He was changed in 7.0 to take tons of extra damage from adds. Even using the video methods I see online now doesn't seem to work. He always seems to pick up aggro, and all techniques advised to drop aggro don't work for me. Sigh. Group Finder works though, thankfully. Always people who want to go and make it even faster.
Trying to complete the Trial by Fel Fire quest is absurd. It will cost me nearly 20K to buy the crafted gear off of the AH. I've got a lvl 100 priest that's a tailor, a level 100 Monk that's a scribe, I could ditch inscirption for Leather Working and a level 102 Paladin with Jewel Crafting I could ditch for Black Smithing but I don't have the time, or paitience, to level all of those toons up just so I can funnel some crafted gear to my mage to complete one quest. This 815 crafted gear would be selling for next to nothing if order halls were similar to garrisons.
What's gated behind this quest? Is it worthwhile?
I don't play with alts much but I gave a lil spin on my lvl 100 Arcane Mage today and holy shit it feels clunky to play compared to Windwalker/Brewmaster. Definately need to get used to that.
First impression there is nothing fun about the spec/class (I haven't tried frost or fire). None of the abilities are satisfying or fun to use unlike Fists of Fury/Dragon Punch ect.
Man, I wish Razorgore was more easily soloable. Fack.
what i do is stand right below the orb on the ground level, click the orb, destroy 3 of the eggs that are nearest to my character, then run razorgores face into the wall up on the platform and wait for the Mind Control to expire. be sure to be ready to click the orb as soon as it expires, and dont do anything funny with the camera, just watch his ass the whole time.
i stay there for 3 casts, then after the adds stop spawning, resume to destroying the eggs as quickly as possible
i think the key to the strat is being on the ground level and clicking the orb from there, less likelihood of aggroing onto razorgore. last time i did it a few adds aggroed and i just killed them with the slash and melee attacks (dont do the volley)
In Siege of Orgrimmar, is there any way to skip Immerseus and kill the rest of the bosses?
Did we know Havi's identity before 7.1?
I'm doing Stormheim quests again on an alt leveling up, and Haviturned into Odyn at the end of the chain, before granting the quest to go to Halls of Valor for the first time. I thought the first time we saw him turn into Odyn was doing the quests in 7.1 that lead to the Trial of Valor raid?
Man that sounds like a lot of waiting! I've done BWL maybe 30 times since 7.0 hit, on 8-9 different classes, and all I do is go to the top, kill the 3 dudes and MC Razegore by clicking from the top, kill as many eggs as I can, dismiss-reclick when the channel is almost over, destroy as many eggs as possible, dismiss-reclick and kill the last 2-3 eggs. Always takes just over 2 full channels to get the eggs, and he always ends between 30 and 70% HP depending on the class I'm playing (a healer with an instant cast heal can break the channel by casting the heal on him and he will gain HP from it). Never had a try where I at all needed a strategy or he was at risk of dying, wonder why it is different for some people.
If you guys are like me and love doing transmog runs of old instances buy this stuff, it changes the damn game! http://www.wowhead.com/item=133576/bear-tartare
Depends if you're doing Mythic or not. On Norm/Heroic(/Flex? whatever it was called back then), you can extend a lockout with Immersius dead on an alt, and since it is a boss lockout you can use group finder to zone in with your main and clear it that way. But unfortunately Mythic is a typical lockout so you have to clear him every time. I've never wiped to him, but man is it a boring fight. Though honestly the whole of SoO is a very tedious zone to solo.
Obliterum. Worthwhile depends on what you do with it.
I don't play with alts much but I gave a lil spin on my lvl 100 Arcane Mage today and holy shit it feels clunky to play compared to Windwalker/Brewmaster. Definately need to get used to that.
First impression there is nothing fun about the spec/class (I haven't tried frost or fire). None of the abilities are satisfying or fun to use unlike Fists of Fury/Dragon Punch ect.
As an Engineer, I see nothing worthwhile in the late-game crafting that's worth spending 20K for, but that has more to do with Legion Engineering than the late-game crafting. I think I'm just going to bail on Mining and Engineering on my Mage and go with Enchanting and Tailoring, shift the mining mats to my 102 Paladin, level it up and make it a Blacksmith. That would save me 12K-13K.
Legion Engineering just is nowhere near as useful as it was in WoD.
Was hoping to clear it on mythic for the achievements but that's not happening. Guess I'll try what you said about normal.
how do you prevent the adds from killing him? ive basically done what you said before and kept dying.
i am a hunter, so i cant heal anything...
the waiting isnt so bad, its only like a 5 minute fight overall and the rest of the dungeon is a breeze other than the smokey room
how do you prevent the adds from killing him? ive basically done what you said before and kept dying.
i am a hunter, so i cant heal anything...
the waiting isnt so bad, its only like a 5 minute fight overall and the rest of the dungeon is a breeze other than the smokey room
FYI for Razorgore, as long as the mind control 'unable to click' debuff is gone, as soon as he starts getting attacked you can just look over to where your character is standing, and re-clicking the orb drops his aggro table for a while.
Meanwhile, your 100-110 character takes like zero damage.
Even past Immersius, Iron Juggernaut is the real cockblock of mythic SoO, I had to buy every consumable and try really hard to down him on an 882 ilvl Guardian druid, he was hitting me for ~1 million damage every 5 seconds after 1:30 into the fight.
Oh, wow. Guardian is what I'd be using as well and my ilvl isn't as high as yours, so I'd have no chance, lol. Hopefully they adjust that raid for soloing in the near future.
Welp, my guild is downing H ToV after those nerfs tonight.
I need to fill in for one of our raid tanks soon so as a Blood DK I'm glad to see the spear nerf. It was basically a 'fuck death knights in particular' mechanic.
Got my 2nd legendary within like 3 days of my 1st. Granted, it was the Balance boots, which is probably one of the worst ones. 1st was the fel essence ring which is pretty good. Got the ring from a random treasure chest in stormheim and the boots from mythic weekly chest.
I've not been playing Legion very long so can't even use for the stats yet as I'm quite a ways away from being able to even start the 2nd legendary research.
I've been wondering if there will be catch ups for that part of the time gating for alts.
Unless Blizz is also fiddling with the Legendary % drop chance as another 'catchup' mechanism, I don't necessarily see why there'd be any reason for them to change either that or the 3rd trait grind. AK knowledge is a long grind, but the other two are built into the class hall questline, and as such, I see them being a little more hesitant to change.
Theoretically, the 2nd legendary isn't gonna come any faster for people otherwise - some may get lucky like others did at launch, but others (most?) probably aren't gonna get two before two weeks.
Even past Immersius, Iron Juggernaut is the real cockblock of mythic SoO, I had to buy every consumable and try really hard to down him on an 882 ilvl Guardian druid, he was hitting me for ~1 million damage every 5 seconds after 1:30 into the fight.
Honestly I'm not sure what is different when we do it. I've done it many times on my hunter, and I just did it again now to check and I finished the last egg with him at 53% HP, right at the end of the 2nd channel. I just went to each egg and used the ability to kill them, didn't hit a single other ability the whole time, didn't use anything on my hunter but clicking the orbs. Nearly every mob would walk up to Razegore, hit him once, then run over to my hunter. Do you use Razegore's other stuff like the fireball or the sleep? I don't use any of that, but it shouldn't matter, I had over half HP left when I finished.
Barely matters tho since like you said doing it your way doesn't add too much extra time.
Its one of those fights where mechanics make it much harder to solo than other fights in the instance. Without tank-swapping like intended, you get debuffs that stack more and more to crazy levels. At 2 minutes in, he swaps phases and the crazy stacks drop, so you either have to kill him in ~1:30 (takes something like 450k DPS sustained?) or survive massive damage for around 30 seconds to get him to change phases. Similar to how Durumu was quite hard to solo last expansion I guess, had to either kill him super fast or somehow survive the healing debuff.
Really digging the new Christmas music in Orgrimmar.
This fortnight's archaeology reward isn't too shabby.
Holy shit
Can I do archaelogy shit on a 105?
Sadly not, you need to be 110 to get the Legion quests.
It takes over a month to get the 2nd legendary research though. That one specifically and the one before it are 14 and 12 days IIRC. And they're prohibitively expensive for the most part to get going.
Man, some people. They put 840 as the minimum ilvl, are missing a tank and I sign up with 845. Decline. The same happens with two more groups. So while none of them get a tank, I make my own group and fill it up within 2 minutes.
This fortnight's archaeology reward isn't too shabby.
They probably either got a higher geared tank or waited 2 minutes to find one. You get the same message either way.
The Balance Boots are better than you think. Being able to self-Ancestral on call is big on any fight w/ significant surviability issues.Got my 2nd legendary within like 3 days of my 1st. Granted, it was the Balance boots, which is probably one of the worst ones. 1st was the fel essence ring which is pretty good. Got the ring from a random treasure chest in stormheim and the boots from mythic weekly chest.
I've not been playing Legion very long so can't even use for the stats yet as I'm quite a ways away from being able to even start the 2nd legendary research.