the artifact appearance quest is tough as fuck
Equipment Sets : ANGER
Edit: so the mage tower on Sargares is at 99%. It took around 5 1/2 days going at full speed with the presumed Max number of players that would be available because of the patch, and we'll get half that in uptime...interested to see how long it will take for the next one, and the next one, and the next.
Scenario is tuned for ToS gear so very few ppl will manage to get it.
Makes you wonder why everyone and their uncle was piling their resources into the Mage Tower consider only people ilvl900-ish have a shot at getting it.
Waste of time and effort, if you ask me.
the artifact appearance quest is tough as fuck
Yeah. What the fuck Blizzard. He has ton of health, has a move that can kill you in one hit. And I read this is just the first phase of many.
It's intended to be a challenge. If/when you get gear from Tomb of Sargeras it maybe slightly easier, but it's still intended to be a challenge like having to avoid the one-shot mechanics, use of CC and utility abilities, etc.
It's intended to be a challenge. If/when you get gear from Tomb of Sargeras it maybe slightly easier, but it's still intended to be a challenge like having to avoid the one-shot mechanics, use of CC and utility abilities, etc.
If it's supposed to be a challenge then Blizzard should've made it scale.
Test the player, not the gear.
If it's supposed to be a challenge then Blizzard should've made it scale.
Test the player, not the gear.
Pet battles are more unforgiving than Dark Souls.
I can't for the life of me beat the fucking Darmoon Faire pet battle daily. And when I look it up on Wowhead, of course people are recommending pets that you can't even get in the game any more.
Blizzard wasn't kidding about those challenges being tough, lol. Wonder how long it'll be until us casuals can finish them.
Well its 7.2 so is it tough or just broken? The only people I see finishing them are mythic raiders with 910+ equip
I'm assuming it's meant to be this way since Blizzard did say very few people would be able to finish it at first.
Also, I thought the Mage Tower was supposed to give a 30% buff to reputation?
The rep buff was one option it seems. Potentially changes each time you build the thing.
What we got was bonus AP items on dungeon and raid drops, which is why people are farming AP like crazy now.
So if I'm only 880 ilvl, I probably shouldn't bother saving Nethershards for retrying that artifact challenge? Sounds like I'd get one-shotted.
We will be monitoring region-wide contributions to all buildings pretty closely. If, down the line, we need to turn some knobs on our end it's something we should be able to do. Again, the topic is on our mind and we're watching to see how things play out.
Yeah, I'll probably just keep spending my shards on gear. Those gear tokens that cost 5K start at 880 item level which is a big upgrade for me in a few slots.I think you get one free attempt per tower duration, but otherwise, I wouldn't bother unless you've looked at preliminary guides, and have the required legendaries to help cheese things (one example being Ass rogues and will of valeera being mentioned on MMO-champ).
Makes you wonder why everyone and their uncle was piling their resources into the Mage Tower consider only people ilvl900-ish have a shot at getting it.
Waste of time and effort, if you ask me.
We're in the middle of the expansion at the moment. The second of three raid tiers opens up in a month or two.Stupid question, but is the game worth at the moment? I already have the base game, and there's a small discount on the expansion at the moment (at least in Brazil) and I was thinking about finally ending my curiosity with the game. Is the expansion already on the end cycle? Or is there more time until the next one?
I could be wrong, but I think it alternates between rep bonus or AP bonus when using AP items from dungeons or raids each time the tower is built. We got the AP bonus.Wasn't it supposed to increase rep gains as well, to help unlock flying faster? Not sure if that was removed though.
This guardian druid challenge is pretty rough, can't even find a video of anybody making it past the 1st phase. Oh well, i understand why it's tough, maybe just a little overtuned.
Stupid question, but is the game worth at the moment? I already have the base game, and there's a small discount on the expansion at the moment (at least in Brazil) and I was thinking about finally ending my curiosity with the game. Is the expansion already on the end cycle? Or is there more time until the next one?
Damn I got 7 legendaries and no bracers, I think I can still do it.
I wasted a ton of attempts then, was there any hint that opening with a disorient would remove the circle?
Reading more about it seems like it is very likely a bug, but one that most tanks can take advantage of. It is technically doable without using it but it takes specific legendaries (Balance affinity + Chest and you can fully hit from outside of the circle, Balance+Wrists and thrash can) but it is so much more work I couldn't recommend trying if you can just remove that part. Doesn't make it harder, just makes it more annoying and slower.
You were in Kib's stream last night right? Thought I saw you in the chat 😅Haven't got past like 70% on the first guy for the Havoc one yet holy shit.
You were in Kib's stream last night right? Thought I saw you in the chat 😅
Just make it a toggleable graphics setting and I'll be happy.Inky Black Potion is amazing!! Why is this not a setting or just permanent.
Night time in suramar without potion and with. What you like better?
Just make it a toggleable graphics setting and I'll be happy.
Inky Black Potion is amazing!! Why is this not a setting or just permanent.
Night time in suramar without potion and with. What you like better?
They just hotfixed, disorient opening does nothing now. That's gonna make it alot tougher I think.
So the class challenges are just massive gear/legendary checks? That's lame.
Was hoping it'd be like the Brawlers guild, like that floating head with he hexagone maze beam thing, more about skill than gear.
So the class challenges are just massive gear/legendary checks? That's lame.
Was hoping it'd be like the Brawlers guild, like that floating head with he hexagone maze beam thing, more about skill than gear.
Should not be a potion, wtf.