Damnnn sub tokens sure did skyrocket? Went to resub yesterday and said 59k gold for a sub...don't even have that much 
Try going up to 8 PO stacks on the first set. Should not be getting 4 set of adds. As far as splitting the raid, I don't think we're doing that, we're sending maybe 5 people over to deal with the add and the rest of the raid sticks with the boss, not 100% sure if this is true on every add though.So my guild is currently struggling on Chronomatic Anomaly. I feel like we're doing something mechanically/strategically wrong over any numbers issue. Numbers-wise I guess the question would be whether to 4 or 5 heal it.
But besides that, how exactly do other groups here handle the encounter? We've tried splitting into two evenish groups, also tried stacking one side and leaving another with just a tank, healer, and one melee to interrupt. Also with pushing the phases - amount of time before interrupting the boss we've tried different things.
No matter what we do, we don't make it past that 3rd or 4th set of adds. Our best attempts end at like 18%, at which point everyone dies to something or another. Some have suggested we vantus rune, but an extra 3-5% damage (+ whatever reduction) across the board isn't going to bridge a nearly 20% gap. I'm confident our DPS just isn't shit, but that we're screwing up something in regards to add management or how long to stay in certain phases.
I can link some logs later if it would help.
got the legendary fury warrior cloak today
my first dps leg hells yeah
got the legendary fury warrior cloak today
my first dps leg hells yeah
Thoughts? Which is the most fun to play?
Monks. I'm biased but Monks. Warlock if ranged.
Agreed on monks. I love how monks, windwalker at least, feels this expansion. It felt kinda clunky near the end of MoP and through most of WoD, but with the mastery change and new talents, god I love it. It flows together so well.
So, I have a DK and a Druid to 110.
Options for next toon to level are:
Thoughts? Which is the most fun to play?
So, I have a DK and a Druid to 110.
Options for next toon to level are:
Thoughts? Which is the most fun to play?
So, I have a DK and a Druid to 110.
Options for next toon to level are:
DH - really fast and fun, not a lot of buttons to push feels really arcadey sorta. But overall it can be fun.
Rogue - I am leveling one..outlaw is okish but Assassination is better at least to me even for leveling
Pally - Also leveling currently with retribution i don't know it feels so damn squashy even for a plate armor class
Hunter - Mine is still stuck at level 94 on another realm, i still need to level him up so don't know how it feels right now from WoD to Legion
Monk - Windwalker feels great, really really fun when doing a combo of your attacks you can kill multiple enemy's at once, you should try it!
Warlock- Warlock is a bit of a weird place but i can say Affliction is the way to go,most damage output,most effective in healing yourself,easiest spec to level up. Use Demon Skin,Siphon Life,DoT on every enemy and go to the next. Demonology is just like others said not recommended. You need to maintain to much for damage keeping timers in sight for your demons and such. Destruction is good and fun also but it needs a damage boost.
Thoughts? Which is the most fun to play?
Damnnn sub tokens sure did skyrocket? Went to resub yesterday and said 59k gold for a sub...don't even have that much![]()
Grinded for Underlight Angler and the Brinedeep mount all day today. That's enough fishing for me for this whole expansion lol
Damn, I should really bother to get my order hall followers ilvl up on my alts, apparently, I've made 60k the past 3 weeks from order hall missions on my main alone. That would definitely end up being more income than garrisons ever were if I got some alts going. Its just so much harder to get a team of 5 maxed followers now though, because the ilvl upgrade tokens are so random.
I have 4 legendaries but the app tells me I have 2 fail.
Yeah, for some characters, this shit doesnt have any sort of logic or reason. My alt has 3 and has less kp than someone with 1.I have 4 legendaries but the app tells me I have 2 fail.
I have 4 legendaries but the app tells me I have 2 fail.
Sölf;229707063 said:According to this, I should have 3 legendaries. I have 5. :3
Yeah, for some characters, this shit doesnt have any sort of logic. My alt has 3 and has less kp than someone with 1.
Its pretty accurate for my main.
If it's anything like the garrisons, i believe the more alts you have, the rarer the gold missions are so it balance things out... am I wrong?
What luck? I average one legendary every month and a half. As far as im concerned, im tied to a timer, and I dont do emissary boxes. At this point I dont care about legendaries, and I know when im about to get one.Screw all you guys and your good luck. My main has enough KP for 4 and just barely got my third. Our healer is well over the KP for 3 and still only has one... But its like anything with statistics, it basically just uses an average of when people get their legendaries, but because of low drop rate the standard deviation is HUGE, so individuals will see wildly different results. Basically just a tool to tell you how lucky/unlucky you're getting when compared to the rest of the population.
Damn, I should really bother to get my order hall followers ilvl up on my alts, apparently, I've made 60k the past 3 weeks from order hall missions on my main alone. That would definitely end up being more income than garrisons ever were if I got some alts going. Its just so much harder to get a team of 5 maxed followers now though, because the ilvl upgrade tokens are so random.
what are kill points? according to this I have 500 kill points on my alt, which I have played for like 5 hours and my main has 1000 kill points which I have played like 500 hours
and what about the legendary item on the right?
What luck? I average one legendary every month and a half. As far as im concerned, im tied to a timer, and I dont do emissary boxes. At this point I dont care about legendaries, and I know when im about to get one.
My alt is all bullshit luck.
Just tells you how many you "should" have...
-there is another highest peak of all azeroth EVER this time we swear
It's a system some people came up with that seems to give a believable explaination for the bad luck protection, but it most likely is completely different than what Blizzard actually uses. Basically the assumption is it will always take twice as long each time to get your next legendary.
that's really odd because on my main I have 18 days played at 110 with 1000KP and on my DH I have 2 days played at 110 with 500KP, just doesn't add up to me.
First one was off a boss in Mythic Reg Maw, Zenk'aram (the VE helm), and was shitty, but still awesome since it was my first.
Second was Twins' Painful Touch, off the Dreamweaver Emissary, which was incredible, since it dramatically changed up my gameplay and AOE power for M+ runs before the 7.1 changes made all SPriests decent at AOE. I felt a HUGE rush of power.
And now, this, another great SPriest legendary:
(I really need a better img host than Imgur - thoughts?)
That's awesome, grats!
I really want those and the shoulders.