You're right, it could never be that it's supposed to be a hostile alien world and that there's not a problem with aggroing some mobs and running by them. Why does it matter if I'm training mobs behind me? Obviously it would be much more sensible for us to be completely impervious to the legion's might by simply floating 10 feet over them instead.
It's an MMO and there are groups for eVERYTHING in the group finder, it's a hardish endgame zone that is going to only get easier over time, not harder. Unless you're purporting that it's impossible to get around without constantly being dazed and killed (Which, as myself and others are pointing out, it is very much possible to do) then what's the issue? Dismissing arguments as people stanning for blizzard gets just as old as someone simply saying "Get good"
Here's my in-depth guide to not getting murdered riding around in hostile high level zones in wow, this is 13 years of experience playing this game speaking: Look at where mobs are, turn on names if you don't have them on (It makes it very easy to see what is hostile because of the red ass names over their head) and make very slight zigs and zags to skirt their aggro radiuses. If they aggro you, it's fine, just keep doing what you're doing. Unless you run directly through them, they likely will not hit you or dismount you. The only places this is not true are the MOST densely populated areas, which are generally intended to be done by groups. For example the shadow area in western Mac'aree - yeah, that's hard to run through and ignore mobs, you're not supposed to, they murder you fast. If you use your vindicator matrix abilities, you can even INSTANTLY save yourself from any mistakes once every 2 or 10 minutes. Similarly if you have trouble soloing named mobs, you can A) join groups. or B) press your warframe button and LOL all over them once every ten minutes. The notion that having a train behind you is bad is silly, they literally give you a 'who gives a shit' button from the intro questline to the zone, I spent last week training giant swaths of zones around, getting to where I wanted, and if they had not leashed (which is almost always) simply dropping light's judgement on them and being done with it.