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World of Warcraft

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Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Don't let yourself get outbid with DKP by people that have worked harder than you!


I just think its nice to be in a guild that just hands out stuff and it doesn't turn into a big gay quarrel over who got what. This way everyone gets what they want, and nobody has to worry. In a way i guess you could say its sorta like DKP b/c basically the first members obviously get the best gear first but with doing MC everyweek all those puples add up fast on the newer members. In terms of DKP you could go 5 months without crap, and yes i see what you mean someone that works harder gets the item, but how do they know what you've been doing before getting endgame, b/c my friend was looking for a decent guild for over 4 months, and had no luck with the temporary guilds beating more than two bosses in MC lol. Now they cut through all them in one night each week.
elitehebrew said:
I just think its nice to be in a guild that just hands out stuff and it doesn't turn into a big gay quarrel over who got what.
That's the point of DKP. There are no quarrels. It is already known who is getting what.
This way everyone gets what they want, and nobody has to worry.
This is how it works with DKP too. You're saying that somehow, in a non-DKP system, you're getting MORE loot than those in a DKP system, therefore everyone is getting what they want? And "no one has to worry" is seriously ignoring the feelings of those that have been with the guild from the beginning and losing out on deserved items to new guys who roll in and leech off the guild's previous work.
yes i see what you mean someone that works harder gets the item, but how do they know what you've been doing before getting endgame, b/c my friend was looking for a decent guild for over 4 months
Why should I care what your friend has been doing outside of my guild? As you said, his new guild can roll through MC in one night... it's because of the effort, time, and money of the people that have been with the guild from the beginning. He's a leech hanging on to a successful guild and getting all the rewards of those that have made the guild into such a machine.

In other words, you don't know what you're talking about, and suicide IRL plz.


I don't understand what elitehebrew is saying.

In a raid of 40 people, where at least 5 people want the same item you do, how do you just "hand stuff out" and NOT start a "big gay quarrel?"


elitehebrew said:

I just think its nice to be in a guild that just hands out stuff and it doesn't turn into a big gay quarrel over who got what. This way everyone gets what they want, and nobody has to worry. In a way i guess you could say its sorta like DKP b/c basically the first members obviously get the best gear first but with doing MC everyweek all those puples add up fast on the newer members. In terms of DKP you could go 5 months without crap, and yes i see what you mean someone that works harder gets the item, but how do they know what you've been doing before getting endgame, b/c my friend was looking for a decent guild for over 4 months, and had no luck with the temporary guilds beating more than two bosses in MC lol. Now they cut through all them in one night each week.

that's retarded...



I would like to share some pictures from a glorious event last night: the night Copperfield reached level 60 on Shattered Hand and became the first level 60 human warlock worldwide. Formal attire was required for this event, and I'm sure none of you have seen an event this populated with so much style.


The trail of the humbled.


Dirty night elves occupying my screen space.


Copperfield accepts my gift of a Snowshoe Rabbit. I gift wrapped it.


Copperfield compliments my attire about an hour before the event.


My guild, Rampant Fronting, takes a group photo in style.


Photos cannot represent the volume of people attending this event. The game reached its maximum of character models and would just blink people in and out of existence trying to show everyone. Many players on my Vent server were lagging, crashing or experiencing the worst frame rates ever. It doesn't matter... at least we looked good while it happened.


And finally, the moment we have waited a year for: worldwide first level 60 human warlock.


Loot whore alert!!!

Pics of 1.9 gear -well, the stats of said gear- have made their way to the internets.

It is the most jaw-dropping shit yet to be seen in WoW. There's going to be a new 5-piece epic set for every class, and they appear to beat Tier 1 and 2. There's a 130 dps 1-handed Mace FFS!


Yep, no shit. Here's stuff rogues be interested in. They're insane. That sword is phenomenal. Too bad, I bet it drops from the 40 man which my guild won't be for awhile (haven't even beaten rag or gone to BWL)

2 daggers in there

Blessed Qiraji Pugio (Dagger)
72 - 134 speed 1.7
60.6 dps
18 atk power

Death's Sting (Dagger)
101 - 152 speed 1.9
3 dagger
38 atk power


1 sword in there

Ancient Qiraji Ripper (1hsword)
114 - 213 speed: 2.8
58.4 DPS
+20 atk power


THat mace can't be real, it's a typo or something. A 1h mace that does 236-313 damage? That'd outdo all legendary weapons in the game right now. I'm chalking that up as an error on blizz's part. It's just waaaaaaaaaaaaay tooo outta place among the other weapons in qiraji and only classified as an epic. I'm guessing someone fucked up and either made it 1h by accident or added an extra 100 dmg by mistake.


It's an owl named Oreily that goes well with the auctioneer named Yarly.


Ps. So I guess this means the PvP'ers are screwed when the Ahn'quiraj equipped players come to battlegrounds. I won't bother mentioning the non-raiders.
Damn that new warrior set with all that agility were gonna be critting like crazy. I'm gonna have to gank that 130dps mace though...no druid should get this over a warrior


SaitoH said:
Ps. So I guess this means the PvP'ers are screwed when the Ahn'quiraj equipped players come to battlegrounds. I won't bother mentioning the non-raiders.

Eventually, the PvP rewards will be updated and PvPers will have to re-grind to the PvP rewards. It'll just be another hook to get people back playing again.


Ferrio said:
Yep, no shit. Here's stuff rogues be interested in. They're insane. That sword is phenomenal. Too bad, I bet it drops from the 40 man which my guild won't be for awhile (haven't even beaten rag or gone to BWL)

2 daggers in there

Blessed Qiraji Pugio (Dagger)
72 - 134 speed 1.7
60.6 dps
18 atk power

A quick note on the "Blessed" items. These items are supposedly quest rewards. All of the quests I've seen require a specific drop called Imperial Qiraj Regalia (I think) and Elementium Ore.


how do i temporarily suspend my account? i havent played in a couple months and i dont wanna pay if im not using it. but i do want the option to reactivate my account if i decide i want to. only option i saw on wow.com was "cancel account". will that let me reactivate?


Joe said:
how do i temporarily suspend my account? i havent played in a couple months and i dont wanna pay if im not using it. but i do want the option to reactivate my account if i decide i want to. only option i saw on wow.com was "cancel account". will that let me reactivate?

Yea, this game is awful with leveling incentives. I think it took me around 2 months to go from lvl 49 to 50. Maradaun makes things better now, but it's still a fucking bore.

Scoot, there's like 3 different categories of Blessed items, each requiring a certain regalia piece and 3 orez. 1.9 looks to rock total ass right now, I'm really digging the rep rewards. The whole "gear up the army" bit to go along with opening AQ has some insanely nice items.

Also, seeing as how this seems to be the place for whining about guilds and such, I've had something mildly interesting happen recently. We just had alot of our top players stolen from another guild that's seriously out to destroy us. Our GL totally pissed off a few of their members and the fuckers have held a grudge for forever. It's just kind of funny because the fuckers are a whole one boss ahead of us in BWL, so it's not like theres even much of a reason to leave.


Son of Godzilla said:
Yea, this game is awful with leveling incentives. I think it took me around 2 months to go from lvl 49 to 50. Maradaun makes things better now, but it's still a fucking bore.

Scoot, there's like 3 different categories of Blessed items, each requiring a certain regalia piece and 3 orez. 1.9 looks to rock total ass right now, I'm really digging the rep rewards. The whole "gear up the army" bit to go along with opening AQ has some insanely nice items.

Also, seeing as how this seems to be the place for whining about guilds and such, I've had something mildly interesting happen recently. We just had alot of our top players stolen from another guild that's seriously out to destroy us. Our GL totally pissed off a few of their members and the fuckers have held a grudge for forever. It's just kind of funny because the fuckers are a whole one boss ahead of us in BWL, so it's not like theres even much of a reason to leave.

Yay for guild drama :eek:
Hello everyone.

I just have a quick question. I've been really interested in this game for ages, but I have never played an MMO before. Is there a demo of the game that I could download so that I could try the game before buying it? I don't know anyone with the game.

I've been wow free for several months now, before pvp came in and when warriors were still a bit wonky. Pondering returning once my assignments are finished next week. Tricky


Well the 4th binding of windseeker dropped for our guild. That makes 2 sets of bindings (one for me, one for MT) within 4 months (at most) of MC runs. Blizz's loot system is fucked up if we're able to get those that easy but never see NS drops.
siege said:

That's hilarious. I always wished I would have had that happen when I played to see everyones reaction.

That's from my server. Just some added insult to injury, that was the first kill of Nefarion for that guild.


And I'm outta the game again. Until they release some progression for 5-10 man groups, and release some more aussie servers, and blood elves!

Coincidentally, I'm predicting that will all happen when the expansion is released!


siege said:

That's hilarious. I always wished I would have had that happen when I played to see everyones reaction.

What server? I bet there is drama on the forum I'd like to read.


Zaptruder said:
And I'm outta the game again. Until they release some progression for 5-10 man groups, and release some more aussie servers, and blood elves!

Coincidentally, I'm predicting that will all happen when the expansion is released!

Non-raider. Still playing, but dying for any progression. Decked out warrior and rogue (in a non-raider sense) complete with epic mounts, and now I'm working on a priest. I find Blizzard's vision for WoW very disapointing. I can't understand why they'd design a game so casual/solo friendly, but force everyone to join a big guild to raid for end game.

I'm not joining an uber guild to raid. Period. Give non-raiders some freakin' content. Jesus.


i'd like to give a little update. i quit the game back in june/july because i was burned out. i decided to start playing again when 1.7 was released a couple of months ago. i rolled on one of the new rp-pvp servers twisting nether. i joined a pretty small tight nit guild and lvld up quickly to 60 with my orc warrior. we've got about 25 lvl 60s at the moment, and are going to attempt zul gurub next weekend. at any rate i'm having a blast again. i think the break, really helped me enjoy the game again.

i really like the rp-pvp server, the user base seems to be more mature overall than my old server, ppl are more helpful for the most part, i really enjoy the community, even though the pvp is slightly lacking at this point, but i'm sure it will pick up as more ppl lvl up.

in other news, i finally got crusader on my reaper, and i'll be ready to starting pwning until i can get my hands on a purple 2hander

and AQ should be opening up for business next week, and from everything i heard it looks to be a lot of fun.

i've heard the 20 man AQ is very doable with a PUG, its supposed to be easier than ZG, so maybe this is the true next step up from UBRS. and the 40 man AQ is supposed to be between MC and BWL.

and linked auction houses FTW

and multiple BG qs, which is a very nice feature, its a shame it took blizzard so long to implement this


Hate this game, I play it for a few weeks until I'm burned, then cancel my account and then reactivate it. Now I'm feeling like I want to reactivate it and start a new toon again... I dont know yet..


Ramirez said:
There's only 3....one of which nobody ever wants to play so it's impossible to get a game.

The talked about having more PVP events in the overworld, though I guess it'll be some time before that gets fully implemented.


All 3 are played on my server...depends on the day though.There's only 3,yea,but what else could you ask for,you have the huge war like BG,the CTF BG, and a capture the base type BG...not much else I can see them coming up with aside from location/graphical changes in the instances themselves.


Unless by "time of day" you mean "Double Honor Weekend", it's pretty impossible to find a WSG game at high levels. It's a worthless BG anyway since the honor/rep bonus is meager and matches can take hours to complete.
There's only 3,yea,but what else could you ask for,you have the huge war like BG,the CTF BG, and a capture the base type BG...not much else I can see them coming up with
They can make new maps using the same game modes, or borrow other multiplayer mode from FPS titles (Counterstrike, Halo's Assault mode, etc).

Of course the obvious answer to "What other content can they add for non-raiders?" is 5 MAN INSTANCES for lvl60's. That way even non-PVP people would benefit.
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