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World of Warcraft |OT9| People still play this? Isn't it from 2004


Haven't played in a few months. Are warlocks still trash?

Middle of the pack, but capable of greatness in the right hands. Have a moderately geared one in my guild that consistently gets 3rd or 4th place just because he knows his shit.


Haven't played in a few months. Are warlocks still trash?

Their numbers are solid, Demo is amazing single target (and surprising great at Mythic + with right talents) and Destro is top on most cleave fights like Dragons and Odyn.

You just have to get past the gameplay, which I enjoy but I have been a Warlock main since I started. Most people dont seem to like it. It could use some changes. I have no idea why they made all 3 specs have the same resource after wanting spec diversity this expansion.

Is Demonology still the least fun spec to play though?

The gameplay hasnt changed. With enough haste, its ok to play but it is the exact same it was at launch.


Their numbers are solid, Demo is amazing single target (and surprising great at Mythic + with right talents) and Destro is top on most cleave fights like Dragons and Odyn.

You just have to get past the gameplay, which I enjoy but I have been a Warlock main since I started. Most people dont seem to like it. It could use some changes. I have no idea why they made all 3 specs have the same resource after wanting spec diversity this expansion.

The gameplay hasnt changed. With enough haste, its ok to play but it is the exact same it was at launch.

Lame. Back to ignoring WoW I go.


Managed to get my first hidden artifact skin. Unfortunately its for feral, the only spec I literally don't play at all. I don't remember the last time I specced into it before today to get the skin.

edit: Fucking hell, can't I get a single day without infinite loading times?

Yea feral is the only one I have as well. Sucks, because I would have the WQ and Dungeon variants unlocked already if I had it for Guardian... god damn Ursoc drop my shit already. Though I guess I could probably have the moonkin one if I bothered to run DHT at all to try to get the Sap. Resto one those dumb plants refuse to drop it.

Also, I wonder what causes that loading screen thing. I've never gotten it once, never had a loading screen >10 seconds this expansion, but so many people are affected by it. I guess I should just be glad I seem to be lucky.


Oh great i finished my last quest for my affliction artifact for my warlock and i didn't get the follow up quest and i am locked out the part since i thought i could reset it and go back to get it. Made a ticket and hopefully it will be fixed soon.
Oh great i finished my last quest for my affliction artifact for my warlock and i didn't get the follow up quest and i am locked out the part since i thought i could reset it and go back to get it. Made a ticket and hopefully it will be fixed soon.

As a warlock you need to understand that warlock tickets are not a priority, but they want to get to warlock tickets during this expansion. This go around, other tickets got most of the attention.


Hmm, these guardian druid changes on PTR will be interesting. Messing with rage gen and reducing artifact trait cost cut to ironfur is annoying, but blizzard has to be super careful with these tweaks. I still think I might gear my warrior up, just in case.


Hmm, these guardian druid changes on PTR will be interesting. Messing with rage gen and reducing artifact trait cost cut to ironfur is annoying, but blizzard has to be super careful with these tweaks. I still think I might gear my warrior up, just in case.

I'm not sure the Guardian changes will end up too bad, our rage gen was a little high for sure. And I use Brambles primarily now, but if the rage nerfs are too bad I would just swap to Bristling Fur/Blood Frenzy. To be honest, on most bosses I don't even use much AM, been using a lot of Maul for that 5% DPS gain... and this is even up to Mythic 10s. My real annoyance is the nerf of Gory Fur. A 15% chance to proc on an ability we already use only every 5 seconds or so, you can go a full minute without a single proc. But rare procs that are powerful can work, you just have to keep them powerful. A gold trait that both has a low proc chance and low effect is just annoying, makes me feel like a Brewmaster...
Can some one explain to me why ppl are clamoring over maw keys? is ti a really fast run or something?

12 minute run. Few pulls with no annoying trash save healers. Only difficult boss is Helya. Affixes aside from Tyrannical and Fortified don't change a whole lot.

You get the same amount of AP for a Maw run as a Halls of Valor run, and Halls is 10x worse.


12 minute run. Few pulls with no annoying trash save healers. Only difficult boss is Helya. Affixes aside from Tyrannical and Fortified don't change a whole lot.

You get the same amount of AP for a Maw run as a Halls of Valor run, and Halls is 10x worse.

On top of that, Tyrannical and Fortified don't really change too much either, aside from making the guy with the Lantern kind of tough on Fortified, though definitely no Nelth's Scorpion. Versus some other dungeons that can become nearly impossible at a certain level of Mythic+ on Tyrannical/Fortified. But really it is just that it is such a fast run that people like it, but sometimes they take it too far to the extreme. I've had a DPS leave our group after a +2 Maw when we got a +5 Darkheart that we could easily 3 chest because he wanted to gamble on finding more Maw runs. Almost guaranteed that we finished our DHT before he finished his next Maw.


Yep, DHT even wiuth the fix is about the same length as Maw and has WAY less groups trying to do it. It's gotten more popular lately, but for my money it's the right zone to pick. You can just chain DHT all day and Maw can take a minute between runs. Plus, there are groups that will carry like ANY 2-5 or 2-6 key, but if you can do 7-9 keys there are a lot of abandoned DHT keys at that level and the AP gain is MUCH higher. Maw everyone can carry any level so you get stuck taking lower keys more often.


I'm slowly plugging away at Valarjar rep for my fury warrior alt to eventually hit exalted for the hidden appearance, but I got to wondering, I know it was said that maybe Dreamweavers needs to be exalted as well. Anyone know if that's true?


semen stains the mountaintops
Joined a "carry" group where the tank died to almost all packs, so an easy 3 chest ended up only being 1 chest and just barely.


Then it ended up being Halls, so, fuck my key this week.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
So Volcanic spawns under the rocks/land in EoA so you can't see it at all, fun.

Tab targetting continues to frustrate with how broken it is.
tab targeting has always been fine for me

when there's multiple enemies, usually adjusting the camera to the enemy you want to target and tabbing will focus on the enemy near the center of the screen

people know that right
Level 88 and 1/4 of the way through Un'Goro Crater. Once I blast through Sithilus I don't wanna do Vanilla questing again for a very long time. I can't wait to be in a garrison again.


tab targeting has always been fine for me

when there's multiple enemies, usually adjusting the camera to the enemy you want to target and tabbing will focus on the enemy near the center of the screen

people know that right

You're one of the lucky few. I've had tab target switch me to something off screen around the bend in the next hallway over (biggest culprit is in Maw right when you get out of the cages), and I've certainly had times where I would've pulled a full extra group with tab target if I wasn't out of range because it chose a mob from the next pack despite there still being 10 mobs alive in the current pack. You can kind of force it based on camera but like I said I've had tab target ignore this as well, but honestly if you are in melee range of 6 mobs, tab should never select something you aren't in combat with and aren't in range of, but it absolutely does.

I should switch to scan targetting, but as tank it feels more precise but a bit too slow, even hitting tab 6-7 times is faster than scan because I'm used to it.


Yeah, tab targeting hasn't been working right for me for a while now. It always picks stuff in the background instead of the mobs hitting me in the face, no matter where my camera is pointing at.


So my pet project of "make a character who does every quest in every zone in every expansion while reading all quest text" has come to a grinding halt having hit WotLK. Surprisingly, Vanilla and TBC weren't too bad, but I really dislike WotLK questing, and at the same time remember it more vividly than Vanilla or TBC. Just seems that so many quests have a random quest item with a 15 second timer, or require some dumb vehicle. Kind of sucks since I just need to finish Howling Fjord and Storm Peaks to get Loremaster title finally, but I just can't push myself to do it. Weird how so many people call WotLK their favorite expansion, and it just might be my least favorite of all. Funny because it contains my favorite raid of all time (Ulduar) but to me Naxx, ToC and ICC were such failures of raids even Ulduar doesn't save it. At least ICC has redeeming qualities but heroic Putricide and Sindragosa were just not fun and heroic Lich King might be the worst fight ever created in WoW during progression (pick one random raid member every 20 seconds and have the entire attempt ride on their ability to realize they are the target of an ability within 0.5 seconds, super cool)


Honestly, tab targetting is rarely as good as just clicking on things even when it works right, and it's one of the things that REALLY seperates FF14 from wow - accuracy when clicking on nameplates and mobs in the world is very high in wow, if you're frustrated with tab I 100% recommend just getting used to clicking mobs nameplates. It's good practice for tanking too (where tab targetting is even less useful).


semen stains the mountaintops
Any Ret means know of an addon that helps out with Might? Might seems to be glitchy as fuck and randomly drops off people I set it on, and unless I'm constantly rechecking them, I never know when it drops off. Something yelling at me when I don't have it on 3 people would be cool.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
tab targeting has always been fine for me

when there's multiple enemies, usually adjusting the camera to the enemy you want to target and tabbing will focus on the enemy near the center of the screen

people know that right

It hasn't worked correctly since Legion, it'll target mobs in packs miles away and through walls instead of any of the 6 in front of you that you're currently fighting. I've had to resort to installing Kui Nameplates and I'm now clicking the plates which just feels foreign and clunky, but I like the plates a lot in general.


When I came back for Legion I was astonished at how awful tab targeting had become and I'm surprised to see anyone suggest it works at all.

Clicking nameplates feels slow as hell, but at least it's accurate.

Isn't Ungoro still a 45-55-ish zone?

It is. I'm leveling through dungeon queuing, dailies and...*shudder*...archaeology while I played through all of the Vanilla zones for the questing and exploration achievements as well as earning a bunch of Vanilla faction reps.

Do you just have to murder hundreds of thousands of Bloodsail pirates to hit Exalted with the Steamwheedle Cartle? I've done literally every quest you can, even a random one in Orgrimmar as an Alli, and I'm only at Honoured with all four hubs.


It is. I'm leveling through dungeon queuing, dailies and...*shudder*...archaeology while I played through all of the Vanilla zones for the questing and exploration achievements as well as earning a bunch of Vanilla faction reps.

Do you just have to murder hundreds of thousands of Bloodsail pirates to hit Exalted with the Steamwheedle Cartle? I've done literally every quest you can, even a random one in Orgrimmar as an Alli, and I'm only at Honoured with all four hubs.

Yes. It's one of the rep grinds from vanilla. I'm not sure if there even is a point in grinding that rep outside of going for the Insane in the Membrane achievement.


No One Remembers
Are there any alternatives to WarcraftLogs or is that the best data exporter?

Not at all.

Warcraft Logs has taken over as the current de facto logging site.

Ask Mr. Robot tried, but Warcraft Logs beat them slightly and overall had better analytical features so they sunsetted that service.


semen stains the mountaintops
Man, I think I need to drop Engineering after having it for, like, 5 years. The nitro-boost got completely ruined in WoD when they made it significantly slower in raids and made it share a CD with pots, on top of gliders being able to be sold and then nothing new and cool in Legion.

With all the raids and mythics I do, I'm burning through my flasks like a motherfucker, so I'm thinking I gotta drop Engi for Alchemy.
I'm also excited for this reusable Reaves battery.

That being said, isn't there really no draw back to dropping professions now? They have books that let you re-learn everything.


I pretty much can never give up Engineering on any character now. They've kind of destroyed the nitro boots and glider, but honestly I never used them that much, always forget to add a glider to my belt so its never there when I need it. But just the mailbox alone makes it a must have profession to me. That combined with a Loot-a-Rang that works in Legion, and Jeeves to access my bank anywhere, plus an AH in Dalaran are conveniences I've grown too accustomed to to ever give up. And the cherry on top is the teleportation items. I'm addicted to items that let me quickly move around the world for various reasons, be it old raids for mounts/transmog or old world areas for dailies to get rep. The Northrend one is great for farming Uld/ICC for mounts, or if you are doing the Argent Tournament stuff that plus the tabard means you never have to fly back after those quests that send you across the continent. Area 52 teleporter is snazzy for farming Ashes of Alar.

tl;dr Engineering has like 10 different QOL improvements for me that suck to live without, even discounting nitro boots and glider, so every toon I have is an engineer.


semen stains the mountaintops
The only thing I really use is jeeves, nitro, glider and the mailbox, and it's mostly just nitro and glider and they've ruined both.
I never thought I'd say it but after grinding my way through all of the Eastern Kingdom and Kalimdor I am so glad to see that Tanaan Jungle intro sequence again. Just a few zones away from Legion now.


I get a little editing kick whenever I see a typo that's been in a while.

I only just noticed that the larger abominations in the warden PVP areas are "Sninkwind Hulks" instead of "Stinkwind Hulks."
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