny seeing people talk about not having 35 traits as 'slacking' when I'm in a guild that brings some that do under 200k to mythic.

hell I've run mythic+ nonstop since they put it in and I don't have a 35 yet. I've had to split my AP though. Really feeling Blood falling behind now that I'm focusing harder on Frost. Sucks that having an offspec at all basically gimps you permanently, although this specific point in time is probably the worst of it because I could have the 35 trait if I wasn't splitting.


I've been splitting my time and AP between Arms and Prot, and I've got my prot just 1m AP off trait 35, and Arms is at 29.

Level 20 AK.


Yeah, I thought the calculations showed that if you were maxing out your ap gain every week, the difference between only having one spec and having two was one trait level? Due to how the xp requirements scaled up?


Yeah, I thought the calculations showed that if you were maxing out your ap gain every week, the difference between only having one spec and having two was one trait level? Due to how the xp requirements scaled up?

My Blood artifact is 31 and Frost is about 33.75. Most of my AP comes from mythic+, each run we get around 80-110k at AK20. I've got at least another week or two at my current rate before I can get the 35 trait for Frost if I pump all AP into that weapon and I simply don't have time to farm more.

Meanwhile until I get there I have to take shit from ret paladins who squeak ahead because people keep dying and giving them buffs.
Mostly kidding but our dumb Guarm strat was to sacrifice a shaman to the cleave gods to get that buff up during bloodlust.


Wasn't there no such thing as Honor Points or Conquest Points, during that period? Or am I tripping?

Every win gave a mark of honor during that span. I assumed that would continue; if I had known they would become so obnoxious to get, I'd have farmed a bunch then.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I got an 880 Arcanocrystal and went to turn in the emissary and it gave me the rage refund legendary Warrior gloves. Sometimes lucky I guess.


Speaking of currency, how many Curious Coins do y'all have? Anyone close to the 150 for the Arcadian Turtle mount?

(I have 1)
My vengeance weapon is 28.5 or so, besides the 35 in havoc. I didn't straight beeline towards 35.

And I think I have 7 or 8 curious coins at this point in time.

Also only have two specs, but I doubt I'd have put much into a 3rd if I had one.


Speaking of currency, how many Curious Coins do y'all have? Anyone close to the 150 for the Arcadian Turtle mount?

(I have 1)

I think I got my 10th last night. I've done more mythic+ than anybody I know and I've raided since raids opened.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm pretty okay about logging in to cash in AK, but I have done very little in the way of farming AP. I think I'm at 25 for Outlaw and like 30 for Assassination.

The whole corruption of Ysera also felt lackluster. She can feel the corruption but she couldn't feel or see that corruption shard being thrown at her. Man, if only Deathwing knew how easy it was to corrupt the other aspects, just throw a red shard at them and voila.

In fairness, she wasn't the Aspect anymore. She's just the most powerful Green Dragon now.


Speaking of currency, how many Curious Coins do y'all have? Anyone close to the 150 for the Arcadian Turtle mount?

(I have 1)
ive got 30, all from mythic plus and weekly chests

I got an 880 Arcanocrystal and went to turn in the emissary and it gave me the rage refund legendary Warrior gloves. Sometimes lucky I guess.

you are the chosen one this day.

i still have 3 legendarys while being 35 traits in 2 specs, slay me.

quite sure the blp was reset at some point or at multiple points as i have had 3 since week 1 mythic EN and spam mythics on a pretty hardcore level, meanwhile i know ppl with 6 and multiple with 5 at this point though said people for sure run more than i do especially in the last 2 weeks or so.


Still don't know anybody with 5. Bunch of us have been sitting at 4 since before they said that they were turning bad luck protection on for people with 4. My mythic+ group doesn't spam as hard as we used to, we basically get ourselves a +12 and call it for the week. Especially during a shitfest like necrotic/raging.


Mostly kidding but our dumb Guarm strat was to sacrifice a shaman to the cleave gods to get that buff up during bloodlust.

WHAAAT. Let me in your guild. We run with 2 ret paladins myself included. I always offer 10k gold to anyone who dies at the start of heroism for me.

sucks but they never do.


semen stains the mountaintops
Nagura was saying her guild thinks that each legendary has a different BLP and it gets harder as it goes on since no one in her guild have more than 4, it would lead you to believe that the 5th is significantly harder to get than the 4.

Which is pretty fucked up since it means you only really have 4 chances to get what you want and then you're fucked. I have 3 now and getting a 4th will probably take a really long time and there's a huge chance it won't be the helmet.
They clearly know J'im is the most desirable world boss as he has shown up three times and its for an extremely obvious reason...

Why not give every WB a chance to drop the trinket
Legion engineering kind of sucks. In Warlords of Draenor you could start crafting useful things almost immediately, and WoD engineering was incredibly useful before WoD Pathfinder was enabled. Goblin Glider was the MVP of Draenor. But it's not just the crafts in Legion or how they're gated behind questing because of "fantasy", it's how you actually make stuff. Rather than gathering mats, making widgets and combining the widgets to make items, toys, whatever, I'm gathering mats and buying widgets off of vendors. Some classic engineering crafts were like that, guns, but most had you doing all of the work. It was a very self-sufficient profession. Most additional materials could be gathered with mining and, weirdly, fishing. WoD did simplify the widgets part by basically boiling everything down to being just gears combined with additional crafting mats but Legion seems to simplify that even further.

There's a couple of items, mostly silly, some goggles and then it's all in on Reaves, which I'm not at a point in my profession to be able to evaluate yet. In WoD I was making useful things from the start, in Legion I can make some googles for transmog, a repair station (which is useful), and a wormhole teleporter for use in Dalaran specifically.

Engineering is the one profession I legitimately enjoy in WoW because of the silly things you can make, the mounts you can craft and quality of life items that made leveling so much better. Now I'm considering dropping Engineering and Mining for Tailoring and Enchanting or something that makes more sense for a Mage and could maybe make some money.

TLDR: WoD engineering was immediately useful, Legion engineering is sort of just "there".

On an unrelated note, 6 more days of Wintersaber training and I can finally move my hearth away from Everlook.
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